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North and South Korea vowed to formally end the Korean War • Cuba announced a new
               president, ending the 59-year Castro leadership • Iraq had its first parliamentary elections

               since the defeat of ISIS in the country • Canada became the second nation in the world,
               after Uruguay, to legalize marijuana • Mexico is selling its $218.7 million presidential plane
               to use funds for poor communities • South Korea closed its largest dog meat
               slaughterhouse • Meghan Markle became the first woman of color to join the British royal

                                                         THE US

               The unemployment rate is the lowest since 1969 • The first Muslim and Native American
               women were elected into Congress • Texas elected the first openly LGBTQ African-
               American woman judge • Colorado elected the first openly gay governor in the US • For
               the first time in Marine Corps history, a woman was in charge of an infantry platoon • New
               York and Virginia became the first two states to require mental health education in schools
               • A city in Georgia became the first to have its criminal justice system led entirely by black

                                                    HUMAN RIGHTS

               In Saudi Arabia, women are finally able to drive • Ireland voted and repealed its abortion
               ban • India's Supreme Court decriminalized consensual gay sex • Scotland became the first
               country to back teaching LGBTI issues in schools • The "Year of the Woman" went global •
               Africa saw a huge and significant decline in female genital mutilation • For the first time in
               Iran, women were allowed to attend men's sporting events

                                                  HEALTH AND SCIENCE

               A woman gave birth to a baby after she received a uterus transplant from a dead person •
               The UK has exceeded UN targets for HIV diagnosis and treatment, proving efforts to control
               the epidemic can work • Researchers developed a 10-minute cancer test • A new Ebola

               treatment trial began • A new peanut allergy drug has provided fresh hope • A study found
               dogs can be a powerful tool in diagnosing malaria • Researchers found a way to lower your
               cancer risk • We learned new tips to help us live a decade longer


               We discovered 157 new species in Southeast Asia • New Zealand may have killed its oil
               industry to combat climate change • Major fashion brands united against climate change •

               A growing number of Americans now believe climate change is happening • Scientists came
               up with an idea to stop glaciers from melting • British fashion house Burberry says it'll stop
               destroying unsold goods and using fur • Scientists developed a plastic-eating enzyme


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