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Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Trump stalks out on Democrats, demands end of investigations
By LISA MASCARO and tweeted his thanks for her
MARY CLARE JALONICK prayers but said he would
Associated Press not proceed down two
WASHINGTON (AP) — tracks — investigation and
President Donald Trump legislation.
abruptly stalked out of Democrats said his ultima-
a White House meeting tum seemed scripted, with
with congressional leaders signs declaring his inno-
Wednesday, flatly declar- cence already prepared
ing he would no longer for his outdoor remarks
work with Democrats unless that followed. Yet Trump's
they drop all investigations unease with congressional
in the aftermath of the spe- oversight and talk of what
cial counsel's Trump-Russia he called the "i-word" — im-
report. peachment — now threat-
House Speaker Nancy ens to deprive him of legis-
Pelosi called it all "very, lative accomplishments for
very, very strange" and said the remainder of his term.
she was praying for Trump President Donald Trump delivers a statement in the Rose Garden of the White House, Wednesday,
and the nation. Trump Continued on Next Page May 22, 2019, in Washington. Associated Press