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                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Monday 8 april 2019
            Reintroduced California condors                                                                                              HEALTH
                                                                                                                                         527 4000
            could reach Oregon                                                                                                      Imsan- San Nicolas
                                                                                                                                         524 8833
                                                                                                   For Sale By Owner:
            Associated Press                                                                       Casa del Mar                    DOCTOR ON DUTY
            MEDFORD,  Ore.  (AP)  —  A                                                             2 Bedroom/2 Bath                    Oranjestad
            plan  to  reintroduce  the                                                             7/1308($18,000);             Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
            California  condor  to  the                                                            7&8/1408($18,000/Wk.);             San Nicolas
            Redwood  National  Forest                                                              8/1113 ($17,000);
                                                                                                                                  IMSAN 24 Hours
            could mean the giant rap-                                                              8/1409($17,000);             Women in Difficulties
            tors will eventually repopu-                                                           9/1218($15,000);             PHARMACY ON DUTY
            late Oregon's Rogue Valley                                                             10/1207($15,000);            Oranjestad:
            as  well,  a  newspaper  re-                                                           11&12/1419($13,000/Wk.);     Paradera Tel. 588 6638
            ported Friday.                                                                         13/1509($13,000);            San Nicolas:
            Northern  California's  Yurok                                                          14/1308($13,000);and,        Seroe Preto Tel. 584 4833
            Tribe, the National Park Ser-                                                          15/1217($10,000).            Women in Difficulties
            vice  and  the  U.S.  Fish  and                                                        (Earlier weeks available)    OTHER
            Wildlife  Service  recently  is-                                             
            sued  a  detailed  plan  for   In this June 21, 2017 file photo, California condors huddle around   U.S. (860) 992-3890  Dental Clinic 587 9850
            the reintroduction in an en-  a watering hole in the Ventana Wilderness east of Big Sur, Calif.  _________________________________210950  Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
            vironmental impact report,                                            Associated Press                              Urgent Care 586 0448
            The Mail Tribune reported .                                                                                         Women in Difficulties
            The  reintroduction  in  Cali-  could be in the air over the  The  assessment  does  not                            EMERGENCY
            fornia's  Redwood  National  Klamath  River  next  year,  call  for  any  ban  on  lead                             Police           100
            Forest  could  also  lead  the  with  planned  releases  of  bullets  in  Oregon,  but  an                          Oranjestad       527 3140
            birds  to  return  to  parts  of  six  birds  a  year  over  20  unrelated  statewide  ban                          Noord            527 3200
            southern  Oregon,  which  years,  said  Tiana  Williams-  on  lead  bullets  goes  into                             Sta. Cruz        527 2900
            was once a part of the rap-  Claussen, a Yurok biologist  effect  in  California  in  July,                         San  Nicolas      584 5000
            tor's historic range.        and tribe member.            said Candace Tinkler of the                               Police Tipline      11141
            The  last  condor  sighting  in  "We  haven't  had  him  for  National Park Service.                                Ambulancia       911
                                                                                                                                Fire Dept.
            Oregon was in the town of  100  years,"  she  said.  "We  Lead  ingestion  from  eat-                               Red Cross        582 2219
            Drain in 1904.               continue  to  dance,  but  ing gut piles left by hunters,
            The  plan,  which  could  go  it's  very  important  that  he  along  with  poisoning  from                         TAXI SERVICES
            into effect as early as next  actually  comes  home  to  banned chemicals such as                                   Taxi Tas      587 5900
            year,  includes  the  caveat  Yurok  country  so  he  can  DDT, are two of the reasons                              Prof. Taxi    588 0035
            that  condors  would  be  directly  participate  in  our  condors landed on the en-                                 Taxi D.T.S.   587 2300
            listed under the federal En-  ceremonies."                dangered species list.                                    Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
                                                                                                                                A1 Taxi Serv.
                                                                                                                                              280 2828
            dangered  Species  Act  as  Analysis  during  the  assess-  Currently  lead  bullets  are                           Women in Difficulties
            "nonessential,  experimen-   ment  shows  that  condors  banned in condor country                                   TRAVEL INFO
            tal,"  providing  bird  protec-  should  do  well  in  North-  in Southern California.
            tion  but  more  flexibility  for  ern California as well as in  Thursday's  announcement                           Aruba Airport   524 2424
            landowners  than  if  classi-  the  Rogue  Valley.  "It's  ex-  came more than five years                           American Airlines 582 2700
            fied  as  endangered,  be-   pected that once they get  after a five-year study con-                                Avianca       588 0059
            cause  it  would  create  no  there  they  should  be  able  cluded  that  reintroduction                           Jet Blue      588 2244
                                                                                                                                              582 7896
            critical habitat for condors,  to do well and be able to  of  condors  was  promising
            authorities said.            use  the  environment  and  and  would  expand  the
            If  the  assessment  passes  move  around  and  get  geographic  scope  of  re-                                     Women in Difficulties
            muster  and  release  per-   what  they  need.  It's  just  a  covery  efforts  already  in                         CRUISES
            mits  are  secured,  condors  matter  of  finding  the  path  progress  in  Southern  Cali-
            hatched  at  the  Oregon  there in the first place," Wil-  fornia,  the  Southwest  and
            Zoo  in  Portland,  Oregon,  liams-Claussen said.         Mexico.q

            For Sale:                                                                                                           April 8
            Divi Links Golf                                                                                                     Freewinds
            1 Br WK 6 20 wk remaining                                                                                           April 9
            $9000. or Bo                                                                                                        Marella Explorer
                                                                                                                                Celebrity Silhouette
            Email:                                                                                                              Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                AID FOUNDATIONS
            ________________________________210932                                                                              FAVI- Visually Impaired
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582 5051
            Psychic Jane McDonald
            reunites loved ones removes                                                                                         Alcoholics Anonymous
                                                                                                                                Tel. 736 2952
            negativity calls enemies names                                                                                      Narcotics Anonymous
            reveals lovers faithfulness.                                                                                        Tel. 583 8989
            Solves all problems.                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
            Guaranteed results call USa                                                                                         Tel. 583 5400
            0018178343890                                                                                                       Centre for Diabetes
                                                                                                                                Tel. 524 8888
                                                                                                                                Child Abuse Prevention
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582 4433
                                                                                                                                Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                                                General Info
                                                                                                                                Phone Directory Tel. 118
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