Page 22 - HOH_Neat
P. 22
Saturday 10 November 2018
Crossing for hope
SAVANETA — On Sunday that offers support to can-
November 11th, 2018, five cer patients and works for
athletes from the Aruba the prevention of this unfor-
Dolphins Swimming Club tunate disease.
will swim from Venezuela
to Aruba and all for a good This event will take place at
cause called “Crossing for 7 AM on Sunday November
Hope.” 11th, 2018. It is estimated
the swim will take between
Davie Bisslik, Romar Arend- 9 and 12 hours of swimming
sz, Deaxo Croes, Stephan with the first swimmer esti-
Thijsen and the only lady mated to reach Zeerovers
among them, Wendy Kock, in Savaneta, Aruba at 3
will be taking the challenge PM. This will continue until
of swimming from Piedras all 5 swimmers have arrived
Negras, Falcon State in safely. This event also brings
Venezuela to Savaneta, the community together for
Aruba. This is a distance of such a historical moment in
28.5 kilometers under the the sports annals of Aruba, of drinks will be available a day for the whole family you to join this great cause.
guidance of Roly Bisslik who and relives the challenge on the different food trucks. to enjoy and at the same How? By supporting them
took this challenge back of 1988. There will be activities for time to support a great and making a donation
in 1988. This is an ambi- The event at Zeerovers, Sa- kids of all ages. cause. to the Koningin Wilhelmina
tious initiative by 5 talented vaneta will begin at 11 AM Music will be provided by Fonds. Donations can also
Aruban swimmers all with until 6 PM. While you wait Rincon Boys, Grupo di Beti- All 5 athletes have been be made to the bank ac-
hearts of gold with the pur- for the arrival of the ath- co, Gaita Los Paranderos preparing physically and count CMB 60078005; -
pose of collecting funds letes, you can enjoy many and Tsunami. You can buy mentally for this challenge Banco di Caribe 80710901;
and raising awareness for activities and mingle with souvenirs such as T-shirt, wa- and are determined to - Aruba Bank 2611450190,
Koningin Wilhelmina Fonds locals. A Great ambience, ter bottles, wristbands com- give their utmost to reach don’t forget to mention
– a non-profit organization some good food and lots memorating this event. It’s their goal. So now it’s up to Crossing for Hope.q