Page 11 - AHATA
P. 11

                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 1 december 2018

             Honoring at the Renaissance

             Ocean Club

             ORANJESTAD — Recent-
             ly,  Darline  de  Cuba  of
             Aruba  Tourism  Authority
             had  the  great  pleasure
             to  honor  a  Loyal  and
             Friendly  visitor  of  Aruba
             as  Distinguished  Visitors
             &  Goodwill  Ambassa-
             dors. The symbolic hon-
             orary  title  is  presented
             on behalf of the Minister
             of  Tourism,  Transporta-
             tion,  as  a  token  of  ap-
             preciation  to  the  guests
             who visit Aruba between
             10-20 and more consec-
             utive years.

             The  honorees  are  Mr.
             Joe & Mrs. Missy Riddle,
             residents of South Caro-     over the island, the feel-  tificate  to  the  honorees
             lina and Ms. Sara & Ms.      ing  of  safety  and  the  and handed over some
             Silvia  Fernandez  Rive-     wonderful people of this  presents  to  them  and
             ra,  residents  of  Mara-    island.                     thanked them for choos-
             caibo,  Venezuela.  The                                  ing Aruba as their vaca-
             honorees  love  Aruba        Darline  together  with  tion  destination  and  as
             very much specially the      representatives  of  the  her  home  away  from
             beautiful  weather,  the     Renaissance       Ocean  home for so many years.
             variety  of  restaurant  all   Club presented the cer-   q
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