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A4   U.S. NEWS
                   Monday 28 January 2019

            Louisiana murder suspect caught at grandma's Virginia home

                                                                      GONZALES,  La.  (AP)  —  A  County  Sheriff  Stephan  B.  did  have  a  violent  streak,"
                                                                      21-year-old  man  suspect-   Smith  said  in  a  phone  in-  Mincks said.
                                                                      ed of killing his parents and  terview. The woman asked  Theriot will be brought back
                                                                      three  other  people  —  in-  authorities  to  check  her  to  Ascension  Parish  to  be
                                                                      cluding  a  girl  he  was  dat-  house  Sunday  morning  to  booked  on  two  counts  of
                                                                      ing — was arrested Sunday  ensure  it  was  safe  before  first-degree  murder,  home
                                                                      when  he  drove  up  with  a  she returned.               invasion, and illegal use of
                                                                      gun  to  his  grandmother's  While deputies were there,  weapons, said a statement
                                                                      house  in  Virginia,  a  sheriff  Smith said, Theriot drove up  by  Ascension  Parish  Sheriff
                                                                      said.                        with  a  firearm  pointed  out  Bobby  Webre  and  Livings-
                                                                      On  Saturday,  Dakota  The-  the  window  of  a  pickup.  ton Parish Sheriff Jason Ard.
                                                                      riot  shot  and  killed  three  A  sheriff's  statement  said  Authorities  have  identified
                                                                      people — the woman be-       deputies sought cover and  the victims in Livingston Par-
                                                                      lieved  to  be  his  girlfriend,  challenged  Theriot,  who  ish as Billy Ernest, 43; Tanner
                                                                      her brother and father — in  then dropped the gun and  Ernest, 17; and Summer Er-
                                                                      Louisiana's  Livingston  Par-  was  arrested  without  inci-  nest,  20.  Ard  said  Summer
                                                                      ish  before  taking  her  fa-  dent.  Smith said the pickup  Ernest  and  Dakota  Theriot
                                                                      ther's  pickup  truck,  driving  Theriot  drove  apparently  were  in  a  relationship  and
                                                                      to  neighboring  Ascension  was the one taken in Louisi-  that  Theriot  had  been  liv-
                                                                      Parish,  and  shooting  his  ana. In Louisiana, at a trail-  ing with her family for a few
                                                                      parents,  according  to  au-  er where the suspect's par-  weeks.
                                                                      thorities.                   ents  lived,  drops  of  blood  Authorities said earlier that
                                                                      Theriot's  grandmother  in  trailed out to the front steps  Keith  Theriot  survived  the
                                                                      Warsaw,     Virginia,   had  from  the  bedroom  where  shooting  long  enough  to
            This  photo  provided  by  the  Richmond  County  Sheriff’s  Office   checked into a hotel Satur-  Keith  and  Elizabeth  Theriot  let  them  know  who  shot
            shows Dakota Theriot on Sunday, Jan. 27, 2019.            day night, fearing he might  were shot. In the bedroom,  him.  According to Webre,
                                                     Associated Press
                                                                      show  up  there,  Richmond  blood-soaked pillows were  officials  got  a  "dying  dec-
                                                                                                   strewn  on  a  bed,  and  laration from him, and only
                                                                                                   patches of what appeared  enough  information  to  let
                                                                                                   to be dried blood were on  us know that it was his son
                                                                                                   the floor. Dozens of stuffed  that committed this act."
                                                                                                   animals   decorated    the  Mincks  and  Chastant  only
                                                                                                   room.                        returned  to  the  trailer  Sun-
                                                                                                   Kim  Mincks  and  Jacob  day  morning,  worried  Da-
                                                                                                   Chastant  also  lived  in  the  kota  Theriot  might  come
                                                                                                   trailer  and  were  friends  back.  Mincks  said  she'd
                                                                                                   with  the  Theriots.  Mincks  known  Keith  and  Elizabeth
                                                                                                   said  she  was  in  the  house  Theriot for about two years
                                                                                                   at the opposite end of the  and  described  them  as
                                                                                                   trailer  when  the  shooting  wonderful  people.  Keith
                                                                                                   happened but added she  Theriot was a disabled vet-
                                                                                                   didn't  hear  anything.  Law  eran who played a wicked
                                                                                                   enforcement officers came  guitar,  and  Elizabeth  The-
                                                                                                   into  her  room  Saturday  riot  worked  at  a  nearby
                                                                                                   morning and woke her.        Dollar  General  Store,  they
                                                                                                   "They  said  something  ter-  said. Keith Theriot had four
                                                                                                   rible  happened  here.  'Get  children, all boys, they said.
                                                                                                   up,  get  dressed  and  walk  "Give you the shirt off their
                                                                                                   outside,'  "  she  recalled  back.  They  loved  every-
                                                                                                   them saying.                 body. Never met a strang-
                                                                                                   Mincks  and  Chastant  said  er.  Loved  each  other.  Just
                                                                                                   Dakota  Theriot  had  strug-  a happy couple," she said.
                                                                                                   gled  with  drugs  over  the  But  the  relationship  be-
                                                                                                   years, had violent outbursts,  tween  Dakota  Theriot  and
                                                                                                   and  had  recently  been  his  parents,  especially  his
                                                                                                   kicked out of the trailer.   father,  was  troubled.  She
                                                                                                   "We  know  he  had  a  drug  and  Chastant  described
                                                                                                   problem. He got kicked out  an incident in which Chas-
                                                                                                   last  Monday  because  of  tant had to pull Dakota The-
                                                                                                   the drug problem. His dad  riot off his parents during a
                                                                                                   kicked him out of here. He  physical altercation.q
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