Page 13 - HOH
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                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Saturday 22 december 2018
            Alba the albino                                                                                                              527 4000
            orangutan returned to                                                                                                    Imsan- San Nicolas
                                                                                                                                         524 8833
            jungle in Indonesia                                       CASA DEL MAR FOR SALE        Tropicana Aruba Resort          DOCTOR ON DUTY
                                                                      week 1 Presidential unit #1313
                                                                                                   and Casino
                                                                      2 br, 2 bath, Ocean view,    For Sale or rent by Owner           Oranjestad
            BUKIT BAKA BUKIT RAYA, In-   cies decided it was appro-   Sleeps 6                     week 7 one bed unit #1532F   Dr. Thuis Tel. 588 2600
            donesia (AP) — The world's  priate to release Alba into   $14,900                      Fri/Fri  $3,900                    San Nicolas
            only  known  albino  orang-  the  wild  because  of  her                               Week 13 two bed unit #4552H
            utan  climbed  trees,  for-  strong  physical  condition   _________________________________210447   Fri/Fri $4,900  Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                                                PHARMACY ON DUTY
            aged for food and began  and  intrinsically  wild  be-    Caribbean Palm Village       contact  in aruba
            building  a  nest  after  be-  havior.                    Christmas and New Year         Oranjestad:
            ing released into a remote  She  will  be  electronically   Week51 unit  e301 2br $7,900  or cell 592 0500          Kibrahacha Tel. 583 4908
                                                                                                                                San Nicolas
            Borneo  jungle  more  than  tracked and regularly mon-    Week51&52  unit d103 2br     In uS   Seroe Preto  Tel. 584 4833
            a  year  after  conservation  itored by a medical team.   $7,900                       or  cell 978 530 6077        Women in Difficulties
            officials  found  her  starving  "Alba  has  no  inferiority   Week51&52 unit b102 2br   _________________________________210463   OTHER
            and  dehydrated  in  an  In-  complex  as  we  imagined   $6,900                                                    Dental Clinic 587 9850
            donesian village.            before.  She  is  very  confi-  Week52 unit  c202 2br best                             Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
            The Borneo Orangutan Sur-    dent  compared  to  other    Offer                                                     Mobility Equip . Gire
            vival  foundation  says  the  orangutans," said veterinar-  Week51 unit e104 1br $3,900                             568 5165
            great ape, called Alba af-   ian Agus Fathoni.            Week51&52 unit e207 1br                                   Urgent Care 586 0448
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
            ter  thousands  worldwide  "I think the real threat actu-  $5,700                                                   EMERGENCY
            responded  to  an  appeal  ally  comes  from  humans.     Week52 unit e305 1br $4,900
            for  a  name,  has  tripled  in  What  we're  worried  about   Week52 unit G204 1br $4,500                          Police            100
                                                                                                                                                  527 3140
            weight since being rescued  is poaching where this very   contact Giovanni                                          Noord             527 3200
            in April last year. Her name  special  condition  makes   aruba 592 0500                                            Sta. Cruz         527 2900
            means "white" in Latin and  her  a  target,"  he  told  The   uS 978 530 6077                                       San  Nicolas      584 5000
            "dawn" in Spanish.           Associated Press.                                       Police Tipline      11141
            Alba  and  another  reha-    Patrols of Alba's new home   ________________________________210485                    Ambulancia
            bilitated  orangutan,  Kika,  by national park and con-   TIME SHARE                                                Fire Dept.        115
                                                                                                                                Red Cross
                                                                                                                                                  582 2219
            were  released  inside  Bukit  servation   agency   staff
            Baka  Bukit  Raya  National  will  aim  to  deter  poach-  Caribbean Palm Village                                   TAXI SERVICES
                                                                      2 bedr 1-52 week make an offer
            Park  on  Wednesday  after  ers, though they admit the                                                              Taxi Tas       587 5900
            a  more  than  24-hour  jour-  number of personnel is lim-                                       Prof. Taxi     588 0035
                                                                      419 344 5855
            ney from their rehabilitation  ited.                                                                                Taxi D.T.S.    587 2300
            center  by  vehicle,  boat  The  International  Union  for   _________________________________210471                Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
            and hiking.                  Conservation  of  Nature,                                                              A1 Taxi Serv.   280 2828
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
            The  foundation  original-   which  declared  Borneo's                                                              TRAVEL INFO
            ly  planned  to  create  a  orangutans  critically  en-
            5-hectare  (12-acre)  "forest  dangered in 2016, says their                                                         Aruba Airport   524 2424
            island" for Alba rather than  numbers have dropped by                                                               American Airlines 582 2700
                                                                                                                                              588 0059
            a  release  into  truly  natural  nearly  two-thirds  since  the                                                    Aruba Airlines  583 8300
            habitat because of health  early  1970s  as  plantation                                                             Jet Blue      588 2244
            issues  related  to  her  albi-  agriculture  destroyed  and                                                        Surinam       582 7896
            nism  including  poor  sight  fragmented   their   forest                                                           Venezolana    583 7674
            and  hearing  and  the  pos-  habitat.                                                                              Women in Difficulties
            sibility of skin cancer.     The  Sumatran  orangutan                                                               CRUISES
            But the government's Natu-   is  a  separate  species  and
            ral Resources Conservation  has  been  critically  endan-
            Agency  and  other  agen-    gered since 2008.q

                                                                                                                                December 22
                                                                                                                                December 23
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                                                AID FOUNDATIONS
                                                                                                                                FAVI- Visually Incapasitated
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582 5051
                                                                                                                                Alcoholics Anonymous
                                                                                                                                Tel. 736 2952
                                                                                                                                Narcotics Anonymous
                                                                                                                                Tel. 583 8989
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                                                Tel. 583 5400
                                                                                                                                Centre for Diabetes
                                                                                                                                Tel. 524 8888
                                                                                                                                Child Abuse Prevention
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582 4433
                                                                                                                                Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                                                General Info
                                                                                                                                Phone Directory Tel. 118
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