Page 16 - FDLP
P. 16

                  Tuesday 16 OcTOber 2018

            81 Individuals under go Naturalization

            process to receive their Dutch citizenship

                                                                      the  Governor  of  Aruba  Al-
                                                                      fonso Boekhoudt obtained
                                                                      their  Dutch  citizenship.  It
                                                                      was  the  third  naturaliza-
                                                                      tion this year, with a diverse
                                                                      group ranging in ages from
                                                                      18 to 73 years and coming
                                                                      from 10 different countries.
                                                                      The  ceremony  was  enliv-
                                                                      ened by guitarist Jersey So-
                                                                      A  special  feature  of  this
            ORANJESTAD  —  Natural-      Maarten,  Bonaire,  Sint  Eu-  naturalization   ceremony
            ization  is  the  legal  act  or  statius and Saba are part of  was  the  presence  of  an
            process  by  which  a  non-  the Dutch Kingdom. In order  interpreter  who  converted
            citizen  in  a  country  may  to  obtain  a  Dutch  citizen-  the spoken words into sign
            acquire  citizenship  or  na-  ship a person must comply  language  for  those  liv-
            tionality  of  that  country.  It  with  several  requirements.  ing  with  a  hearing  impair-
            is done by a statute, involv-  The most important require-  ment. The interpreter came
            ing an application and ap-   ments  are  that  a  person  from  the  Fundacion  pa
            proval by legal authorities.   must  have  lived  uninter-  Esnan  cu  Deficiencia  Au-
                                         ruptedly in the Kingdom of  ditivo  Aruba  (FEDAA).  This
            The  rules  of  naturalization  the Netherlands for at least  foundation aims to provide
            vary from country to coun-   5  years  with  a  valid  resi-  the  best  possible  support
            try  and  typically  include  dence  permit.  The  person  for  any  hearing-impaired
            a  minimum  legal  residen-  can read, write, speak and  infant,  child,  adolescent
            cy  requirement,  and  may  understand Dutch, and has  and  adult  so  they  can
            specify  other  requirements  never  been  sentenced  for  function optimally in the lo-
            such  as  knowledge  of  the  any criminal act.           cal society.
            national   dominant    lan-  Last  Wednesday,  Octo-      More  information  on  ob-
            guage  or  culture,  a  prom-  ber  10th  2018  took  place  taining  the  Dutch  nation-
            ise to obey and uphold that  a  naturalization  ceremony  ality  can  be  found  on  the
            country’s  laws.  An  oath  or  at the Governors Ceremo-  central  government  web-
            pledge of allegiance is also  ny House. On that night 81  site  https://www.rijksover-  nederlander-worden          please  visit  the  Cabinet
            sometimes required.          individuals, after taken the        For more information about  of  the  Governor  of  Aruba
            Aruba,     Curaçao,    Sint  oath  or  promise  in  front  of  nederlandse-nationaliteit/  the  procedure  in  Aruba,  website  q

            Camino Walks Aruba

                                         your  dreams,  rediscover
                                         your  talents,  and  finding
                                         the courage to share those
                                         talents  and  dreams  with
                                         the world. She offers a safe
                                         space for you to open up,
                                         walk  with  you  in  nature  to
                                         release  stress,  and  inspire
                                         you  to  discover  what  you
                                         love to do. She helps you to
                                         see your work as play and
                                         for  you  to  balance  giving
                                         and receiving in your life.
            ORANJESTAD  —  For  the
            ones  that  like  to  practice  In  2015  she  walked  the
            for  their  future  Camino  to  Camino  Frances  to  San-
            Santiago or just love walk-  tiago  de  Compostela  in  What to expect?                and grow together our na-    Sabana  Basora  /  National
            ing  long  distances  with  40  days  and  averagely  22  These  Camino  walks  are  ture  awareness.  And  most  Park
            others, there are 4 Camino  km’s  per  day.  In  2017  she  hikes  mainly  in  nature  with  of  the  time  Gea  will  also  Saturday, October 20, 2018
            Walks scheduled early Sat-   walked  via  the  Camino  some  climbs  and  approx.  share  a  nature-based  tool  from  6:00  am  –  9:00  am  –
            urday mornings.              Norte and Camino Primitivo  10  –  15  km’s.  You  should  that  helps  you  discover  Calbas
                                         to  Santiago  de  Compos-    bring  a  backpack  with  a  more about yourself.         Saturday, October 27, 2018
            Gea  Sougé  is  a  Martha  tela. She just returned from  snack, sufficient water and                                from  6:00  am  –  9:00  am  –
            Beck  Certified  Life  Coach,  Spain  where  she  walked  wear good hiking boots.      Dates:                       California Lighthouse
            Nature-based  Coach  and  from  Leon  to  Santiago  in                                 Saturday,  October  6,  2018  Sign up at 594 4250 or email
            Nature    lover,   Connec-   13 days. She loves to share  It is also fun to practice to-  from  6:00  am  –  9:00  am  –  For
            tor,  Mom,  Enthusiast  and  some of her best practices  gether, share some pilgrim  Seroe Pela                     more information check out
            Teacher.  Her  passion  is  on the Camino whilst walk-    stories  and  have  some  Saturday, October 13, 2018  the  facebook  page  Gea
            helping  you  connect  with  ing.                         meaningful  conversations  from  6:00  am  –  9:00  am  –  Sougé Life Coaching.q
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