Page 8 - AHATA
P. 8
Saturday 15 September 2018
Aruba Tourism Authority launches a new website.
ORANJESTAD — In order to Impact of the Aruba Wed- The is a tion about our visitors you pends on such information
maintain the partners and ding Market’, The Shopping very attractive page and will have to register on the for different factors. With
the community updated on Experience, a needs and easy to scroll. platform and from there this platform Aruba Tourism
what is going on in the tour- gaps analysis ‘Affluent Sur- you will gain access to 48 Authority expands its efforts
ism industry, Aruba Tourism vey’ and many more con- For the public there will be hours in order to acquire to maintain the community
Authority (A.T.A.) lunched ducted by A.T.A can also easy access to general the necessary information. informed on local develop-
a digital platform www. be found here. Also the information such as the Seeing that tourism is the ment for the tourism. For Which is plan “Cu mira pa future”, a monthly statistics, upcom- main source of economy more information, sugges-
accessible to all business- look into the future, regard- ing events and general of Aruba this is surely valu- tion or feedback visit www.
men, students, press and ing development of the information about A.T.A able for the students but q
the entire community. tourism product will also be and its projects. For those also for the businessmen
available on the website. wanting to gather informa- and the partners who de-
It is common for Aruba
Tourism Authority to inform
of its tourism figures on a
monthly basis. Now all this
information will be avail-
able on the platform with
the possibility for the user to
make his own analysis. The
platform offers a lot of infor-
mation including a monthly
newspaper called “Aruba
Product Update”. Besides
this a series of weekly tele-
vision segments called
“Nos Turismo” will also be
available. Press releases
and the Aruba Certifica-
tion Program can also be
viewed on this platform.
Studies such as Economic