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A4   U.S. NEWS
                  Thursday 14 March 2019

            Senate confirms White House official Rao for appeals court

                                                                      sexual assault.              ties  expressed  concerns  her  confirmation  hearing
                                                                      White House official Neomi  about  her  past  writings,  that  she  and  Trump  have
                                                                      Rao  won  confirmation  to  particularly  on  date  rape  successfully pushed dereg-
                                                                      a  seat  on  the  U.S.  Circuit  and other sexual assault. As  ulation  that  "gets  govern-
                                                                      Court  of  Appeals  for  the  a Yale undergraduate Rao  ment  out  of  the  way"  and
                                                                      District  of  Columbia  Cir-  suggested that intoxicated  helps  small  businesses  and
                                                                      cuit on a straight party-line  women were partly respon-  other  companies  create
                                                                      vote,  53-46.  No  Republi-  sible for date rape. She also  jobs.
                                                                      can opposed Rao, and no  criticized  affirmative  ac-     Senate  Judiciary  Commit-
                                                                      Democrat supported her.      tion and questioned equal  tee Chairman Lindsey Gra-
                                                                      Rao,  45,  heads  the  White  rights  for  women  and  gay  ham,  R-S.C.,  called  Rao
                                                                      House  Office  of  Informa-  people.                      "an  outstanding  choice"
                                                                      tion  and  Regulatory  Af-   Rao  has  distanced  herself  to  serve  on  the  District  of
                                                                      fairs, where she plays a key  from language she used as  Columbia  Circuit,  widely
                                                                      role in Trump's efforts to roll  a  college  student,  saying  considered  the  nation's
                                                                      back federal rules and reg-  at her confirmation hearing  second-most      important
              In  this  Feb.  5,  2017  file  photo,  Neomi  Rao,  President  Donald
            Trump's nominee for a seat on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals,   ulations. She also worked in  that  she  cringes  at  some  federal  court,  below  only
            appears before the Senate Judiciary Committee for her confir-  the George W. Bush White  of  the  language  she  used  the Supreme Court.
            mation hearing, on Capitol Hill in Washington.            House  but  has  never  tried  in  opinion  articles  she  said  "She  is  an  expert  on  ad-
                                                     Associated Press   a  case  in  state  or  federal  were  intended  to  be  pro-  ministrative  law  and  has  a
                                                                      court.                       vocative.                    sound,  conservative  judi-
            By  MATTHEW  DALY  Associ-   ald  Trump's  nominee  to  Trump  nominated  Rao  for  Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, who  cial  philosophy  that  one
            ated Press                   replace  Brett  Kavanaugh  the  seat  left  vacant  when  recently  revealed  she  was  would  expect  from  a  Re-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  on  a  high-profile  appeals  Kavanaugh  joined  the  Su-    raped  in  college,  called  publican nominee for such
            Senate    on   Wednesday  court,  despite  concerns  preme Court last fall.            Rao's 1990's opinion pieces  an important position," Gra-
            confirmed  President  Don-   about  her  past  writings  on  Lawmakers  from  both  par-  "absolutely  abhorrent  and  ham said.
                                                                                                   reprehensible  at  best,"  but  But  California  Sen.  Dianne
                                                                                                   said  she  was  reassured  af-  Feinstein,  the  panel's  top
                                                                                                   ter  Rao  wrote  a  letter  to  Democrat,  said  Rao  has  a
                                                                                                   senators  repudiating  her  "troubling  and  aggressive
                                                                                                   past views.                  record"  on  deregulation,
                                                                                                   Ernst and other Republicans  particularly  on  rules  that
                                                                                                   said Rao was qualified de-   protect health and the en-
                                                                                                   spite her lack of courtroom  vironment.  As  head  of  the
                                                                                                   experience.  Rao's  work  on  regulatory  office,  Rao  "has
                                                                                                   federal regulations qualifies  taken  a  buzz  saw  to  pro-
                                                                                                   her for the District of Colum-  tections for women's health
                                                                                                   bia  circuit,  which  handles  and  for  sexual  assault  vic-
                                                                                                   many  administrative  ap-    tims on college campuses,"
                                                                                                   peals  of  executive  branch  added Sen. Ron Wyden, D-
                                                                                                   actions,  Ernst  said.  But  she  Ore. Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin,
                                                                                                   and other Republicans said  the second-ranking Demo-
                                                                                                   they might view Rao differ-  crat, said Rao has "minimal
                                                                                                   ently if she is nominated to  practical experience in the
                                                                                                   the Supreme Court.           law"  and  legal  views  that
                                                                                                   Rao,  widely  seen  as  a  fu-  are "beyond extreme."
                                                                                                   ture  candidate  for  the  Addressing Trump from the
                                                                                                   high court, is a member of  Senate floor, Durbin asked:
                                                                                                   the  conservative  Federal-  "Isn't there a good Repub-
                                                                                                   ist Society. The legal policy  lican  conservative  some-
                                                                                                   group  has  played  a  key  where who's actually been
                                                                                                   role in Trump's judicial nom-  in  a  courtroom,  actually
                                                                                                   inations, including Kavana-  made an appearance in a
                                                                                                   ugh's elevation to the high  case,  maybe  even  tried  a
                                                                                                   court.                       case or filed a motion and
                                                                                                   Democrats  staunchly  op-    would know a courthouse if
                                                                                                   posed Rao, citing her lack  they saw it and on not on
                                                                                                   of  trial  experience  and  TV? Is that too much to ask
                                                                                                   publicly stated pride at roll-  for  a  lifetime  appointment
                                                                                                   ing  back  federal  rules  on  to the second-highest court
                                                                                                   Trump's behalf. Rao said at  in the land?"q
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