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Antilliaans Dagblad Maandag 1 oktober 2018 ADVERTENTIE 7
In re:
Chapter 15
conference to consider the efficient administration of the chapter 15 cases. The
ENNIA Caribe Holding N.V., et al., 1 Case No. 18-12908 (MG) Recognition Hearing will be an evidentiary hearing at which witnesses may testify.
(Jointly Administered) Any response or objection to the Petitions or the Recognition Motion must be (a)
Debtors in a Foreign Proceeding. filed electronically with the Court on the Court’s electronic case filing system in
accordance with and except as provided in General Order M-399 and the Court’s
Procedures for the Filing, Signing and Verification of Documents by Electronic Means,
RULE 2002 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION OF PETITIONS FOR RECOGNITION (b) delivered to the Chambers of the Honorable Martin Glenn, United States Bankruptcy
OF A FOREIGN PROCEEDING AND MOTION FOR AN ORDER GRANTING Judge, and (c) served upon (i) Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP, 450 Lexington Avenue, New
RECOGNITION OF A FOREIGN PROCEEDING York, NY 10017 (Attn: Timothy Graulich, James I. McClammy and Adam L. Shpeen),
(ii) each of the notice parties at the addresses set forth in the notice party matrix filed by
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on September 25, 2018, R.M. Hermans, Ph.D., the Foreign Representative at docket entry no. 8, (iii) all other parties that request notice
LL.M., M.Sc. (the “Foreign Representative”), the duly appointed foreign representative in the chapter 15 cases prior to the date of such service and (iv) all other parties that this
of ECH and each of the other above-captioned Debtors that are subject to the application Court may direct, in each case so as to be actually received by each of them no later
of noodregeling (which means “emergency regulations”) (“Emergency Regulations”) in than 4:00 p.m. (prevailing Eastern time) on October 16, 2018. If no response or
Curaçao pursuant to Article 60 of the Landsverordening Toezicht Verzekeringsbedrijf objection is timely filed and served, the Court may grant the Petitions and the Motion
(which means “National Ordinance on the Supervision of the Insurance Industry”) (the without further notice or hearing.
“LTV”) by order of the Court of First Instance of Curaçao (the “Curaçao Court,” and
the proceedings of the Debtors under the Emergency Regulations pursuant to such order, Copies of the Petitions and certain other pleadings filed contemporaneously
the “Foreign Proceeding”), filed (a) petitions for recognition of a foreign proceeding therewith are available by (a) accessing the Bankruptcy Court’s Electronic Case Filing
(the “Petitions”) under chapter 15 of title 11 of the United States Code, 11 U.S.C. §§ 101 System, which can be accessed from the Bankruptcy Court’s website at
et seq. (the “Bankruptcy Code”) and (b) the Foreign Representative’s Petition for an (a PACER login and password are required to retrieve a
Order Granting Recognition of a Foreign Proceeding (the “Recognition Motion”). document) or (b) emailing or calling Mary Prager at and +1
(212) 450-3509.
The Bankruptcy Court has scheduled a hearing before the Honorable Martin
Glenn in Room 523 of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of This announcement is not an offer for sale of securities in the United States.
New York, One Bowling Green, New York, New York 10004, on October 23, 2018 at Securities may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an
2:00 p.m. (prevailing Eastern time) to consider approval of the Petitions and granting of exemption from registration under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended. Neither
the relief requested in the Recognition Motion (the “Recognition Hearing”). At the ECH nor any of its affiliates intend to register any portion of any offering or conduct a
Recognition Hearing, the Court may order the scheduling of a case management public offering of securities in the United States.
1 Th e debtors in the chapter 15 cases, along with each debtor’s trade register number, are: ENNIA Caribe Holding N.V. (trade register number 63986) (“ECH”), EC Holding N.V. (trade register number 138313)
(“EC Holding”), ENNIA Caribe Leven N.V. (trade register number 36875) (“ECL”), ENNIA Caribe Zorg N.V. (trade register number 51811) (“ECZ”), ENNIA Caribe Schade N.V. (trade register number 63987)
(“ECS”) and EC Investments B.V. (trade register number 99988) (“ECI,” and, together with ECH, EC Holding, ECL, ECZ and ECS, the “ENNIA Group” or “Debtors”). Th e mailing address of the lead debtor in
the Chapter 15 Cases, ECH, is John B. Gorsiraweg 6, Willemstad, Curaçao.
Voortgang herstructurering ENNIA
Bekendmaking van de datum van de rechtszitting voor de behandeling van de juridische
erkenning in de V.S. van de bestaande noodregeling van ENNIA
Persbericht 2018-042
WILLEMSTAD/PHILIPSBURG - De Centrale Bank van Curaçao en Sint Maarten (“CBCS”) en ENNIA Caribe Holding NV en enkele van
haar dochterondernemingen (“ENNIA”) vragen juridische erkenning in de Verenigde Staten van de bestaande noodregeling van ENNIA.
Met deze erkenning kan ENNIA gemakkelijker beschikken over de activa van ENNIA in de Verenigde Staten waaronder de rekeningen op
naam van ENNIA bij de Amerikaanse bank Merrill Lynch. Op deze wijze worden de mogelijkheden verruimd om de herstructurering van
ENNIA tot een goed einde te brengen.
De CBCS en ENNIA hebben vernomen dat de rechtszitting voor de behandeling van de bovengenoemde juridische erkenning van de
bestaande noodregeling van ENNIA in de Verenigde Staten, plaats zal vinden op a.s. 23 oktober. De CBCS en ENNIA zijn ingevolge de
wetgeving in de Verenigde Staten verplicht om betreffende deze rechtszitting lokaal en in de Verenigde Staten een bekendmaking te
publiceren om belanghebbenden te informeren van de datum van de rechtszitting. In het kader hiervan is die bekendmaking geplaatst in dit
Zoals uit de derde alinea van de bekendmaking blijkt, hebben belanghebbenden de mogelijkheid om bezwaar aan te tekenen tegen de eis
van de CBCS en ENNIA. De wijze waarop een bezwaar kan worden ingediend en de uiterlijke datum waarop dat moet gebeuren is ook
beschreven in de derde alinea van de bekendmaking.
De CBCS heeft het publiek eerder al uitgebreid geïnformeerd over bovenstaand proces en de consequenties van de legale erkenning
gedurende de persconferentie die is gehouden op 26 september 2018.
De CBCS benadrukt nogmaals dat door gebruik te maken van de Amerikaanse faillissementswet niet wordt aangekoerst op een faillissement
van ENNIA. Het doel van de herstructurering is en blijft het verbeteren van de solvabiliteit van ENNIA. Naast de juridische erkenning van
de bestaande noodregeling in de Verenigde Staten zal ENNIA zijn activiteiten normaal blijven uitoefenen en zullen de pensioenen gewoon
worden uitbetaald.
Voor vragen betreffende de geplaatste bekendmaking, kan contact worden opgenomen via e-mail
Willemstad, 1 oktober 2018