Page 37 - AWM3DEC2016
P. 37
AWEMainta Diasabra, 3 December 2016 37
Filipino Song Festival was a big success
LAST Sunday, Nov. 28th 2016, the “DON’T STOP BELIEVIN’ SONGFEST” next year.
2 – FILIPINO SONG FESTIVAL” was held at Hyatt Regency Ball- AND THE WINNERS WERE:
room. It was a Sunday night well spent in the company of friends, Eris Jean Maestro- The Champion, Freddylane Paraan – 1st runner
family and acquaintances. A night full of talents, expectations, door up and Jhanine Policarpio – 2nd runner up.
prizes, fun and laughter... a night one would wish to never end! Other awards goes to Ned Lacopia – Best Show & Tessa Britten –
Most Popular. Liezel Bilog won the most FB popular award.
The Philippine Consulate Aruba with Consul General Ami Hen-
riquez-Mendez and her staff, Romeo Kilayko Jr., Paul Cruz, Marie We would like to thank all our sponsors Annabelle Ramos of Harana
‘Crisanta’, Martha Maita Hernandez-Jiao , would like to express Filipino Bar & Restaurant Aruba, Rina of Foodsarap Grillrestobara-
our heartfelt gratitude to the 9 contestants Rochelle Estuesta, Eris ruba, Lenny of Ling & Sons, Nida Atienza of Digicel, Big Wheel
Jean Maestro ,Tessa (Teresa Britten-Rios), Matet Buque Sabuero , Lottery, Sam’s by Manolo, Faro Blanco, Perce Hernandez of Hopi
Freddylene Navarro Paraan, Liezl Bilog , Jhanine Policarpio , Ned Bon Grill, Robert Nieuw of Aruba Medical Supply, Yami-Yami/Asian
Vd Martijn Lacopia and Junior Ariola – that gave their all to the Delight Restaurant. Lina Lana, Toko Winklaar of AWEMainta and
delight of the audience. all the officers and members of Filca.
With special guest performers - Janil Grajo, Jaja Preche, Mini Star Our ticket and banner artist, Glenn Gonzaga of Diario.
Bheia ( Aya Angeles), Maricar Antioquia-Nieva, Mherz Hufalar, Our tabulators - Gavin, Manzanita Ann, Eduard Agaled, Maricar
Gavin Eufemia, Evangeline Gemao, JIL Dance Group, Ohanaz and Mherz. Our ticket handlers Helen Camacho, Susan Juaneza
Dancers, Juan Camilo and Cheryl Perez. Estanislao, Jennifer Isip & Elsie Gurion.
Our special guests - Beauty Queens: Christina Marie Solijon, Wendy
The 7 judges Roseanne Croes, Terence Sybesma, Stan Dabian, Sabularse, Kyra Melgar & Ms Aruba Universe Charlene Leslie.
Edwin Abath, Addoncito Croes, Eric Donata & Ami Henriquez , Lastly, thank you to Elite Productions, the Press and Hyatt Re-
had a hard time to rate the best of the night. gency for all your assistance. Until next year for the Battle of the
Mr. Ivo Yanez couldn’t be present due to health reasons, but Champions’ Songfest.
promised to have the 3 winners participate for his “IVO FOR LIFE MABUHAY !!!