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U.S. NEWS Wednesday 31 May 2017
Portland uneasy; suspect shouts ‘you’ve got no safe place!’
By GILLIAN FLACCUS liberal supersedes this dark,
STEVEN DUBOIS hidden secret about rac-
Associated Press ism,” said Karen Gibson, a
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Un- professor of urban studies
ease about white suprem- at Portland State University.
acist activity in Portland The lone man to survive Fri-
deepened after the fatal day’s stabbings says he’s
stabbings of two men who having a difficult time pro-
tried to shield young wom- cessing what happened.
en from an anti-Muslim ti- Micah Fletcher told KGW-
rade, and some people TV (
worry that the famously that he’s focusing on trying
tolerant community could to get better.
see a resurgence of the “I’m healing. That’s what
hostilities that once earned I’m doing. As much as I
it the nickname “Skinhead can, in whatever way I
City.” can,” Fletcher told the sta-
The attack aboard a light- tion. He was released from
rail train happened Friday, the hospital Monday.
the first day of Ramadan, Many of the early settlers to
the holiest time of the year Oregon were from South-
for Muslims. Authorities say Jeremy Joseph Christian is arraigned in Multnomah County Circuit Court in Portland, Ore., Tues- ern states and brought with
Jeremy Joseph Christian day, May 30, 2017. Authorities say Christian started verbally abusing two young women, includ- them negative attitudes
started verbally abusing ing one wearing a hijab. When three men on the train intervened, police say, Christian attacked about blacks, Gibson said.
two young women, includ- them, killing two and wounding one. Only about 6 percent of
ing one wearing a hijab. (Beth Nakamura/The Oregonian via AP, Pool) the Portland population
When three men on the is black, while more than
train intervened, police got no safe place!” and lic defender agency, said public rallies that have 70 percent is non-Hispanic
say, Christian attacked “death to the enemies of the office was “saddened drawn national attention. white, statistics show.Some
them, killing two and America!” by this tragedy” but urged The Pacific Northwest has a residents said President
wounding one. Christian, who faces ag- people to let the justice sys- long and violent history of Donald Trump has caused
Christian, 35, was defiant gravated murder and oth- tem take its course. white supremacist and oth- those racist demons to stir
during his brief initial court er charges, didn’t enter a The deaths stunned the er racist activities, despite again with his administra-
appearance Tuesday, plea. His next court date is city, but also underscored its more recent reputation tion’s travel ban, his prom-
shouting: “You call it terror- June 7. He has been ap- nervousness about recent for being one of the na- ise to build a wall along the
ism I call it patriotism!” pointed public defenders. events, including a series tion’s most socially liberal border with Mexico and
He made repeated out- In a statement, Lane Borg, of apparent hate crimes in regions. his crackdown on illegal
bursts saying “you’ve the head of the local pub- the region and contentious “The idea that Portland is so immigration.q
Cop who killed Tamir Rice fired
over a job application omission
By DAKE KANG lice violence against black
Associated Press boys and men. The officers
CLEVELAND (AP) — The po- weren’t charged crimi-
lice officer who shot and nally, but Tamir’s mother
killed Tamir Rice was fired settled a federal civil rights
Tuesday for failing to dis- lawsuit with the city for $6
close that he had been million.
forced out of another de- Loehmann was fired be-
partment before Cleve- cause the department
land hired him, while his concluded he wasn’t truth-
partner was suspended ful on his job application,
for driving too close to the failing to reveal that a sub-
12-year-old seconds be- urban department had al-
fore the boy was killed. lowed him to resign instead
Cleveland Police Chief of being fired at the end of
Calvin Williams announced a six-month probationary
the discipline against of- period. An evaluation in the
ficers Timothy Loehmann, suburban department’s file
who shot the boy, and had said Loehmann had
Frank Garmback, who was a “dismal” handgun per-
driving the cruiser. formance, broke down in
Tamir, who was black, was tears at the gun range and
shot outside a recreation was emotionally immature.
center in November 2014 Garmback was suspended
as he held a pellet gun for 10 days for violating a
that the white officers mis- tactical rule for his driving
took for a real firearm. The that day, with a disciplinary
killing became part of a letter saying he drove too
national outcry about po- close to Tamir.q