P. 10

                 Monday 25 February 2019
            Congress mulls cap on what Medicare enrollees pay for drugs

            By    RICARDO     ALONSO-                                                                                           national  health  care  de-
            ZALDIVAR                                                                                                            bates, and his organization
             Associated Press                                                                                                   represents  a  cross-section
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  With                                                                                           of interest groups. "There is
            health care a top issue for                                                                                         a common recognition of a
            American voters, Congress                                                                                           problem, and also a sense
            may  actually  be  moving                                                                                           that  they  want  to  move
            toward  doing  something                                                                                            something  this  year,"  he
            this year to address the high                                                                                       said.
            cost of prescription drugs.                                                                                         At  issue  is  the  Medicare
            President  Donald  Trump,                                                                                           prescription  benefit's  "cat-
            Democrats  trying  to  retire                                                                                       astrophic"  protection.  Ex-
            him  in  2020,  and  congres-                                                                                       perts say it was intended as
            sional  incumbents  of  both                                                                                        a safeguard but isn't work-
            parties  all  say  they  want                                                                                       ing that way, either for ben-
            action. Democrats and Re-                                                                                           eficiaries or taxpayers.
            publicans are far apart on                                                                                          Catastrophic    protection
            whether to empower Medi-                                                                                            was  enacted  before  the
            care  to  negotiate  prices,                                                                                        advent  of  drugs  costing
            but there's enough overlap                                                                                          $1,000 a pill. It kicks in after
            to  allow  for  agreement  in                                                                                       beneficiaries  have  spent
            other areas.                                                                                                        about  $5,100  on  medica-
            High  on  the  list  is  capping   Retired public school teacher Gail Orcutt, of Altoona, Iowa, looks over some of the prescription   tions, under a complex for-
            out-of-pocket    costs   for   drugs she takes, Friday, Feb. 15, 2019, in Altoona, Iowa.                            mula.
            participants  in  Medicare's                                                                       Associated Press  After  that,  the  beneficia-
            popular Part D prescription                                                                                         ry  is  only  responsible  for  5
            drug  program  ,  which  has  Senate  Finance  Commit-    vanced  lung  cancer  due  nesses  with  varied  policy  percent  of  the  cost  of  the
            a loophole that's left some  tee,  which  oversees  Medi-  to  radon  exposure.  Al-   views  concurred  on  limit-  medication, and taxpayers'
            beneficiaries with bills rival-  care.  "Out-of-pocket  costs  though  she  has  Medicare  ing drug costs for Medicare  share  rises  to  80  percent.
            ing a mortgage payment.      are a concern of ours, par-  prescription coverage, she  beneficiaries. "This is still the  The patient's insurer covers
            The  effort  to  cap  out-of-  ticularly at the catastrophic  paid  $2,600  in  January  for  only program that does not  the remaining 15 percent.
            pocket costs in Medicare's  level."  His  committee  has  her  cancer  medication  provide  that  protection  to  The problem for beneficia-
            prescription  plan  is  be-  summoned CEOs from sev-      and  will  pay  about  $750  its  beneficiaries,"  testified  ries is that there's no dollar
            ing  considered  as  part  of  en  pharmaceutical  com-   monthly  for  the  rest  of  the  economist Joe Antos of the  limit to what they must pay.
            broader  legislation  to  re-  panies  to  a  hearing  Tues-  year. She said it cost more  business-oriented   Ameri-  For  example,  5  percent  of
            strain drug prices.          day.                         last year for a different drug  can   Enterprise   Institute.  a  drug  that  costs  $200,000
            Limits on high medical and  While  Grassley  said  he  —  $3,200  initially  and  then  The House committee also  a year works out to $10,000.
            drug bills are already part of  hasn't settled on a specific  about $820 monthly.      oversees Medicare.           Numerous    experts   also
            most  employer-based  and  approach, the committee's  Someday  her  current  drug  Before  the  hearing,  the  say  there's  a  problem  for
            private  insurance.  They're  top  Democrat,  Oregon  may stop working, said Or-       committee's chairman and  taxpayers.  Generally,  the
            called "out-of-pocket maxi-  Sen.  Ron  Wyden,  recently  cutt,  and  then  she'd  have  top Republican released a  Medicare prescription ben-
            mums"  and  are  required  introduced  legislation  that  to go on a different medi-   joint  statement  unusual  in  efit is financed with a mix of
            under    the   Obama-era  would  cap  out-of-pocket  cation. "What if that is two  polarized times: "We agree  government  subsidies  and
            health  law  for  in-network  costs  at  about  $2,650  for  or three times what I'm pay-  that  the  time  is  now  to  beneficiary  premiums.  But
            services. But Medicare has  Medicare       beneficiaries  ing now?" she said. "It's not  take  meaningful  action  to  in the catastrophic portion,
            remained  an  outlier  even  taking  brand-name  drugs.  sustainable.  The  country  lower  the  cost  of  prescrip-  most  of  the  bill  is  passed
            as  prices  have  soared  for  One  co-sponsor  is  Minne-  needs  more  problem-solv-  tion drugs in the U.S. health  directly  to  taxpayers.  That
            potent  new  brand-name  sota  Sen.  Amy  Klobuchar,  ing  for  the  common  good  care  system,"  said  Reps.  neutralizes the incentive for
            drugs,  as  well  as  older  a  Democratic  presidential  and not the corporate bot-   Richard Neal, D-Mass., and  insurers  to  negotiate  lower
            mainstays such as insulin.   candidate.                   tom line."                   Kevin Brady, R-Texas.        prices  with  drugmakers.
            "The issue has my attention,"  In Des Moines, Iowa, retired  At  a  recent  House  Ways  John Rother of the National  Catastrophic  is  the  fastest
            said  Sen.  Charles  Grassley,  special education teacher  and  Means  Committee  Coalition  on  Health  Care  growing cost for Medicare's
            R-Iowa,  chairman  of  the  Gail  Orcutt  is  battling  ad-  hearing,  three  expert  wit-  is a longtime participant in  Part D.q
            Trump extends China tariff deadline, cites progress in talks

