Page 18 - ATA
P. 18
Thursday 18 July 2019
Science, Technology
and Innovation in Aruba
A Bop or a Flop?
Maastricht – Considering the times we are in, science, technology Also, we know that the Aruban of the knowledge export always
and innovation (STI) have been the focal point of strength of many government has recently pre- includes high-tech knowledge
developed nations in the world. Take for example the US, China, Ko- sented the 6 prospective econo- and/or products. Each country’s
rea, Russia, Japan and Europe. Now, for us smaller and less devel- mies for economic diversifica- positioning in the global econo-
oped countries, or even islands, how will we catalyze on these devel- tion, namely the Tourism Industry, my and value chain depends on
opments for our future generations. STI are proven to be inseparable Knowledge Economy, Agriculture its ability to absorb knowledge
from developments in employment and production and it is espe- Industry, Logistics Economy, Cir- and move closer to the technol-
cially essential to determine which types of innovation will best serve cular Economy, and the Creative ogy and innovation frontier. Now,
a community in attaining the threefold objective of economic growth, Industries. Unlike the Tourism Indus- where do Latin America and the
social inclusion and environmental sustainability engrained in the try, these economies will have to Caribbean stand in this respect?
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through the Sustainable be developed from the bottom Unfortunately, according to the
Development Goals (SDGs). going up in order for them to be United Nations Economic Com-
successful on the island. Also, the mission for Latin America and the
Aruba has committed herself to these goals and the Aruban govern- University of Aruba will be expand- Caribbean (ECLAC) in their latest
ment has expressed that their goal is to keep the human being cen- ing shortly with a new “sustainable report on STI developments: “Sci-
tral, leaving no one behind. Also, innovation has been considered the island solutions through science, ence, Technology and Innovation
main tool to accomplish this objective and have since 2017 made technology, engineering and in the Digital Economy: The State
strategic steps into the future of innovation on the island. However, math” SISSTEM Faculty, where for of the art in Latin America and
will this be enough? the first time, Aruba will embark on the Caribbean” (2016) “despite
a STI journey. However, what busi- the progress made, indicators of
I recently took notice of the first Makers Expo at the Biblioteca Na- ness environment do we have in innovation efforts and access to
tional Aruba (BNA). An expo dedicated on technology and innova- place for this to work in Aruba? Are technology are not promising”.
tion, showcasing all the entities and professionals on Aruba that are there companies in Aruba which ECLAC (2016) reaffirms this by ex-
currently dedicating their efforts towards innovation. The entire com- focus on STEM skills and educa- plaining that “countries that base
munity of Aruba was invited to come and experience what technol- tion? This new faculty, which again their competitiveness on exports
ogy could be or mean for our development. It was so nice to see how is a great step in the right direction, of high-tech products require
many children were there with their parents. Events like this could re- will need the environmental sup- workers with advanced skills and
ally inspire young men and women to consider Science, Technology, port of the private sector. If these high levels of investment in R&D,
Engineering & Math (STEM) for better socio-economic development students graduate in 3 to 4 years, while maintaining close links be-
in Aruba. where in Aruba can they work? If tween the production system and
the private sector is not supporting science and technology. High-
this new shift in academia we will tech sectors are less exposed to
once again educate students to the entry of competitors, so they
eventually leave due to a lack of earn higher revenues. As a result,
job opportunities. nearly all developed countries are
exporters of technologically ad-
Aruba wants to build a knowledge vanced products” (p.17). Now, it
economy through the presence of might be too far-fetched to think
the SISSTEM Faculty, which in sim- that in a couple years Aruba will
ple terms means that knowledge be the next Silicon Valley, but the
is considered economically valu- main operation for islands such as
able, thus it has a price tag to it. Aruba is to work on their absorp-
The aim is to then export the knowl- tive capacity.
edge (on anything really) and gain
economic revenue. According to According to UNESCO (2019) “in-
the Central Bureau of Statistics in vestment in science, technology
the 1st QRT of 2019, Aruba’s export and innovation is essential for eco-
rate is approximately 36.3 million nomic development and social
(not so much). But globally if we progress.
learn from the previously men-
tioned developed countries, part Continued on Page 16