Page 14 - HOH
P. 14
Monday 4 February 2019
Virginia governor clings to office, ignoring calls to resign
By ALAN SUDERMAN “Meet the Press.” ‘’He knew Northam admitted he once
Associated Press this picture was there, and used shoe polish to put on
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — he could’ve come clean blackface as part of a Mi-
Gov. Ralph Northam clung and talked to African- chael Jackson costume for
to office Sunday amid Americans that he’s close a 1984 dance contest in
nearly unanimous calls to decades ago.” Texas, when he was in the
from his own party to resign Northam worshipped at his Army. Northam said he re-
over a racist photo in his home church, the predom- grets that he didn’t under-
1984 medical school year- inantly black First Baptist in stand “the harmful legacy
book, going silent after a Capeville, but otherwise of an action like that.”
bizarre 24 hours in which he kept out of sight on Sunday Asked by a reporter if he
first admitted he was in the as calls intensified for him to could still do Jackson’s fa-
picture, then denied it. step down. mous moonwalk, Northam
The Democrat’s stunning Even if Northam doesn’t re- looked at the floor as if
about-face — at a week- Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, left, accompanied by his wife, sign, the scandal threatens thinking about demonstrat-
end news conference Pam, speaks during a news conference in the Governor’s to cripple his ability to gov- ing it. His wife put a stop to
where he also acknowl- Mansion in Richmond, Va., on Saturday, Feb. 2, 2019. ern. He has lost the support it, telling him, “Inappropri-
edged putting on black- Associated Press of virtually all of the state’s ate circumstances.”
face for a dance contest worse. someone in blackface and Democratic establishment. His shifting explanations
decades ago and ap- The chairwoman of the another person in a Ku Klux Top Republicans in the did little or nothing to sway
peared to briefly entertain Congressional Black Cau- Klan hood and robe. Virginia General Assem- prominent Democrats who
the notion of doing the cus declared that Northam “I think he’s been com- bly also urged Northam to had swiftly disowned him.
Michael Jackson moon- “still does not understand pletely dishonest and disin- step down, as did many Both of Virginia’s U.S. sena-
walk for reporters — only the seriousness of his ac- genuous,” Rep. Karen Bass, declared and potential tors, Mark Warner and Tim
seemed to make things tions.” The photo shows D-California, said on NBC’s Democratic presidential Kaine, joined the dean of
candidates. Virginia’s congressional
Virginia governors can be delegation, Rep. Bobby
removed for “malfeasance Scott, in saying they no lon-
in office, corruption, ne- ger believe Northam can
glect of duty, or other high serve effectively. James
crime or misdemeanor” un- Ryan, president of the Uni-
der the state constitution, versity of Virginia, said in a
but top Democrats said statement that it would be
they don’t believe it will “exceedingly difficult” for
come to that. Northam to continue serv-
Former Virginia Gov. Terry ing.
McAuliffe predicted that If Northam does resign, Lt.
Northam — who served Gov. Justin Fairfax would
as McAuliffe’s lieutenant become the second Afri-
governor — will eventually can-American governor
leave office. in the state’s history. He
“Ralph will do the right stopped short of calling for
thing for the Common- Northam’s departure but
wealth of Virginia,” McAu- said he “cannot condone
liffe said Sunday on CNN’s actions” from Northam’s
“State of the Union.” past that “suggest a com-
Northam apologized on fort with Virginia’s darker
Friday for appearing in the history of white supremacy,
photograph on his year- racial stereotyping and in-
book page. He did not timidation.”
say which costume he was “If it wasn’t him in the pho-
wearing, but said he was to, he should’ve said that
“deeply sorry for the deci- on Friday,” McAuliffe said.
sion I made to appear as I “Instinctively, you know if
did in this photo.” On Satur- you put black paint on your
day, though, the governor face. You know if you put
reversed course and said a hood on. And so if it isn’t
the picture “is definitely not you, you come out imme-
me.” diately and say, ‘This is not
While talking with reporters, me.’”q