P. 8

A4   U.S. NEWS
                 Monday 12 noveMber 2018

            Florida, Georgia testing strength of new Dem coalition

            By STEVE PEOPLES                                                                                                    Johnson told the AP.
             Associated Press                                                                                                   “What  the  president  has
            NEW YORK (AP) — For much                                                                                            done is played to the low-
            of  the  country,  the  2018                                                                                        est  common  denominator
            midterm season is over. But                                                                                         and  created  a  culture  of
            unresolved races for gover-                                                                                         intolerance  and  racial  ha-
            nor in Georgia and Florida                                                                                          tred,” Johnson said.
            are  raising  major  strategic                                                                                      “You  build  up  negative
            questions  for  Democrats                                                                                           energy based on fear to a
            as they turn their attention                                                                                        point where there are seg-
            to the upcoming battle for                                                                                          ments  of  the  population
            the White House.As in other                                                                                         who  are  reacting  to  fear
            states, Democrats in Florida                                                                                        and not pure policy consid-
            and  Georgia  drew  record                                                                                          erations.”
            turnout in last week’s elec-                                                                                        Leading       Democratic
            tion. The coalition of subur-                                                                                       pollster  Stan  Greenberg
            ban women, young people                                                                                             agreed  that  racism  likely
            and  minorities  delivered                                                                                          shaped the elections.
            the House to Democrats for                                                                                          “This  was  a  big  election
            the first time in nearly a de-                                                                                      in  which  the  president
            cade.                                                                                                               used  immigration  to  send
            But  it  wasn’t  enough  to                                                                                         a  kind  of  racist  message
            score  decisive  victories  in                                                                                      about  the  need  to  stand
            the closely watched races                                                                                           up whites against the inva-
            for  governor  in  Georgia                                                                                          sion,”  Greenberg  said  of
            and  Florida,  where  fresh-                                                                                        Trump’s final-days focus on
            faced     African-American                                                                                          a  caravan  of  Latin  Ameri-
            Democratic candidates for      In  this  Nov.  6,  2018,  file  photo,  Georgia  Democratic  gubernatorial  candidate  Stacey  Abrams   can immigrants heading to
            governor trailed their older,   speaks to supporters about a suspected run-off during an election night watch party in Atlanta.   the U.S. border to seek asy-
            white  Republican  com-                                                                            Associated Press  lum.
            petitors. In Georgia, Stacey  have  much  in  common,  ing stars within the evolving  cent  of  the  overall  white  Greenberg acknowledged
            Abrams  hasn’t  conceded  they  ran  on  different  mes-  Democratic  Party,  a  new  vote  —  and  35  percent  Democrats’        nationwide
            her race while Andrew Gil-   sages.                       generation  of  Democratic  among      noncollege-edu-    struggle  among  working-
            lum’s  contest  in  Florida  is  Gillum,   the   39-year-old  leadership  that  could  ex-  cated white voters.     class  white  men,  but  he
            undergoing a recount.        mayor  of  Florida’s  capi-  pand  the  party’s  appeal  It  was  worse  for  Abrams,  highlighted   Gillum   and
            For  some  Democrats,  the  tal  city,  ran  as  an  un-  among all voters.            who  was  poised  to  be-    Abrams’ ability to drive tre-
            lesson  emerging  from  the  apologetic    member     of  Racial  divisions  appear  to  come the nation’s first Afri-  mendous turnout overall.
            2018 midterms is that mas-   the  Trump  resistance.  He  have  limited  their  appeal,  can-American female gov-   With votes still being count-
            sive  turnout  can  win  sub-  openly called for President  however.                   ernor.                       ed,  Gillum  received  more
            urban  House  races  across  Donald  Trump’s  impeach-    Both  Gillum  and  Abrams  She  won  94  percent  of  than  4  million  votes,  shat-
            New  Jersey,  Pennsylvania  ment.  And  he  accused  won          African-Americans  Georgia’s  black  vote,  but  tering the previous midterm
            and California. But the co-  his  Republican  opponent,  and young voters by over-     just  25  percent  of  white  record set in 2014 by Dem-
            alition that produced some  former  Rep.  Ron  DeSantis,  whelming margins. But they  voters.  She  carried  56  per-  ocratic  gubernatorial  can-
            success elsewhere may not  of  blatant  racism.Abrams,  struggled  with  older,  white  cent of women, but just 40  didate  Charlie  Crist,  who
            be  enough  in  Florida,  the  the  44-year-old  former  mi-  voters,  particularly  noncol-  percent  of  men.  A  dismal  earned  2.8  million  votes.
            nation’s  premier  presiden-  nority  leader  in  Georgia’s  lege-educated  white  vot-  19  percent  of  noncollege-  While  significantly  fewer
            tial battleground state, and  House  of  Representative,  ers, who make up the core  educated  white  men  sup-     voters  typically  participate
            Georgia,  a  state  Demo-    highlighted  her  bipartisan  of Trump’s political base.  ported  her,  according  to  in off-year elections, Gillum
            crats  view  with  increasing  credentials  throughout  her  Gillum  won  92  percent  of  VoteCast.                came  close  to  matching
            optimism.                    bid for governor. While she  black voters, according to  Nationwide,  43  percent  Democratic         presidential
            “It’s not a viable long-term  and  Gillum  embraced  lib-  VoteCast,  a  wide-ranging  of  white  voters  backed  nominee  Hillary  Clinton’s
            plan  to  constantly  rely  on  eral  policy  priorities,  such  survey  of  the  electorate  Democrats,  including  38  2016  total  of  4.5  million
            record turnout,” said Dem-   as  “Medicare  for  All,”  she  conducted  by  The  Associ-  percent of noncollege-ed-  votes.
            ocratic   strategist   Steve  promoted her work with Re-  ated Press. He also won 60  ucated whites.                It  was  much  the  same  in
            Schale,  who  led  former  publicans in the state legis-  percent  of  voters  18  to  29  The   results   “absolutely”  Georgia,  a  smaller  state,
            President Barack Obama’s  lature,  even  highlighting  a  years  old,  and  54  percent  demonstrated  black  can-  where Abrams actually ex-
            efforts in Florida. “We have  handshake with GOP Gov.  of women.                       didates  like  Gillum  and  ceeded Clinton’s 2016 vote
            a national issue we have to  Nathan  Deal  in  a  cam-    But  Gillum  earned  just  44  Abrams have a harder time  total,  earning  a  midterm
            deal with.”                  paign ad.                    percent  of  the  male  vote.  winning  in  the  Trump  era,  Democratic record 1.9 mil-
            While  Gillum  and  Abrams  Still, both were viewed as ris-  And  he  won  only  39  per-  NAACP  President  Derrick  lion votes.q
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