Page 21 - AHATA
P. 21

Diaranson, 12 December 2018                                    AWEMainta                                                                    11

                    Minister Armando Lampe:

           “Evangelio di San Lucas” ta                              ANSA ta anuncia inauguracion di su website

       bunita proyecto den Papiamento                               Air Navigation Services Aruba (ANSA), cu ta nos compania nacional cu ta brinda

                                                                    servicio di trafico aereo den e espacio aereo di Aruba (Beatrix Control Zone), ta
                                                                    anuncia e inauguracion oficial di su website. E website ta ofrece informacion general
                                                                    y noticia tocante ANSA. Por sigui esakinan dor di click riba e tab di publicacion of
                                                                    noticia. Loke ta sumamente util p’e usuario ta, cu e website ta contene informacion
                                                                    “life” di orario di salida y yegada di tur buelo.
                                                                    Ademas por wak movecion di tur buelo bibo y directo via imagennan di sistema di
                                                                    radar y tambe por scucha en bibo e combersacion entre e controlador aereo y e piloto.
                                                                    Dor di click riba ATIS por haya informacion di tempo, pista den uso y cualkier otro
                                                                    informacion esencial p’e buelo. Ta trata aki di informacion cu ta destina pa piloto.
                                                                    Riba e website por calcula e prijs cu aerolineanan mester paga pa ANSA su servicionan
                                                                    (ANS Charge), dor di click riba e tab y yena e peso di e avion.
                                                                    Por ultimo ANSA kier haci uzo di e oportunidad pa invita henter nos comunidad pa
                                                                    bishita ANSA su website: y pa duna feedback con pa mehora esaki.

       DIAMARS 11 di december Minister dr. Ar-
       mando Rudy Lampe tawatin e honor di haci e
       presentacion oficial na publico di e buki “Evan-

       gelio di San Lucas”. Esaki lo tuma luga na Bib-                         Explore, Discover, Share, Inspire
       lioteca Nacional Aruba na Oranjestad. E presen-
       tacion aki lo forma parti tambe di e programa di                      Exploring the world doesn’t have to stop when the working day starts.
                                                                                  At Renaissance Hotels we know your passion for discovery
       clausura di Aña di Papiamento.                                                       is more than a hobby, it’s a career.

       Tin  cu  remarca  cu  e  aña  2018  tabata  un  aña                                  We have the following position available:
       hopi exitoso pa nos idioma Papiamento y tambe

       un momento importante pa nos comunidad den                                                   F&B Manager

       Fe,  pa  cual  motibo  a  scoge e  fecha  di  awe  pa                                       Some Responsibilities:
                                                                     The Food & Beverage  Manager supervises and controls the daily restaurant/bar operations, develops and
       presenta e bunita proyecto aki di adaptacion di               maintains high quality presentation, supervision, control and service and meets or exceeds financial goals.
                                                                             The Manager must perform according to the policies, procedures and standards of
       e  buki  di  Evangelio segun  San  Lucas  den  nos                 Renaissance Aruba Resort & Casino. Review the monthly Food & Beverage cost percentages,
       idioma materno, esta Papiamento.                                             investigate discrepancies and report them to the Director of F&B.
                                                                           Present monthly statistics of responsible area to Director of Bars & Restaurants and team.
       E buki aki ta papia tocante nacemento di He-                       Responsible for monitoring cashiers procedures and assist in problem payments at all times.
       sus y como cu nos ta den temporada di Pasco                               Review daily sales; investigate discrepancies and report in the Excel files.
                                                                                               Responsible for making schedules.
       di Nacemento di Hesus, esaki ta trece un senti-
                                                                                                      Required Skills:
       mento special.                                                 Able to work under pressure. Maintain a warm and friendly environment and make sure all guests get
       Den  e  programa  tin  diferente  presentacion  di              personal attention. Good knowledge of products and services. This function requires a good physical
                                                                       condition and ability to work 8 hours on your feet. Be a good communicator, open-minded and have
       personanan cu di un forma of otro a yuda na e                   excellent Customer Service skills. English is required for high-guest contact employees and a second
                                                                      language, namely Papiamento, Spanish or Dutch are required for certain positions. Keep yourself and
       obra final. Via e media aki, Minister Lampe ta                                 colleagues motivated to acquire a nice work environment.
       invita un y tur pa bin presencia e presentacion
                                                                              Please hand in your application, CV, diplomas and other relevant documents to:
       di e buki di “Evangelio di San Lucas”cu lo wordo
                                                                                                Human Resources Department
       presenta den nos idioma materno Papiamento                                   
       di Aruba na Biblioteca Nacional Aruba diamars                                        L.G. Smith Boulevard 82, Oranjestad, Aruba
                                                                                                  Telephone: 297-583-6000
       11 di december di 7or pa 9or di anochi.                                              
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