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P. 18
Wednesday 4 september 2019
Meet Photographer Jeroen Lucas
ORANJESTAD — The cover picture of the Jeroen Lucas is a Dutch photographer,
Aruba Today Facebook page will show based in Aruba. Out of love for photog-
a picture of a local photographer ev- raphy together with love for the island
ery couple of months. We just love cul- Aruba, Aruba Paradise Photos was born
ture and would like to support our local in 2015. “Taking my camera and drone
talents, therefore Aruba Today chooses with me as I explore every inch of the is-
to be a platform for showcasing art. The land. With free time at hand and lots of
newest cover picture is the work of the energy I want to shoot beautiful images
talented Jeroen Lucas from Aruba Par- of our Island for you to enjoy.” Going to
adise Photos. Before him we had the spots that you have never seen before,
honor to showcase pictures of photogra- or even think “Is that in Aruba?!” Lucas
phers Michael-Anthony, Anuar Habibe, is trying to give you that something ex-
Armando Goedgedrag and Jonathan tra. Looking at his pictures Aruba Today
Petit. can only say: yes, this is something extra
For more information:
Jeroen Lucas
+297 630 5412