Page 55 - MIN ECEM 15 MAY 2017
P. 55

                                                                                                                                                                        Monday 15 May 2017

A first for Aruba!

   Playa Linda achieves Certified Room Attendant success

ORANJESTAD - Playa Linda       als to international levels  ager Peter van Grinsven.     ity processes. Louise John,   standards of housekeeping
Beach Resort is taking its     of housekeeping excel-       “The Housekeeping team       President of Talkabout,       within a guest accommo-
housekeeping standards         lence. At the end of the     members’ hard work & at-     commented: “WOW! Con-         dation; combining industry
to a new level. Its already    training period, the team    tention to detail in their   gratulations to the House-    benchmarking and global
excellent team of room         focused on examination       determination to achieve     keeping Team on a tre-        brand & marketing col-
attendants further refined     preparation and recently     this Certification has been  mendous achievement for       lective standards at a 4*+
their skills through partici-  completed their compre-      inspirational. We are all    themselves, their members,    standard, and is regularly
pation in a yearlong train-    hensive practical and oral   very proud of them and       the resort and Aruba! It is   updated to reflect chang-
ing course, culminating        examinations. Extraordi-     applaud the improved sat-    very well deserved after      ing best practices and
in winning marks and re-       narily, six room attendants  isfaction scores and com-    months of hard work and       market trends.
cent graduation from the       achieved HONORS, scor-       pliments they are receiving  focused attention to de-      Pictured accepting the
Talkabout Certification        ing over 90% in the strin-   on a daily basis.”           tails. Much gratitude to the  official Room Attendant
Program. Playa Linda is        gent examination, with Luz   Executive Housekeeper        never wavering motivators     Certification are proud
the FIRST Aruban resort to     Marina Duran achieving       Ingrid Todd and House-       within Human Resources        graduates, together with
achieve Certified Room At-     an exemplary 94%. An ad-     keeping Assistant Manager    & Guest Services who sup-     Executive Housekeeper In-
tendant success, and joins     ditional 26 team members     Nigaima Ascencion, the       ported the Housekeeping       grid Todd and Housekeep-
the iconic Caribe Hilton,      gained Certified Room At-    Housekeeping Leadership      Leaders every step of the     ing Assistant Manager Ni-
Condado Plaza & Inter-         tendant status. “We are      Team at Playa Linda Beach    way!” Playa Linda Beach       gaima Ascencion, Human
continental hotels in Puerto   proud of our Housekeeping    Resort, Aruba, committed     Resort is a vibrant indepen-  Resource Director Sulaika
Rico and in Barbados The       team and their commit-       fully to the Certification   dent timeshare resort in      Kelly and General Manag-
Sandpiper Luxury Boutique      ment to guest happiness      process and have uplifted    the heart of Palm Beach,      er Peter van Grinsven.
Hotel and the Bougainvil-      in the guests’ ‘home away    not only standards, but      the vacation destination in   Also recognized during the
lea Beach Resort & Time-       from home’,” comments        their department systems,    Aruba. Talkabout licensed     recent celebration was
share amongst others.          Playa Linda General Man-     procedures & accountabil-    a CERTIFIED ROOM ATTEN-       Playa Linda’s First Response
Playa Linda has a team of                                                                DANT PROGRAM in 2004.         Team, who received its
exceptional housekeeping                                                                 The program is rooted in      own certification in March.
supervisors & room atten-                                                                internationally established   q
dants, all of whom attend-
ed both formal training &
internal coaching sessions.
The process enabled the
team to really fine-tune the
268 standards in a studio
room and 277 standards in
a one-bedroom suite. This
same program was used
in the CHTAEF-Haiti Project
to train young profession-
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