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Thursday 24 January 2019
Celebrate our Dia di Betico with Us!
ORANJESTAD - Tomorrow, Friday
January 25th, the island will have
lots of festivities that honor the late
pro-autonomy political leader Gil-
berto Francois (Betico) Croes. He
helped the island attain the Status
Aparte. Croes sadly lapsed into a
coma after an accident on 31 De-
cember 1985 (the night of Status
Aparte) and was never conscious
to see his accomplishment. He is
called the father of the Aruban na-
tion. Aruba was allowed to func-
tion as a commonwealth within the
Dutch Kingdom and Betico is hon-
ored for this outcome since 1989
by celebrating the Dia di Betico.
The official holiday features per-
formances, sporting events and
games throughout the island. Aru-
ba Today presents a selection of you a good idea of Oranjestad. dacion Museo Arubano will give ing competitions. At Rancho Bello
the events that take place on this The tour takes 2 hours and focuses you more information. Amanecer the amazons of Aruba
festive day. primarily on the city center with the and Curacao will surprise you with
neighborhood Rancho as heart of Sports their elegance riding on these
Official Ceremony & Cultural Mani- it. The first tour starts at 9 AM, the beautiful and gracious animals.
festation second at 11 AM, both with the Play some Chess Please check out their Facebook
The protocol program for the hon- starting point Centro di Actividad The Aruban Chess Federation will page: Org. Caballista Arubano.
oring of Betico Croes is a nice event Rancho, Koningstraat 38. More in- organize a Chest Tournament in
to go to. The governor of Aruba as formation on Facebook: Stichting the light of Betico Croes day. Three Run for Betico
well as the government with spous- Rancho. categories scan participate: Chil- The famous Betico Croes Memorial
es will be present in their attire dren below 12 years old, children race is a walk or run that is great
dress code. This will take place at Musea below 18 years old and an open for participants as well as for spec-
the Plaza Libertador Betico Croes The Historical Museum (Fort Zout- category with all ages free to par- tators. You may choose between
on Vondellaan at 9 AM. End of man at Oranjestad), the Museum ticipate. The first category only walking or running 6 or running 10
the afternoon you can enjoy the of Industry (San Nicolas) the Com- plays on Saturday, the second day kilometers in the beautiful land-
cultural manifestation, performed munity Museum (San Nicolas) and of the tournament. The tournament scape of St. Cruz and surroundings.
by several local artists. This will be also Carnival Euphoria Exhibition starts at 9 in the morning and will The start point is at the Centro De-
between 6:30 PM and 11:30 PM, (San Nicolas) open their doors at end approximately at 2 PM. There portivo Libertador Betico Croes (St.
same location. Drinks and food are this special day between 10 AM to will be prices to win, please step Cruz) at 6:00 AM. Take Note: 10K
provided by the different stalls and 6 PM. by. More information on Facebook it’s only for runners.
there will be a kid’s corner for the An assortment of drinks, snacks Aruba Chess Federation. All participants MUST pre-register
little ones. and more will take care of your in- online AND pay at IBISA to be-
ner needs while you enjoy some of Horse Riding Competition come a participant of the event.
City Walk our local culture. Performances by The complete weekend you will Pre-registration online alone will
Foundation Rancho organizes a local artists and artisans are on the have the opportunity to visit a local not secure your spot. More infor-
very nice walking tour that will give program. The Facebook page Fun- ranch and admire some horse rid- mation: Facebook IBiSA Aruba.q