Page 9 - HOH
P. 9
Thursday 28 February 2019
House approves bill to expand
gun-sale background checks
to address an epidemic of Just eight Republicans opposed the bill, the GOP
gun violence that kills thou- joined 232 Democrats to scored a procedural victo-
sands of Americans every support the bill, while only ry when the House accept-
year, including 17 people two Democrats voted ed a Republican amend-
shot and killed at a Florida against it. ment requiring that gun
high school last year.The bill The White House said in sellers notify Immigration
is the first of two the House a veto message that the and Customs Enforcement
is voting on this week as background-checks bill when an illegal immigrant
Democrats move to tight- could block someone from tries to buy a gun. Twenty-
In this Jan. 8, 2019, file photo Rep. Mike Thompson, D-Calif., en gun laws following eight borrowing a firearm for six Democrats joined with
pauses while speaking during a news conference to announce years of Republican con- self-defense or allowing a Republicans to support the
the introduction of bipartisan legislation to expand background trol. The other bill would ex- neighbor to take care of a amendment, offered by
checks for sales and transfers of firearms, on Capitol Hill in
Washington. tend the review period for gun while traveling. Rep. Doug Collins, R-Ga.
Associated Press background checks from Democrats called those House Speaker Nancy Pe-
three to 10 days. arguments misleading and losi downplayed the GOP
By MATTHEW DALY and transfers, the first ma- Both bills face dim pros- said gun owners have a proposal, saying, "We won
Associated Press jor gun control legislation pects in the Republican- responsibility to ensure fire- a big victory — get the
WASHINGTON (AP) — The considered by Congress in controlled Senate and arms are properly handled. message."
Democratic-controlled nearly 25 years. veto threats from President The bill includes exceptions Pelosi, D-Calif., called the
House on Wednesday ap- Democrats called the 240- Donald Trump, who said allowing temporary trans- House vote "historic" and
proved a measure requir- 190 vote a major step to they would impose unrea- fers to prevent imminent hailed the bill as "a long-
ing federal background end the gun lobby's grip sonable requirements on harm or for use at a target overdue, commonsense
checks for all firearms sales on Washington and begin gun owners. range. action to end the epidem-
The long-delayed bill would ic of gun violence in Amer-
merely close loopholes to ica."
ensure that background To demonstrate her support
checks are extended to for the bill, Pelosi wore an
private and online sales orange dress while other
that often go undetected, Democrats wore orange
Democrats said. ties or scarves, the color
"People who are felons or used by the movement
are dangerously mentally against gun violence.
ill shouldn't have guns," re- Rep. Madeleine Dean,
gardless of whether they D-Pa., said she hopes the
buy them from a feder- symbolism will soon be-
ally licensed dealer or their come obsolete.
next-door neighbor, said "I long for the day when
Rep. Mike Thompson, D- orange scarves are a fash-
Calif., a key sponsor who ion statement, not a cry for
has pushed for expanded help," said Dean, who was
background checks since wearing a bright orange
the 2012 killing of 20 ele- scarf.
mentary school students in House Minority Whip Steve
Newtown, Connecticut. Scalise, R-La., who was
"For six-and-a-half years, we gravely wounded in a 2017
had no cooperation from shooting at a congressio-
the past majority" in the nal baseball practice, said
House, Thompson said. "We stricter background checks
couldn't get a hearing on would not have prevented
the bill. We couldn't get a his shooting or other trag-
vote. Today, we're here to edies.
tell you it's a new day. With Democrats said the bill in-
this (Democratic) majority, cludes exceptions allowing
we have made a commit- temporary transfers for any-
ment to address the issue one who feels threatened
of gun violence." by a domestic partner or
While Republicans mostly other person. q