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a24    health
                Wednesday 21 august 2019
                                                Feed Your Bones

            Matter comes in three states:  sol-  ized by a loss of calcium and other  tines;  removal  of  gallbladders;
            id, liquid and gas.  Stop and think  minerals  from  the  bones,  making  kidney  disease;  diabetes;  and  al-
            about glass and bones.  Are they  them more porous and brittle.  Po-    coholism  all  contribute  to  poor
            solid, liquid or gas?  Which did you  rous  and  brittle  bones  are  more  calcium  absorption.    Perhaps  the
            pick?  If you choose solid for both,  susceptible to break and fracture.   biggest enemy to bone loss is cig-
            you are technically incorrect.  We  People,  aware  that  osteoporosis  arette  smoking.  These  problems
            hear  the  objections  screaming  in  has become a big problem in de-   need to be corrected to stop min-
            your brains.  Hold on; expand your  veloping  countries,  supplement  eral loss from your bones.
            reality of what you perceive.       with calcium and vitamin D for pre-  The  second  part  of  our  protocol
                                                vention.Most  physicians  assume  is to encourage the bones to be-
            Glass  is  technically  a  liquid  much  that the way to treat osteoporosis  come more flexible.  Why do baby
            like water.  So why does glass not  is to prescribe calcium. Years ago  bones  not  break?    They  are  not
            behave like water?  The answer is  I  predicted  this  assumption  would  strong  but  they  are  flexible.    Re-
            in the temperature.  At ten below  come back to haunt the medical  member  brittle  glass  shatters?
            zero  water  flows  nowhere;  at  a  profession.  The  negative  conse-  Similarly, brittle bones shatter.  Too   By Dr. Carlos Viana
            thousand degrees glass flows eas-   quences of calcium supplementa-     much calcium in the bones makes
            ily.  Believe it or not, even at ambi-  tion are finally being realized and  them hard and brittle.  The current  un-flavored gelatin.  Drink at least
            ent temperatures, glass, pulled by  medical  researchers  now  know  test for osteoporosis, a bone-scan  a cup a day alone or use a stock to
            the forces of gravity, flows ever so  that their assumptions have made  gives us your bone density.  Bone  cook with or add fresh vegetables
            slowly down.  There are old castles  bone problems worse.               density  does  not  show  flexibility.   to make soap.
            whose  glass  panes  have  flowed  Calcium  supplements  can  raise  Thick,  dense,  but  brittle  bones  will  Avoid  acid  forming  foods;  these
            down  so  the  bottom  of  the  pane  heart  risks  in  postmenopausal  shatter and break easily.           cause  your  body  to  pull  calcium
            is much thicker than the paper thin  women. In the United States a pre-  We  begin  by  replacing  not  just  out  of  your  bones.  Sugars,  simple
            top.  Glass, your see, is a liquid that  scription medication that has cal-  calcium, but all the minerals need-  carbohydrates   and   processed
            is solid or “frozen” at ambient tem-  cium and vitamin D that has been  ed  by  your  bones.  There  are  two  foods are acid forming.  Exercise in
            peratures.                          used  by  nearly  10  million  people  ways  to  accomplish  this.  The  first  moderation is good for you.  Exces-
            What about breaking glass?  Glass  to help prevent or treat bone loss  is to feed your body the minerals.   sive exercise can remove calcium
            at ambient temperature, if forced  or  osteoporosis,  has  been  linked  Magnesium  helps  maintain  nor-   from your bones.  For joggers, run-
            too  much  will  shatter  into  sharp  to 2,400 incidents of jaw bone de-  mal  muscle  and  nerve  function,  ning  shoes  are  recommended  to
            pieces.  Automobile “safety” glass  cay  or  Osteonecrosis  of  the  jaw.   keeps  heart  rhythm  steady,  sup-  protect  you  from  shin  splints  and
            is  two  panes  of  glass  melted  to-  Additional  people  taking  these  ports  a  healthy  immune  system,  knee  problems.    However,  bones
            gether with an inner core of plastic  drugs have claimed to have such  and  keeps  bones  strong.    Nutri-  need to be stressed to be strong.
            to  make  it  more  flexible,  or  shat-  debilitating  pain  that  they  have  tionists  know  that,  magnesium  Wearing  shoes  that  absorb  ALL
            ter-proof.    Automobile  glass  takes  become bedridden  or in  need of  regulates calcium transportation in  stress  is  not  good.    Impact  stimu-
            more  force  before  breaking  into  walkers, crutches or wheelchairs.  the body.  New studies show that  lates  the  flow  of  minerals  for  your
            dull pieces.                        Understanding  this  over  simplifica-  magnesium  therapy  appears  to  bones.  Another thing you can do
            Bones are more fluid than solid.  Ask  tion of bone density and calcium,  prevent  fractures  and  results  in  a  to  force  your  bones  to  become
            any  orthodontist  who  uses  braces  I have developed a treatment ap-  significant increase in bone density  stronger  is  grow  muscles.  Muscles
            to rearrange and straighten teeth.   proach in our clinic, using my bio-  in menopausal women. One of our  control  bone  production  better
            With  time  and  constant  pressure,  compatible medical protocol.  The  ways  to  feed  your  bones  is  BONE  than  calcium  supplementation.
            teeth imbedded in solid bone jaws  first thing is to slow down the loss of  SOUP: Use beef, chicken, turkey or  When  muscles  become  bigger
            will  slowly  flow  into  a  new  space.   calcium.  Medicines that stimulate  fish, all animal bones are full of col-  and stronger through exercise, the
            Most  of  our  calcium  is  found  in  the thyroid and adrenal glands, as  lagen important for strong healthy  attached  bone  grows  to  support
            bones and teeth.  People  require  well as prolonged use of cortisone  bones.  Fill a large pot half way with  the musculature.
            calcium daily.  When there is a de-  greatly affect calcium status.  Ste-  any  kind  of  bones,  include  a  little  Get the point!  Your bones are alive.
            ficiency  of  calcium  in  the  body,  roids  and  artificial  hormones,  be-  meat.    (Do  NOT  use  Pork.    Pork  is  Drinking milk for your bone health is
            these  nutrients  are  “borrowed”  sides  increasing  your  risk  for  some  NOT on any healthy diet!)  Fill the  a myth that has no medical basis.
            from our bones and teeth.           cancers,  do  not  treat  your  bones  other  half  with  vegetables,  espe-  Your  skeleton  is  your  body’s  sup-
            Our  skeleton,  which  serves  as  well.  Additionally, there are drugs  cially a lot of parsley.  Do NOT use  port;  our  clinic  is  your  health  sup-
            our  structural  support,  is  actually  that interfere with calcium absorp-  potatoes,  tomatoes  or  eggplant.   port. Do you want to protect your
            constantly  changing,  maximizing  tion.  Drugs used to decrease sei-   Add 2 teaspoons of vinegar or half  bones from osteoporosis? Come in
            strength and minimizing its mass to  zures  and  many  stomach  medi-   a cup of wine.  Fill with water and  so we can teach you how to take
            meet our physiological needs.  Os-  cines prevent calcium absorption.   boil  vigorously  for  3  hours.    Keep  care  and  feed  your  bones  natu-
            teoporosis is a condition character-  Operations  to  stomach  or  intes-  only the broth.  Add a package of  rally. q
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