            By  PAUL  WISEMAN  AND  March 1."                         from 10 to 25 percent, if the  The  two  counties  have  of  negotiated  agreement,
            CATHERINE LUCEY              Trump said that if negotia-  two  sides  failed  to  reach  slapped  import  taxes  on  even  if  it  is  a  partial  one,
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-     tions progress, he will meet  a  deal.  The  increase  was  hundreds  of  billions  of  dol-  in the coming weeks," said
            dent  Donald  Trump  said  with  Chinese  President  Xi  scheduled to take effect at  lars of each other's goods.  Cornell  University  econo-
            Sunday  he  will  extend  a  Jinping at his Florida resort  12:01 a.m. EST on March 2.  The  conflict  has  shaken  mist  Eswar  Prasad,  former
            deadline  to  escalate  tar-  to finalize an agreement.   The  world's  two  biggest  financial   markets    and  head  of  the  International
            iffs on Chinese imports, cit-  U.S.  and  Chinese  negotia-  economies   have   been  clouded the outlook for the  Monetary  Fund's  China  di-
            ing  "substantial  progress"  tors met through the week-  locked  in  a  conflict  over  global  economy,  putting  vision.
            in  weekend  talks  between  end as they seek to resolve  U.S.  allegations  that  China  pressure on Trump and Xi to  But  business  groups  and
            the two countries.           a  trade  war  that's  rattled  steals technology and forc-  reach a deal.             lawmakers    in   Congress
            Trump  tweeted  that  there  financial markets.           es  foreign  companies  to  "Trump clearly wants a deal  want  to  see  a  compre-
            had    been     "productive  Trump  had  warned  he  hand over trade secrets in  and  so  do  the  Chinese,  hensive  deal  that  forces
            talks," adding that "I will be  would  escalate  the  tariffs  an aggressive push to chal-  which  certainly  raises  the  the  Chinese  to  change
            delaying  the  U.S.  increase  he  has  imposed  on  $200  lenge  American  techno-    probability  that  the  two  their behavior and can be
            in tariffs now scheduled for  billion  in  Chinese  imports,  logical dominance.       sides will come to some sort  enforced.q
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