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Diasabra, 29 juni 2019                                       AWEMainta                                                                      13


                                                                                    THURSDAY JULY 4, 2019

                                                                                On  Thursday  July  4, 2019, at 11  AM, at the  Conference
                                                                                Room of  the Chamber  of  Commerce,  Aruba, will  be
                                                                                auctioned in public. ex. art. 3:268 jo. 3:254 Civil Code of
       Shanayah a ripiti e bon actuacion aki ora el                             Aruba:
       a bira campeon mundial di BMX na Canada
       na 2017.
       Na 2018 el a gana premio di oro na Costa                                 A residential house, locally known as

       Rica, ora el a subi p’e clase Pro Elite. Mas

       cu un biaha el a ricibi premionan di recono-                                       Bernhardstraat 267
       cimento Nacional y tambe  Internacional.
                                                                                the right  of long-lease till December  11,  2067  on  two
       Na 2008 el a ricibi  e “Premio Gobernador
                                                                                parcels of public land, situated at the Bernhardstraat,
       Felipe Tromp”.                                                           measuring total in size 1.372 m2:
                                                                                -      a public parcel measuring 748 m2, as described in
                                                                                       the cadastral  measuring document number 164  of
       220 CEN: TAEKWONDO                                                              October 4, 1945;

       E strea di Chiara Isabella Petrocchi a cum-                              -      a public parcel measuring 624 m2, s described in the
                                                                                       cadastral  measuring document  number 165 of
       insa subi na 2012 y el a gana oro den e All
                                                                                       October 4, 1945.
       Star International Open Taekwondo na Or-
       lando.                                                                   No minimum starting price will be used for the

       Den Caribe, America Latina y Norte Amer-                                 auction of this property. Only serious offers
                                                                                will be considered.
       ica, el a gana Brons, Plata y Oro den com-

       petencianan Internacional, manera Abierto                                _________________________________________________

       Panamericano na Costa Rica, Canada, Mex-
                                                                                A commercial building locally known as
       ico y Las Vegas (Estados Unidos).

       Na 2018 el a termina na Tunicia  na di 5                                             Barcadera 1-A

       lugar durante e Campeonato Mundial.

                                                                                the right of long-lease till June 6, 2024 on two parcels of
       E serie di stampia aki ta obtenibel n’e dife-                            public land, situated in Barcadera, measuring total in size
                                                                                5354 m2:
       rente  oficinanan  di  Post  Aruba,  respectiv-
                                                                                -      a public parcel measuring 4910 m2 cadastral known
       amente na Oranjestad, San Nicolas y Sta.                                        as First Division Section T number 147;

       Cruz.                                                                    -      a public parcel measuring 444 m2 cadastral known
                                                                                       as First Division Section T number 1842;
       Pa mas informacion tocante e “Stampianan
       di Deporte 2019” por tuma contacto cu De-                                No minimum starting price will be used

       partamento Filatelico  di Post  Aruba N.V.,                              for the auction of this property. Only
                                                                                serious offers will be considered.
       cu ta situa na J.E. Irausquinplein 9, Oran-

       jestad, cu  su  number  di telefon  528-7678,                            _________________________________________________

       of bishita su  pagina di Facebook:  Aruba
       Stamps y Webpage:

       E bunita serie aki no por falta den bo col-

       eccion. Busca esun di bo awe mes, ya cu e
       cantidad ta limita.
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