P. 34

34                                                            AWEMainta                                        Diamars, 27 November 2018

                                                          URGENTE !!!!                                   Fecha : 27 November 2018 (diamars)
                                                                                                         Lugar : Cede di Simar (Sabana Blanco)

                                                                                                         Ora     : 5:30P.M. – 7:30 P.M.
                                                        PA medio di e comunicado aki direc-
                                                        tiva di “Sindicato di Trahadornan di             E puntonan di agenda:
                                                        Aruba” (S.T.A.) kier a invita tur e em-
                                                        pleadonan di POST ARUBA N.V.                         1. Apertura.

            Esun cu ta biba bou di e protecion di e Altisimo,   pa acudi na un reunion cu su excelen-        2. Ultimo desaroyonan
            lo permanece den e sombra di e Todopoderoso  cia Minister Sr. Chris Romero cual lo               3. Palabra Liber
                          Salmo 91;1
                                                        tuma lugar:                                          4. Clausura.
          Cu  dolor na nos curason, pero conforme cu boluntad
          di Dios,  nos ta anuncia cu a bai sosega den braza di                                          Acudi sin falta na e reunion aki !!!!

                                                                                                         Den nomber di Directiva di Sindicato

           Sra. Josefina Maria Ubalda                          “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada
                  Mercelina Thode                           Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.
                     Mihor conoci como Uba                           E ta hibami na awa trankil,
                    16 mei 1963 – 22 nov 2018                        Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.
                                                                           Salmo: 23
         Na nomber di:                                    Cu inmenso dolor na nos curason, pero conforme cu
         Su esposo:       Johannes Mercelina, yiu Rina,      boluntad di Dios, nos ta anuncia fayecimento di
         esposo y yiunan                                                                                   It is with deep sorrow, but peace, that we announce
                                                                                                                         the passing of:
         Rumannan:      Lumena(Mena) y Rolando Deluvia
                               Ritha Thode
                               Phillip (yepo) Thode
         Prima Ruman: Roselia Thielman y yiunan

          Tio:               Jose Statie y yiunan na Bonaire

          Tanta:           Laura Thielman y yiunan na Bonaire
                                                                   Maria Filomena
         Sobrino y                                               Rozenberg-Croeze
         sobrinanan:     Quancia y Nino Giel y yiunan                                                       George W. B. Manning Jr.
                                Gregory  y Valeria Douglas y yiunan  *05-08-1946  -  †22-11-2018                     “Jorgito” “Abuelito” ”Guapo”
                                Luandho Deluvia
                                Carlson Douglas          Na nomber di su:  †Benedicto Rozenberg           He died peacefully at home in Oranjestad,  Aruba on
                                 Christy Douglas                                                          November 25 2018 at the age of 87.
         Manera Yiu:    Joella Janga                     Mama:          †Dolores Croeze-Wernet
                                Brayan Gonzalez                                                           Sunrise: August 17, 1931 (Santiago, Chile)
                                Claudia Francois         Tata:          †Titus Croeze                     Sunset: November 25, 2018  (Oranjestad, Aruba)

         Padrino:          Narciso “Siso” Silberie       Rumannan:      †Nicolas Croeze                   God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I
                                                                        †Maxima Croeze                    cannot change;
         Iha:                Mushaina Maduro Krozendijk                 Jose Croeze                       The Courage to change the things I can;
                                                                                                          And the Wisdom to know the difference.
         Amigo di cas:   Rocky                           Sobrino:       Gerald Croeze
         Ayudante na cas: Maria Helena                                                                    George is survived by his wife Bernadette, children,
                                                         Cuñanan:       Maria Titia y esposo
         Amiganan: Glenda, Judith, Helena, Judy, Lisette,               Pancho Maduro y famia             grandchildren and great grandchild; Caitlin (Francesca
                                                                                                          Halloul),  Annabel (Sonia), Yolande, Barbara (Silvia,
         Gianny, Morella                                                Vda Martina Figaroa y famia       Troy), George (Grace, Katherine), Alexandra (Vanessa,
                                                                        Vda Linda Vrolijk y famia         Holly, Eva, Mark) and his step-children Mario, Ashiko,
         Prima y primonan, acto primonan, sobre subrinonan,             Vda Emilia Tromp y famia          Toby. He is preceded in death by daughter Tamsen,
         suanan  y cuña, amiga y amigonan,                              Jolanda y Richard  de Bruin y famia  and sister Marcia.
                                                                        Margriet Rozenberg y famia
                                                                        Lucia Rozenberg
         Bon bisinjanan: Lica, Raquel y yiunan, Silvia, Lucilla,                                          He is remembered for his dedication to family, sense of
         Elvira y yiunan                                                                                  humor, generosity, and compassionate nature. He left a
                                                         Amiga stima:    Eloisa Vlinder-Kock
                                                                                                          lasting impression in the community and will be
         Demas famianan: Mercelina, Deluvia, Giel, Douglas,   Primo y primanan, amigo y amiganan, bisiña- y   mourned by the many people who benefited from his
         Thielman, Silberie, Statie, Doran, Allee, Thode, Lacle,   conocirnan                             support.

         Disculpa nos si den nos tristesa,  nos  por a lubida   Demas famia: Rozenberg, Croeze, Wernet, Kelly,   A wake is scheduled for Wednesday, 28 November
         cualkier persona of famia.                      Semerel, Henricus, Maduro, Figaroa, Vrolijk, Tromp, de   2018 from 7:00PM to 8:30PM at Royal Funeral Home.
                                                         Bruin, Gomez, Geerman, Koolman,                  The following morning, 29 November 2018, there will
         Acto di cremacion ta tuma lugar den seno familiar                                                be a funeral service from 10:15AM  to 11:00AM. In lieu
         diarason , 28 nov 2018                          Acto di entiero ta tuma lugar diaranson 28 di november   of flowers, please send donations to Cas Marie,
                                                         2018 di 2’or pa 4’or di atardi na Aurora Funeral Home,   Savaneta 532-A. The family would like to thank Yam,
         Ta ricibi bishita di condolencia dia: 29 nov 2018 di 7.00   depues saliendo pa Santana na Sta Cruz.  Panka and Geraldine for their care and dedication.
         p.m. -9.00 p.m na Aurora Funeral Home                                                            We will not be receiving any visitors at home after the
                                                         Nos disculpa si nos por a lubida un of otro famia of
                                                         conocir den nos tristesa.                        service.
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