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10 AWEMainta Dialuna, 29 Mei 2017

     Parlamentario Clarisca Velasquez (AVP):                                              ta traha cu nos grandinan      drechando infrastructura tur
                                                                                          na SABA. A drecha posicion     caminda. A drecha mas cu 80
E Gobierno aki ta e mihor                                                                 huridico di Polis, brandweer,  scol rond Aruba. A drecha
   cu pueblo por a haya                                                                   trahadornan di KIA y Imigra-   hopi barionan y camindanan
                                                                                          cion. Ta trahando riba esnan   cu tabata mester atencion y
NO tin duda! E Gobierno       A yuda nos hende cu e poder   entre f1.500-2500, a hisa e   di maestronan. A trek recht    tambe iluminacion. A bin cu
aki ta e mihor Gobierno cu    di compra cu e Gobierno       pensioen di AOV, a duna       mayoria ambtenaar cu mes-      4 proyecto grandi cu tur otro
pueblo por a haya. E Go-      anterior a laga nos pueblo    tur ambtenaar indexering,     ter a haya bevordering cu e    Gobierno a papia riba dj’e
bierno aki a inverti den su   strangula.                    najaarspremie, voorjaarspre-  Gobierno anterior no a honra   pero ningun tabatin cohon
pueblo durante 8 aña largo.   A hisa e onderstand, a in-    mie y vakantieuitkering, a    nan. A sanea tur e fondonan    pa realisa nan. E Gobierno
E Gobierno aki a cuminsa na   troduci schoolkindertoeslag,  bin cu pensioen general pa    di pensioen APFA, AOV y        aki a y ta haciendo tur re-
inverti den e ser humano ora  a bin cu reparatie toeslag    tur hende cu ta traha, a bin  tambe e fondo di AZV, Parla-   alidad.
el a asumi responsabilidad.   pa tur esnan cu ta cobra      cu pensioen pa tur esnan cu   mentario Velasquez ta splica.  Nos hospital cu ta con-
                                                                                          Despues e Gobierno aki a sigi  virtiendo den un hospitaal
                                                                                          cu su inversion den pueblo     moderno y cu mas capacidad
                                                                                                                         di Spoedeisende hulp y ICU
                   REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS no: CO-05/17/001                                                                cu tur loke nos mester pa
                                                                                                                         cumpli cu normanan inter-
                    CONCESSION: Airport VIP Concierge Services                                                           national, un containerhaven
                                                                                                                         cu e Gobierno aki a haci
By means of this publication the Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA), manager and operator of                             realidad di muda esaki pa
Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix, would like to invite all interested parties and/or interested                    Barcadera y convirtie den un
parties have formally and/or informally shown interest in the past to AAA to operate an Airport VIP                      joya di containerhaven cu tur
Concierge Service concession at Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix to submit to AAA an offer                         servicio, un Green Corridor
as further described in our Request For Proposals (RFP) document.                                                        cu ta un vierbaansweg cu
                                                                                                                         despues di 30 aña bla bla bla
Interested parties can receive the RFP from AAA by visiting our Commerce Of ces at the airport                           pa tur Gobierno e Gobierno
(entrance located at Airport Tower Building – request for Mrs. Audrey McDavid-Boezem) on                                 aki ta hacie realidad cu in-
June 1, 2017, to retrieve a copy of the document. Veri cation for the receipt of the request for the                     frastructura bunita pa pariba
RFP remains the responsibility of the requesting party. Once the RFP document is provided to the                         di brug aliviando e trafico pa
interested party on June 1, 2017 an acknowledgement for receipt is required to validate the                              nos hendenan di pariba di
receipt of the RFP. A site visit is scheduled for June 5, 2017 at 09.00 am lt. at the Main Conference                    brug y Watty Vos Boulevard
Room at AAA. Questions on the RFP can be submitted on June 12, 2017. Answers to the                                      cu tambe ta wordo cristalisa
questions from all parties will be emailed ultimately June 16, 2017 to each party                                        p’asina crea un infrastructura
that has received our RFP.                                                                                               di nos containerhaven pa cu
                                                                                                                         carga pa hotelnan, e Parla-
The nal date for submission of a proposal to operate the above described concession is                                   mentario ta mustra.
July 17, 2017, between 10:00 hrs and 12:00 hrs, local time at the Reception of the Aruba Airport                         Recapitulando tur e proyec-
Authority N.V., on the rst oor of the Airport Tower Building.                                                            tonan aki por bisa cu e Gobi-
                                                                                                                         erno aki ta esun mihor cu nos
All proposals should be submitted in a closed envelop either in person or via a courier service                          pueblo a yega di haya anto
between the hours indicated above at the following direction:                                                            sin abundancia di placa den
Aruba Airport Authority N.V.                                                                                             caha cu otro Gobiernonan a
Evaluation Committee                                                                                                     haya. E Gobierno anterior cu
Attn: Barbara Brown                                                                                                      esaki su prioridadnan tabata
Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix                                                                                   robes. Riba nan famia y nan
Sabana Berde 75, Aruba                                                                                                   cuenta di banco so nan a
                                                                                                                         corda tempo nan tabata na
AAA reserves the right to contact all entities on its own initiative who have expressed their interest                   mando. Y awor kier priminti
in the past to AAA for the operation of such a concession.                                                               pueblo shelo y tera.
                                                                                                                         Ojo Pueblo! E Gobierno di
Aruba Airport Authority N.V.                                                                                             Mike Eman ta e mihor Gobi-
May 2017                                                                                                                 erno cu pueblo a conoce mi-
                                                                                                                         rando tur e inversionnan cu a
                                                                                                                         haci pa pueblo y den pueblo.
                                                                                                                         P’esey no tin otro alternativa
                                                                                                                         september proximo cu ta par-
                                                                                                                         tido di pueblo Arubano AVP
                                                                                                                         pa por sigi cu e trabaonan cu
                                                                                                                         ainda falta!, Parlamentario
                                                                                                                         Velasquez ta conclui.
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