P. 24

A24     obituArio
                   Diabierna 4 Januari 2019

                 “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di                                                     With  deep  regret  but thankfull  for all
                  nada Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta                                                         that  she has  done  for  us, we announce
               ponemi sosega. E ta hibami na awa trankil,        Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di      the  passing  away  of  our dear  mother,
                        Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                                 nada                         grandmother, great grandmother, sister
                               Salmo: 23                         Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi        and  aunt
               Cu inmenso tristesa pero agradecido pa tur                                                      Rita Imelda Schmidt
                                 locual                               E ta hibami na awa trankil,
                     ela nifica pa nos nos ta anuncia                   Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.              *1-12-1941   -   + 19-12-2018
                            fayecimento di:
                                                                               Salmo: 23
                                                                                                              Left  to  mourn are  her
                                                               Cu inmenso tristesa pero agradecido pa tur     Children:
                                                                 locual  ela nifica pa nos nos ta anuncia     Otencia   and  George  Heiliger-Schmidt
                                                                            fayecimento di:                   and children
                                                                                                              Magriet  Schmidt  and  children
                                                                                                              Fransisco  Schmidt and   Bibi
                                                                                                              Rosa  and  Vance  Brown- Schmidt and
                                                                                                              Epilot Schmidt
                                                                                                              Graciela  Schmidt  and  children
                                                                                                              Irma  Martina  and  Jose  Martis  and
                    Franklin Bin Chung                                                                        children
                               Cheuz                                                                          Nelson  Martin  and Andrea  Kelly  and
                       Mihor conoci como ‘Amoy’                                                               Jamaira  Martina  and Miguel   Gomes
                       *11-06-1958 - †31-12-2018
                                                                                                              and  children
               Condolencia lo tuma lugar diadomingo 6 di
                                                                                                              Sisters: Lea  Lynch  and  Family  in
               januari 2019, di 7or pa 9or di anochi na cas
                            Savaneta #243A.                                                                   Holland
                                                                                                                           Gracita  Dormoy
                                                                                                                           Essie  Dormoy  and  Family   in
                Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues
                                                                       Julio N. Angela
                                                                                                              Brothers:  George  Dormoy  and  Famiy
                                                                       Mihor conoci como ‘Nito’
                                                                                                              in Aruba
                                                                       *20-03-1936 - †01-01-2019
                                                                                                                                Ambrosio  Dormoy  and
                                                                                                              Family  in Holland
                                                                Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues
                                                                                                              Uncle: Bernard  Schmidt  and  Famiy  in
                                                                                                              Her  grandchildren, great grandchildren in
                          Nos Baranca den Marca
                                                                                                              Aruba, Holland and Sint Maarten  too
                                                                                                              numerous  to mention.
                                                                                                              Nieces  and  Nephews and  Cousins  too
                                                                                                              numerous  to mention.

                                                                                                              She  was  related  to : Schmidt,  Heiliger ,
                                                                                                              Dormoy, Godett, Brown,  Pantolet,
                                                                                                              Martina, Mathew, Lopez, Nicacio,  Cole,
                                                                                                              Smith, Remou, Martis , Kelly, Gomes
                                                                                                              We  apologize if during  our  grief we
                                                                                                              forgot  to mention  any name of family
                   Chaim Anthony Marius
                              de l’Isle

                 *16 di december 1997 - †30 di december 2018
                Inesperadamente Chaim a bay laga e mundo aki
                 lagando tristesa atras pa su tata, mama, ruman
                  abuelo y abuela, tanta- y omonan, primo- y
                                primanan,                        Isaias Frilles ‘Romy’ Gamos                     He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
                           amistad- y coleganan.                         6 Juli 1942   - 2 Jan 2019                will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
                                                                                                                              Psalm 91:1
                     Ocasion pa condolencia ta tuma luga
               na Royal Funeral Home na Cumana 44, Oranjestad  Na nomber di su:
                 diabierna 4 di januari 2019, di 7:00 pa 9:00 pm.  Compañera :  Marina Lazaro Policarpio       With deep sympathy we announce the passing of:
                 Pa e acto di despedida, famia del’Isle y Eskes  Famianan y amistadnan :
                  ta invita un y tur cu a stima y aprecia Chaim  Gamos,   Policarpio,   Marcelo,   Lapinid,   Tulabot,
                      na Kerki Protestant na Piedra Plat
                   diasabra 5 di januari 2019, for di 10:00 or  Pineda,   Salamatin,   Antioquia,   German,
                 Despues lo hiba nos Chaim stima na su luga di  Buenaventura, Jesus is Lord church.
                       na Santana di Sabana Basora.            Ex coleganan : Ace Construction & Certified
                        Cu hopi tristesa ta keda atras:
                        Su tata: Marius C.D. de L’Isle
                       Su mama: C.C.D. Tanja Eskes             Disculpa nos cu den nos tristeza nos por a lubida
                   Su rumannan: Mathieu y Micha de L’Isle      un of mas famia y persona.
                              Demas famia:                     Oportunidad pa condonlencia :
               de L’Isle, Eskes, Silva, Mari, Paula, Caris, Houben,  Lugar : Aurora funeral Home & crematory
                                 Liem.                         Dia : 8 y 9 di januari 2019                            Cecil Francis York
                                                               Orario : 7PM  - 9PM                                        Better known as: “Cito”
                 Nos gratitud ta bay na henter e team di ICU di
                                                                                                                        *24-02-1938  -  †02-01-2019
                  Dr. HOH Hospital pa nan cuido yen di amor.
                Y tambe na e damanan di Slachtofferhulp pa nan  Cremacion : 10 january 2019
                                 apoyo.                        Orario: 9AM – 11AM                               Funeral will take place on January 11 , 2019 in
                                                                                                                    Aruba, details will be announced later.
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