Page 14 - ARUBA BANK
P. 14
Dialuna, 23 September 2019 AWEMainta 13
Hyundai Accent a bolter na Matividiri
The Institute for Financial Education Aruba (IFEA) (Stichting Opleidingen Financiële Sector)
is organising a lecture on September 26, 2019 regarding Anti-moneylaundering and Countering
Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) in connection with the evaluation of Aruba by the Caribbean
Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) in 2020.
IFEA has the honor to present the following three speakers who will each give a presentation on
aforementioned topic from the perspective of the sector they represent.
DIASABRA mainta den careda di 9’or Polis a
Mr. Prakash Mungra who is the Executive Director of the Centrale Bank van Aruba.
bay den un bocht pazuid di e supermercado na Mr. Angelo Brete who has been appointed Head of the Financial Intelligence Unit of Aruba as of
Matividiri, pa un auto cu a bolter. June 1st, 2019.
Ms. Sandy Odor who currently working as Manager Compliance – Statutory Regulations and
Na yegada Polis ta topa cu un Hyundai Accent Internal Business Conduct Policies/Procedures at Caribbean Mercantile Bank N.V.
color shinishi riba su dak.
For more information on the speakers please visit our website at
E chauffeur a conta Polis cu el a pasa den un
Date: September 26, 2019
susto grandi, momento cu su auto a slip den e Time: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
tera y dal contra transhi y despues bolter. Place: Room A, University of Aruba
Entrance: Free
Danki Dios e chauffeur a sali unicamente cu
For more information you can visit our website or send an e-mail to, or you
algun rasca na su curpa. Takelwagen mester a can call our coordinator Mrs. Glenda Arends at telephone number (297) 594-2522.
bin pa bolter e auto y asina trafico por a sigui
There will be limited seating. First come first serve.
normal riba e caminda.