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                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 25 april 2017

             Donation # 6:

                Aqua48 Contributes to The Horses of Hope Foundation

            ORANJESTAD  -  On  Thurs-     love and respect for their
            day April 20, Aqua for Aid    innate   behavior.    The
            (Aqua48)    presented    its   horse-centered  activities
            SIXTH  donation  obtained     result in successful therapy
            from  water  sold  at  par-   for persons with limitations:   cial  needs  come  to  play  of Hope will make a wood-  This is an organization that
            ticipating     restaurants.   the  horses  are  neither   and ride horses. During the  en  structure  with  a  swing   offers  cozy  living  accom-
            Aqua48’s  Manon  Hekman       afraid  nor  nervous,  but   ‘Play  Date’  children  are  set and a slide to be used   modations  to  adults  with
            gave the donation of 4000     calm and this inspires trust.  encouraged  to  play  with  during  the  weekly  ‘Play   limitations.  They  offer  sup-
            guilders  to  Mrs.  Claudia   The Horses of Hope Foun-    each  other,  thus  they  are  Dates’.                    port to the people who live
            Hollanders of the Horses of   dation  organizes  a  ‘Play   learning  while  they  play  The next quarter’s Aqua48   there  for  them  to,  among
            Hope Foundation. This is a    Date’  on  a  weekly  basis   and  ride  horses.  With  the  donation will go to the Am-  other  things,  develop  skills
            foundation that helps chil-   where  children  with  spe-  Aqua48  donation,  Horses  biente  Feliz  Foundation.    to  make  a  living,  how  to
            dren with mental or physi-                                                                                          manage  a  paying  job,
            cal  challenges  through                                                                                            stimulate  social  contact
            horse-centered  activities.                                                                                         and  participate  in  social,
            These donations are made                                                                                            educational  and  sporting
            possible thanks to custom-                                                                                          activities.  Ambiente  Feliz
            ers  who  pay  1  guilder  for                                                                                      will use the donation to fix
            water  in  an  Aqua48  glass                                                                                        the  porch  and  make  the
            at  participating  restau-                                                                                          yard more pleasant for the
            rants.  The  next  donation                                                                                         people who live there.
            will go to the Ambiente Fe-                                                                                         Aqua48,  CEDE  Aruba  and
            liz Foundation.                                                                                                     WEB  Aruba  would  like  to
            For  the  previous  quarter,                                                                                        thank  and  at  the  same
            the  committee  consisting                                                                                          time  appeal  to  the  com-
            of  representatives  from                                                                                           munity to continue to con-
            Web  Aruba  and  CEDE                                                                                               tribute  to  this  good  cause
            Aruba, chose the Horses of                                                                                          by drinking Aqua48 in par-
            Hope  Foundation  as  a  re-                                                                                        ticipating restaurants.
            cipient of the Aqua48 do-                                                                                           Speakers  during  the  press
            nation.                                                                                                             conference       included
            This  is  a  foundation  that                                                                                       Manon  Hekman,  Aqua48,
            helps  persons  with  men-                                                                                          Claudia  Hollanders,  Hors-
            tal  or  physical  challenges                                                                                       es  of  Hope  Foundation,
            through    horse-centered                                                                                           and  Asja  Dongen,  WEB
            activities.  The  horses  are                                                                                       Aruba.q
            handled  and  trained  with
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