Page 8 - MIN ECEM
P. 8
Wednesday 21 december
After a 28-year-long career with the resort;
Noreta Medina is Part of the Playa Linda Success Story
PALM BEACH – A beloved Linda consisted only of its
home-away-from-home first phase building, and
for its guests as much as the concept of timeshare
its employees, Playa Linda was relatively unknown. But
Beach Resort recently host- with its picturesque setting
ed a retirement party that and through the superb
was more akin to a warm hospitality offered through
send-off among family. employees like Noreta,
Noreta Medina was at its Playa Linda’s success was
center, having held dif- assured.
ferent posts within house- Tom Pas, who was Playa
keeping, where she dis- Linda’s General Manager,
tinguished herself through 1988 – 1992, was a special
her work ethic and warm guest at the farewell party,
demeanor, over a 28-year- acknowledging Noreta’s
long career. Mariachi mu- contributions, working
sic played and toasts were through the construction
made as colleagues as well phases as Playa Linda
as old friends helped mark completed its phase two
Noreta’s transition into her and three buildings, and
well-deserved retirement. went on to well establish
Noreta began her career its reputation as a top ac-
at the Playa Linda back commodation in Aruba. was one of the housekeep- ya Linda through thick and Helping Noreta celebrate
in 1988, when the Playa “When I was GM, Noreta ers who would support Pla- thin. She is a star among her many years at the re-
her peers because she was sort were several individuals
easy to get along with, who have worked along-
and when asked to do side her since the early
something extra, it would days of the Playa Linda,
be done,” comments Pas. including the resort’s own
“When we started out, we Executive Housekeeper In-
set out to make something grid Todd, who has been
spectacular, from the look there right from the open-
of the resort as well as its ing day.
level of service. We invest- Playa Linda GM Peter van
ed heavily in training, and Grinsven, who now guides
you still experience it to- the resort as it continues to
day. Staying at the resort, evolve its upscale appeal
the bellman, front desk while maintaining a warm,
agents, beach attendants, welcoming atmosphere,
security personnel – every- remarks that the resort’s
one is very courteous and charm is very much based
willing to please. That is ser- on the familiarity of home.
vice with a smile.” “A lot of our employees
It was Raymond Maduro’s have been with the resort
original vision that trans- for many years. As much as
formed what was the old we strive for our guests to
Basiruti into what Playa enjoy a home-away-from-
Linda is today. Its architec- home setting, we do the
ture is unique with each same for our employees,
room having a view of the with the work environment
ocean, and with many having a family feel. Her
island firsts realized in its retirement is a bittersweet
pool design and with palm occasion, as we will miss
frond huts constructed on Noreta, and we wish her
the beach. …During my the best.”
time as GM, I got to know Pictured is long-time em-
so many of the housekeep- ployee Noreta Medina
ers and supervisors person- at her retirement party,
ally, and I loved working flanked by former Playa
with these beautiful ladies Linda GM Tom Pas, left,
who had total dedication and current Playa Linda
towards guests.” GM Peter van Grinsven.q