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P. 13
Thursday 29 december 2016
Invitation to book presentation of “Cicatriz di
Mirada” by Aruban author Angelle Stamper
This year poet Angelle place on the 3rd of January
Stamper launched her de- of 2017, at the Renaissance
but poetry book “Cicatriz di Marketplace starting from
Mirada” (Look full of scars) 7pm. During the presenta-
while being in the Nether- tion Angelle will be reciting
lands. Angelle is currently in various poems of her col-
Aruba for the presentation lection.
of her book, which will take Cicatriz di Mirada is a poet-
ry album containing poems
in Papiamento, English &
Dutch. The book is fully illus-
trated by photo’s taken on
Aruba by Angelle herself. In
the past Angelle has pre-
sented her poems at differ-
ent cultural events, art exhi-
bition and formal activities exhibition called Aruba Du-
in Aruba and abroad. She shi Tera. During the disclo-
has participated on various sure of the statue of Anne
occasions in the Papiamen- Frank in Aruba, Angelle pre-
to literary competition “Arte sented her poem “Freedom
di Palabra” (Art of Words) Within”.
on Aruba and Curaçao,
receiving prizes for second Everyone is kindly invited to
and first place on two dif- assist the presentation of
ferent occasions for her po- “Cicatriz di Mirada” by An-
ems “Garnachi di Speran- gelle Stamper at the above
sa” (Crumbled Hope) and mentioned place, time and
“Bo no mag di bay” (You date. After the presentation
cannot leave). Angelle has there will be a small book
received a recognition for signing session. Entrance is
being a young talent on the free. More information at
island, together with 25 oth- 6624003 or via cicatrizdi-
er young artists through an