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Wednesday 14 august 2019
‘Aruba makes History in Lima 2019’
PERU — Mack van den Eerenbeemt tion (ISAF) to replace the Mistral
made history in Lima, Peru by be- One Design Class from the 2008
coming Aruba's first-ever medal Summer Olympics. The discipline
winner at the PanAmerican Games has similarities to Formula Wind-
2019.Van den Eerenbeemt won the surfing - mainly in that the equip-
bronze in Windsurfing RX-S. ment used was designed to allow
windsurfing in low and moderate
RS:X is a windsurfing class selected wind conditions with good perfor-
by the International Sailing Federa- mance.RS:X equipment includes a
board with a dagger board, and a happiness that moment he found
sail of a specified size out he won a medal. ‘It felt like the
breeze of Aruba all over me when
Mack van den Eerenbeemt is a I was competing and this is what
young man dedicated to his sport, made me win,” says van den Ee-
and a true example for our youth. renbeemt. Last year he won gold
More importantly he is a beautiful at the South American and Carib-
human being. It must have been bean Championship in Barranquil-
a feeling of relief and profound la, Colombia.q
Guests work out to keep the lights on at this top Caribbean resort
EAGLE BEACH —Now when be exact! Calculations are es, instructors and personal
guests at Bucuti & Tara based on information from trainers both onsite and
Beach Resort power up and offsite help health-focused
their workouts, they’ll be this Forbes article. guests pursue all the activi-
powering up the resort. ties offered both at Bucuti
The addition of SportsArt Adding to the reward of & Tara and in Aruba. From
ECO-POWRTM exercise guests knowing they’re re- private, onsite beach boot-
equipment now produces ducing their carbon foot- camp, meditation and
electricity – instead of con- print while lowering energy beach hut spa treatments,
suming it. This is the new- consumption, Bucuti & Tara to offsite hiking, full moon
est initiative in the resort’s also integrated fun new yoga, watersports and
comprehensive wellness while protecting the envi- lets guests produce more metric tracking for guests’ even dance lessons, Bucu-
program. ronment since there isn’t a energy than traditional workouts. In addition to ti’s wellness offerings are
need to draw electricity. electric-powered gym ma- tracking their own workout boundaryless.
Bucuti & Tara’s new line- chines consume. journey, the ECO-POWRTM
up includes an electricity- How it works cardio equipment featur- Total wellness also includes
generating indoor cycle, Installing the new equip- Powered by human energy ing SA WELL+ technology dining. The resort’s Ele-
treadmill, recumbent bikes ment is the same as tra- A single workout can pro- lets guests see energy pro- ments restaurant, popular
and upright bikes. The Ca- ditional electricity-based duce 160 watt-hours of duction tracking, even fea- on the food-forward Aruba
ribbean’s first carbon neu- workout machinery. Kilo- electricity. For comparison, turing a leaderboard por- dining scene, invites guests
tral resort features a con- watts generated by ex- on average, 100 watt-hours traying the top energy pro- enjoy many healthy op-
temporary Fitness Centre ercise are converted to can power: ducers, both locally and tions including full menus
with floor-to-ceiling win- AC power and sent back • A 50” LED television globally. of vegan/vegetarian, glu-
dows overlooking the white through Bucuti & Tara’s for 4+ hours ten free and world cuisine
sands and turquoise wa- power grid to offset con- • Power mobile phone Newest offering in compre- dishes. Additionally, Bucuti
ters of Eagle Beach – the sumption. The innovative (fully drained and re- hensive wellness program & Tara’s daily Healthy Hour,
very environment Bucuti is technology harnesses up to charged daily) for 18 days Wellness at Bucuti & Tara the first in the Caribbean,
committed to preserving. 74% of human energy and • 12w LED lightbulb (60w has long been rewarding. features nutrient-packed
By working out on this new converts it to utility grade equivalent) for 8+ hours A comprehensive program smoothies and mocktails
equipment, guests simulta- electricity. Resulting in car- • For fun, it can even is staffed with wellness con- served with a heart-healthy
neously work towards their bon negativity, this new power asking Amazon Echo cierges who fully customize appetizer. To learn more,
personal wellness goals ECO-POWRTM equipment to tell jokes – 25 of them to wellness itineraries. Servic- visit