P. 4


 LOCALWednesday 29 March 2017

CARPHA Conference to Examine Climate Change and the Risks to Human Health

- The Caribbean region
made up of small island na-
tions, is one of the most vul-
nerable to the negative im-
pacts of climate change.
In recent years, the Region
has experienced more fre-
quent and intense storms
and hurricanes, increases
in mosquito-borne diseas-
es, rises in sea level, pro-
longed periods of drought
which pose a significant
threat to human health.
Implications of rising sea
levels, impact of climate
change on food secu-
rity and health, as well
as tobacco use among
Caribbean youth, trans-
gendered health, obesity,
cardiovascular diseases,
and Zika are among the
public health issues being
addressed at the Caribbe-
an Public Health Agency

(CARPHA) Annual Health          said Guyana’s Tourism and
Research Conference this        Health project, executed
year. The Conference, now       by CARPHA will also be
in its 62nd year, is being      launched during the week
held at the Guyana Marri-       of the Conference. The
ott Hotel. At a media con-      Agency will work with the
ference held recently at        Guyana Tourism Authority
the Cara Lodge Hotels, Ex-      to include hoteliers, and
ecutive Director, CARPHA,       tourist operators into a sys-
Dr C. James Hospedales,         tem of surveillance, which
said under the theme Cli-       will include training in food
mate Change, the Environ-       safety, and regulatory
ment and Human Health,          mechanisms. Dr Persaud
the conference will feature     encouraged Guyana resi-
an Expert Panel on Climate      dents to register and take
Change and Health. This         advantage of conference
meeting is expected to          sessions.
deliver a roadmap for how       Environmental health pro-
the Region should tackle is-    fessionals, researchers, se-
sues related to climate and     nior health officers and cli-
health. Dr. Hospedales          nicians have been among
said the Conference is the      regional and international
major forum in the Region       delegates attending the
where health researchers        Health Research Confer-
share and promote ways          ence. The Conference has
in which evidence can be        hosted a series of events in-
used to improve people’s        cluding a Grant Writing and
health and prevent death        Implementation Science
and suffering. He added         Workshop, a Stakeholder
that it also provides a train-  Policy Dialogue, Training in
ing ground for young re-        Occupational Health and
searchers. In his Opening       Safety, Training in Indoor Air
Remarks, Dr Shamdeo Per-        Quality, and a seminar on
saud, Chief Medical Officer     Health Diplomacy for Ca-
of Guyana said his Ministry     ribbean Chief Medical Of-
is fully supportive of the      ficers. Visit the conference
event, as it will zero in on    website at http://confer-
diseases that are of serious for more
concern to the country. He      information.q
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