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A4   U.S. NEWS
                      Tuesday 23 July 2019

            Equifax to pay up to $700M in data breach settlement

            By  SARAH  SKIDMORE  SELL                                                                                           the  data  might  be  useful
            and KEN SWEET                                                                                                       for  surreptitious  uses  be-
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Equifax                                                                                         yond direct identity fraud.
            will pay at least $700 million                                                                                      Settlement  payments  will
            —  and  potentially  much                                                                                           flow  through  a  number  of
            more  —  to  settle  lawsuits                                                                                       complex channels. Equifax
            over  a  2017  data  breach                                                                                         will  initially  pay  $380.5  mil-
            that  exposed  the  Social                                                                                          lion  into  a  fund  to  cover
            Security numbers and simi-                                                                                          identity theft resulting from
            lar  sensitive  information  of                                                                                     the breach, as well as any
            roughly half of the U.S. pop-                                                                                       costs related to credit mon-
            ulation.                                                                                                            itoring.  The  company  will
            The  settlement  with  fed-                                                                                         pay an additional $125 mil-
            eral authorities and states ,                                                                                       lion if victims’ out-of-pocket
            reached Monday, includes                                                                                            expenses deplete the initial
            up  to  $425  million  in  mon-                                                                                     fund.
            etary  relief  to  consumers,                                                                                       Should all 147 million victims
            a  $100  million  civil  penal-                                                                                     sign  up  for  credit  monitor-
            ty,  and  other  offers  to  the                                                                                    ing  services,  Equifax  could
            nearly  150  million  people                                                                                        potentially be on the hook
            who  could  have  been  af-                                                                                         for $2 billion.
            fected.  It  can’t,  however,                                                                                       Equifax  will  offer  victims
            guarantee  safety  for  indi-                                                                                       of  the  breach  free  credit
            viduals  whose  stolen  infor-                                                                                      monitoring  services  for  up
            mation  could  circulate  on                                                                                        to  10  years,  identity-resto-
            the internet for decades.                                                                                           ration  services  for  seven
            The breach was one of the                                                                                           years, and six Equifax credit
            largest  ever  to  threaten   This  July  21,  2012,  file  photo  shows  signage  at  the  corporate  headquarters  of  Equifax  Inc.,  in   reports  annually  for  the
            Americans’  private  infor-  Atlanta. Equifax will pay up to $700 million to settle with the Federal Trade Commission and others   next seven years. That’s on
            mation.                      over a 2017 data breach that exposed Social Security numbers and other private information of   top  of  the  free  report  all
            The  credit  reporting  com-  nearly 150 million people.                                                            credit reporting companies
            pany  didn’t  notice  the                                                                          Associated Press  must offer U.S. residents ev-
            intruders  targeting  its  da-  our commitment to putting  price  closed  at  $137.84  out  of  the  data  collection  ery year.
            tabases,  who  exploited  a  consumers  first  and  safe-  —  not  far  from  its  price  of  that  lands  their  personal  Victims can also seek up to
            known security vulnerability  guarding their data.”       $141.45, where it was trad-  details  in  corporate  data-  $125  as  a  reimbursement
            that  Equifax  hadn’t  fixed,  Consumer advocates were  ing  just  before  the  breach  bases.                      for  the  cost  of  a  credit-
            for more than six weeks.     generally  positive  on  the  was  disclosed  on  Sept.  7,  Equifax’s  CEO  said  he  has  monitoring product of their
            The  compromised  data  settlement,  but  had  con-       2017.  Business  analysts  say  seen zero evidence the sto-  choice.  Consumers  must
            included  Social  Security  cerns  about  its  timescale.  the  settlement  will  remove  len data has appeared for  submit claims for free credit
            numbers,  birth  dates,  ad-  Claims can only be filed for  a cloud of uncertainty over  sale on the so-called “dark  monitoring  or  cash  reim-
            dresses, driver license num-  the next four years, but the  Equifax’s business.        web”  and  no  evidence  of  bursements. The settlement
            bers,  credit  card  numbers  thieves  stole  permanently  It  also,  however,  under-  an  increased  identity  theft  received  preliminary  ap-
            and  in  some  cases,  data  identifiable information like  scores  that  U.S.  consumers  because  of  the  breach.  proval from a federal judge
            from passports. The resulting  Social  Security  numbers  are still at the mercy of the  The company did not pro-   Monday,  and  claims  can
            scandal  led  to  the  abrupt  and  birthdates,  the  data  credit-reporting companies  vide any evidence to back  start processing Tuesday.
            dismissal  of  Equifax’s  then-  could be used for decades  when  it  comes  to  protect-  up that claim.           Equifax  will  have  to  spend
            CEO  and  many  other  ex-   to commit identity theft.    ing  their  crucial  personal  Security experts said there’s  at  least  $1  billion  over  five
            ecutives at the company.     “What  happens  if  a  con-  details. Two years after the  really no way to know, es-  years  to  enhance  its  cy-
            “Companies     that   profit  sumer  is  the  victim  of  ID  breach, Equifax, along with  pecially  in  the  absence  of  bersecurity  practices  and
            from  personal  information  theft in the fifth year result-  its  competitors  TransUnion  third-party validation. “You  will owe a $100 million fine
            have  an  extra  responsibil-  ing from the breach, which  and  Experian,  remain  the  cannot determine with cer-  to  the  Consumer  Financial
            ity  to  protect  and  secure  costs the consumer tens of  primary  repositories  of  the  tainty  that  the  information  Protection Bureau and tens
            that  data,”  said  Federal  thousands of dollars?” said  data  that  banks  use  to  will  never  wind  up  in  the  of millions of dollars to states
            Trade  Commission  Chair-    Chi  Chi  Wu,  staff  attorney  make credit decisions.    hands  of  people  who  are  and territories to settle their
            man  Joe  Simons.  “Equifax  at  the  National  Consumer  They  face  little  regulation  going to use it,” said Ryan  lawsuits.
            failed  to  take  basic  steps  Law Center.               and  disclose  few  details  Calo, a law professor at the  For information on the terms
            that  may  have  prevented  Shares  of  Equifax,  which  about their operations, de-   University of Washington.    of  the  settlement,  as  well
            the breach.”                 plunged 30%  following dis-  spite promises to tighten se-  “It  is  a  lifetime  risk  expo-  as to file a claim, potential
            Equifax  CEO  Mark  Begor  closure of the breach, have  curity and rebuild consum-     sure,”  said  Rich  Mogull,  victims should go to https://
            said  in  a  statement  that  since  made  up  that  drop.  er  trust.  Ordinary  people  CEO  of  the  security  firm  www.equifaxbreachsettle-
            the  settlement  “reinforces  On  Monday,  Equifax  stock  have  no  easy  way  to  opt  Securosis, who added that .q
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