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6 Antilliaans Dagblad Zaterdag 24 november 2018
We’ll get back to you we remain ‘unconvinced’ of the DE ANTILLEN
when we’re done usefulness of amending the
Sanctions National Ordinance. Verwachting voor N
One of the assumptions scien- I could go on. vanmiddag 12 uur
tists make in order to create Where does this idea that Cu- windkracht 3 - 4 bft W O
theoretical models is to hold raçao is the center of the uni- golfhoogte 1 - 1.5 m Z
some variables constant, a verse come from? Probably no
concept known in Latin as ce- one knows. What I do know is BOVENWINDSE EILANDEN
teris paribus. Whilst this makes that this behavior doesn’t hap- Sint Maarten
sense in laboratories, it’s not the pen overnight; the seeds are
case in the real world. Meaning, sown deep within our institu- Saba
we can’t assume others will tions, both public and private. The Bottom 27 Philipsburg 29
stand still as we sort things out. What’s also obvious is that this Oranjestad
Yet, in Curaçao we’ve been Alex Rosaria FOTO ARCHIEF kind of behavior hinders us to St. Eustatius 28
telling the world for too long: take advantage of our society’s
“we’ll get back to you when transactions difficult (ex. Ang huge potential for growth. BENEDENWINDSE EILANDEN
we’re done”. doesn’t appear in the U.N. bank The world moves on. It’s dy-
When the world was getting system). We complain about the namic, not static. Ain’t no one
ready in 1994 for the World Curaçao-St. Maarten monetary going to wait for us. Now more 28 28
Trade Organization (WTO) union but haven’t decided if we than ever, we need to reset our Oranjestad
rules-based global trade, we want to terminate it or intro- development button. We must Aruba Willemstad
doubled down on inward-look- duce the much-needed macro- recognize the urgent need for Curaçao
ing protection policies. Today economic coordination mecha- frank conversations on a new
we still don’t comply with nisms for it to function. approach and to do things dif-
WTO and have zero trade After 8 years we still don’t find ferently. 28
agreements. When we had a the country option “Curaçao” in Alex Rosaria, 26 Kralendijk Bron:
chance in 2006 to become an many online (payment) sys- Istanbul, Turkey Bonaire
associate member of the tems. We want a referendum, Venezuela
Caribbean Community (Cari- but don’t care that we don’t i
com), we told Georgetown we’ll have a referendum law. We still
get back to them. When we don’t see the importance of Ingezonden brieven geven uitsluitend de
finally did, we found out that phytosanitary regulation or opvatting van de auteur weer. Alleen het
becoming an associate member technical barriers to trade which commentaar vertolkt de mening van de krant.
De redactie behoudt zich het recht voor
became more complicated than means that practically anything ingezonden brieven te weigeren, dan wel te
before. can be imported into our coun- redigeren of in te korten.
Since we became a country in try whether it’s dangerous or Antilliaans Dagblad
2010, we’ve promised to change not. Anyone in Curaçao can call Brieven (maximaal 250 woorden) voorzien
the name of our currency. We himself a veterinary and while van naam, adres en telefoonnummer sturen
aan: Redactie Antilliaans Dagblad,
still use Ang, the currency of the world uses sanctions to Postbus 725, Willemstad, Curaçao,
the non-existing Netherlands punish those who commit atro- fax (9)7472257
Antilles which makes certain cious human rights violations, E-mail: VANDAAG
Advertentie Nu en dan half tot zwaar be-
wolkt met enkele plaatselij-
ke buien. De wind is ooste-
lijk en matig, windkracht 3
tot 4. De zee is rustig tot
plaatselijk vrij rustig met
golfhoogtes van tussen 0,5
en 1,5 meter
Janssen de Jong Caribbean is de Caribische dochteronderneming van Janssen de Jong
Groep. De groep ontwikkelt, bouwt, renoveert, restaureert en doet onderhoud voor bedrijven,
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