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                      Monday 15 May 2017

                 NASA nixes crew for test flight of new megarocket in 2019

            MARCIA DUNN                                                                            without  a  crew,  and  the  the available resources, he
             AP Aerospace Writer                                                                   lessons  learned  can  help  said,  not  just  a  single-ob-
            CAPE  CANAVERAL,  Fla.                                                                 advance  the  next  mission  jective mission.
            (AP) — NASA’s new mega-                                                                when people finally are on  The Apollo moon program
            rocket  will  launch  with-                                                            board.                       of  the  1960s  and  early
            out  astronauts  on  its  test                                                         Lightfoot said it would have  1970s  represented  a  sprint
            flight,  now  delayed  until                                                           been  technically  feasible  to a single destination, Ger-
            2019  because  of  techni-                                                             to add a crew, given more  stenmaier noted.
            cal challenges, the space                                                              funding,  but  decided  to   The SLS rocket is meant to
            agency’s  top  leaders  said                                                           stay the course.             support  flights  to  not  only
            Friday.                                                                                It would have cost an extra  the  moon  and  Mars,  but
            In  February  at  the  request                                                         $600  million  to  $900  million  the  moons  of  Mars  and
            of  the  White  House,  NASA                                                           to  outfit  the  system  for  as-  even  farther  into  the  solar
            began  studying  the  possi-                                                           tronauts on the initial flight,  system, with potential com-
            bility of putting a crew on                                                            Gerstenmaier said.           mercial activity as well.
            the first flight. After review-                                                        Earlier  this  week,  NASA  re-  The megarocket represents
            ing the costs and risks, the                                                           ported  that  a  section  of  a  robust  foundation  for  ul-
            space  agency  decided                                                                 test  hardware  was  dam-    timately  moving  human
            against it.                                                                            aged  during  manufactur-    presence out into the solar
            The White House took part                                                              ing in New Orleans.          system, Gerstenmaier said.
            in the decision, said NASA’s                                                           No  one  was  injured  in  the  “That’s a grander vision in a
            Acting  Administrator  Rob-                                                            May 3 mishap.                way than just moving peo-
            ert Lightfoot.                                                                         Technicians  were  lowering  ple to the moon for the first
            Still   in   development,                                                              the dome for the bottom of  time,  although  that  was  a
            the    super-sized   Space                                                             a liquid oxygen tank, when  very  special  moment  and
            Launch  System  rocket  is                                                             the  dome  ended  up  ram-   a  very  special  challenge
            meant  to  eventually  send                                                            ming  into  a  support  struc-  for those teams moving for-
            astronauts to Mars.                                                                    ture. NASA is investigating.  ward.
            The  first  launch  had  been                                                          Gerstenmaier called it “an    But  we’re  building  off  of
            targeted for next year, but   This undated image made available by NASA shows an artist’s   unfortunate  event”  but  that  legacy  now  to  move
                                         rendering of the Space Launch System.
            now  won’t  happen  until                                             Associated Press   said it shouldn’t affect the  in  a  more  sustained  man-
            2019 when NASA will send                                                               schedule much.               ner,” he said.
            an unoccupied Orion cap-     The second flight will have   because  of  all  the  delays   Late  last  month,  the  U.S.  Earlier this year, SpaceX an-
            sule  to  the  vicinity  of  the   astronauts  on  board.  It  is   with the first flight.  Government  Accountabil-  nounced a bold mission to
            moon for a three-week trial   scheduled for 2021, but will   It  would  have  cost  a  lot   ity  Office  warned  that  a  send  two  paying  passen-
            run.                         almost  certainly  be  later   more  money  and  time  to   delay was likely for the first  gers on a flight around the
                                                                      add  life-support  systems   SLS flight, crew or not. The  moon in 2018.
                                                                      and other human-required     current  exploration  effort    SpaceX  chief  Elon  Musk
                                                                      equipment  for  the  test    will  cost  nearly  $24  billion  also aims to colonize Mars.
                                                                      flight,  said  Bill  Gerstenmai-  by  the  end  of  fiscal  2018,  “I’ve  been  saying  it  for  a
                                                                      er, head of NASA’s human     the GAO reported.            while.
                                                                      explorations  and  opera-    Lightfoot   acknowledged   This is an ‘and’ proposition,
                                                                      tions.                       that  he  and  others  are  this is not an ‘or,’” Lightfoot
                                                                      “The best plan we have is    frustrated  by  the  techni-  said.  “If  you  look  at  what
                                                                      actually the plan we’re on   cal  challenges  that  have  we’re  trying  to  do,  it’s  go-
                                                                      right now,” he said.         slowed down the program.  ing  to  take  really  all  of  us,
                                                                      The test flight can be more   The agency is aiming for a  frankly, to get this done.”q
                                                                      dynamic,  as  NASA  calls  it,   sustainable program within
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