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BUSINESS                 Monday 9 SepteMber 2019

            China's trade with U.S. shrinks as tariff war worsens

            By JOE McDONALD                                                                                                     billion  of  Chinese  imports
            AP Business Writer                                                                                                  and  plans  to  hit  another
            BEIJING  (AP)  —  China's                                                                                           $160 billion on Dec. 15. That
            trade with the United States                                                                                        would  extend  penalties
            is  falling  as  the  two  sides                                                                                    to  almost  everything  the
            prepare  for  negotiations                                                                                          United  States  buys  from
            with  no  signs  of  progress                                                                                       China.
            toward  ending  a  tariff                                                                                           Beijing   responded     by
            war  that  threatens  global                                                                                        imposing duties of 10% and
            economic growth.                                                                                                    5% on a range of American
            Imports of American goods                                                                                           imports.  More  increases
            tumbled  22%  in  August                                                                                            are due on Dec. 15 in line
            from  a  year  earlier  to                                                                                          with the U.S. penalties.
            $10.3  billion,  customs  data                                                                                      U.S.  tariffs  of  25%  imposed
            showed Sunday. Exports to                                                                                           previously on $250 billion of
            the  United  States,  China's                                                                                       Chinese goods are due to
            biggest  market,  sank  16%                                                                                         rise to 30% on Oct. 1.
            to $44.4 billion.                                                                                                   China  has  imposed  or
            Both  sides  have  raised                                                                                           announced  penalties  on
            tariffs on billions of dollars of                                                                                   an  estimated  $120  billion
            each other's imports in the                                                                                         of U.S. imports. Some have
            fight over complaints about                                                                                         been  hit  with  increases
            Beijing's  trade  surplus  and                                                                                      more  than  once,  while
            technology  development       In this Aug. 6, 2019, file photo, a woman walks by a money exchange shop decorated with differ-  about  $50  billion  of  U.S.
            plans.  The  United  States,   ent countries currency banknotes at Central, a business district in Hong Kong.       goods     is   unaffected,
            Europe,  Japan  and  other                                                                         Associated Press   possibly to avoid disrupting
            trading  partners  say  those  shows how unlikely a trade  in August from $27 billion a  must  be  lifted  once  an   Chinese industries.
            violate  Chinese  market-    deal  and  de-escalation  year earlier.                   agreement  takes  effect.    Beijing  also  has  retaliated
            opening commitments.         have  become,"  said  Louis  China's  global  exports  fell  Washington   says   some   by  canceling  purchases
            U.S.     and       Chinese  Kuijs  of  Oxford  Economics  3%  to  $214.8  billion,  while  must stay to ensure Beijing   of  soybeans,  the  biggest
            negotiators  are  preparing  in  a  report.  "Meanwhile,  imports  were  up  1.7%  at  carries  out  any  promises  it   single U.S. export to China.
            for talks in October. Despite  the global trade weakness  $180  billion.  For  the  first  makes.                   The  Chinese  government
            that, the two governments  looks  set  to  linger,  which  eight  months  of  2019,  Trump       and     Chinese    has  agreed  to  narrow  its
            escalated     their   fight  will  continue  to  weigh  exports  were  off  1%  from  President     Xi    Jinping   trade  surplus  with  the  U.S.
            on  Sept.  1,  imposing  or  on  demand  for  China's  a  year  earlier  and  imports  agreed  in  June  to  resume   but is reluctant to give up
            increasing   penalties   on  exports."                    were down 5.6%.              negotiations,      though    development  strategies  it
            billions of dollars of goods.  The  conflict  has  disrupted  China's global trade surplus  neither  side  shifted  its   sees as a path to prosperity
            President  Donald  Trump  trade      in   goods    from  rose 25% from a year earlier  position.  Talks  in  Shanghai   and global influence.
            plans   another   increase  soybeans      to    medical  to $34.8 billion.             in  July  ended  with  no    Some    analysts   suggest
            Oct. 15.                     equipment,        battered  Exports  to  the  European  indication of progress.        Beijing  is  holding  out  in
            Chinese exporters also face  traders  on  both  sides  and  Union rose 3% from a year  The governments agreed to    hopes    Trump   will   feel
            pressure  from  weakening  fueled  fears  in  financial  earlier to $38.3 billion.     meet  again  in  September   pressure  to  make  a  more
            global consumer demand.  markets        of   a   global  U.S.-Chinese  negotiations  but that was postponed to      favorable   deal   as   his
            That  hurts  efforts  to  find  economic slowdown.        broke  down  in  May  over  October. They have yet to     campaign  for  the  2020
            markets  to  replace  the  China's  politically  sensitive  how   to   enforce   any  announce a date.              presidential  election  picks
            United States.               trade  surplus  with  the  U.S.  agreement.  Beijing  says  Washington  imposed  15%   up. Trump has warned that
            "The  tit-for-tat  escalation  narrowed  to  $31.3  billion  Trump's   punitive   tariffs  tariffs  on  Sept.  1  on  $112   if  he  is  reelected,  China
                                                                                                                                will  face  a  tougher  U.S.
               Indiana sees surge in wind power despite                                                                         negotiating stance.q

               lack of standards

               INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Indiana has  lion  homes.  Another  1,130  mega-     say  Indiana  needs  clear,  uniform
               experienced a surge in wind farm  watts  of  new  wind  capacity  are  rules on locating wind farms to at-
               construction  during  the  past  de-  under construction or in advanced  tract more investments.
               cade that’s given the state the na-  development  across  the  state,  Indiana  also  has  no  renewable-
               tion’s 12th-highest number of wind  from modest projects to major wind  energy  standard.  Such  standards
               turbines.                            farms. That’s caught the eye of the  already in place in 29 other states
               But  some  renewable  energy  ad-    American  Wind  Energy  Associa-    require that a certain percentage
               vocates  say  Indiana  risks  being  tion, which represents wind-power  of  the  electricity  that  utilities  sell
               outpaced by other states unless it  project  developers  and  equip-     comes from renewable resources.
               does more to encourage commer-       ment  suppliers.  The  Washington,  Indiana’s lack of a renewable-en-
               cial  wind  power,  the  Indianapolis  D.C.-based  trade  association  said  ergy standard shows that the state
               Business Journal reported.           in August that it would host its 2021  “could be a little bit more progres-
               Since  2008,  developers  have  in-  CleanPower conference and trade  sive” in encouraging the develop-
               stalled  more  than  1,000  wind  tur-  show in Indianapolis, based on the  ment of clean energy sources, said
               bines  across  Indiana,  primarily  on  “immense potential Indiana has to  Ben  Inskeep,  senior  energy  policy
               16  large  wind  farms  that  produce  be  among  the  leading  states  for  analyst in Indianapolis with EQ Re-
               2,317  megawatts  of  electricity  —  wind energy.”                      search,  a  North  Carolina-based
               enough to power more than 1 mil-     But  renewable  energy  advocate  clean-energy consulting firm.q
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