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P. 13
CLASSIFIED Monday 29 July 2019
Slow lobster season so HEALTH
far in Maine, but price is DOCTOR ON DUTY
steady FOR SALE Oranjestad
Paradise Beach Villas Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
Tel. 527 4000
week 29, 2 bedrooms
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — those who are used to the $6,000 sat-sat
It's been a slow lobster sea- big, early catches of the week 30 1 bedroom San Nicolas
son so far in Maine, but the modern era, he said. $5,000 sat-sat IMSAN 24 Hours
lack of crustaceans isn't "We've got a whole gen- Pls call: 742 2576 Tel.524 8833
translating into high prices eration where they're used e-mail: Women in Difficulties
for consumers, and fisher- to making money by now. PHARMACY ON DUTY
men are still hopeful for a And those of us who have Oranjestad:
bump in catch this summer. seen it don't like it," Train _________________________________211529 Eagle Tel. 587 9011
The harvest of the valuable said. "Anything is possible, San Nicolas:
Centro Medico Tel. 584 5794
bottom dwellers in Ameri- but it's hard to make up six Women in Difficulties
ca's biggest lobstering state weeks of income." OTHER
is usually in full swing by One reason for the slow Dental Clinic 587 9850
July, but fishermen say they start could be the long, Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
haven't caught much this cold spring. Warm weather Urgent Care 586 0448
month. The season tends to tends to bring an early shed Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
pick up after many lobsters and thus higher catches, +297 588 0539
Women in Difficulties
shed their shells and reach but that has not been the EMERGENCY
legal size, and that hasn't case this year. The cooler
happened yet, fishermen year is happening amid a Police 100
said. The slow season hasn't long-term trend in the Gulf Oranjestad 527 3140
527 3200
caused prices to budge: of Maine of warming. Sta. Cruz 527 2900
Consumers are paying This year's slow start also San Nicolas 584 5000
about the same for live means an expected bait Police Tipline 11141
lobsters as at this time last shortage hasn't caused Ambulancia 911
year, when the crustacean much worry. Federal regu- Fire Dept. 115
catch was more plenti- lators are reducing the Red Cross 582 2219
ful earlier in the season. amount of herring that TAXI SERVICES
Wholesale prices are also fishermen are allowed to Taxi Tas 587 5900
slightly behind where they catch. That could make it Prof. Taxi 588 0035
were a year ago. Lobsters more difficult — and more Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
are still readily available to expensive — for fishermen Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
consumers, and numerous to load traps. The slow start A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
factors impact the prices has allowed fishermen to Women in Difficulties
they pay, including interna- hold on to resources until it TRAVEL INFO
tional demand and the size makes sense to use them, Aruba Airport 524 2424
of the harvest elsewhere. said Patrice McCarron, American Airlines 582 2700
The season so far is similar executive director of the Avianca 588 0059
to the lobster hauls veteran Maine Lobstermen's Asso- Jet Blue 588 2244
fishermen saw in the 1980s ciation. "Guys have been Surinam 582 7896
and '90s, when the boom in able to come into the fish-
catch typically came later, ery slow, save bait resourc- Women in Difficulties
said Steve Train, a lobster- es, fuel resources for what CRUISES
man based in Long Island, they're really going to need
Maine. It's frustrating for it," McCarron said.q
July 30
disney Fantasy
Freedom of the Seas
July 31
Monarch / Freewinds
Women in Difficulties
FAVI- Visually Impaired
Tel. 582 5051
Alcoholics Anonymous
Tel. 736 2952
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Tel. 583 8989
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Tel. 583 5400
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Tel. 524 8888
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Tel. 582 4433
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