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                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 29 december 2016

                       Put on an Unox hat and welcome the New Year!

            The  ‘Unox  Nieuwjaarsduik’                                                                                         al  pea  soup  will  heat  you
            at                                                                                                                  up  after  your  plunge  and
            MooMbaBeach is the best                                                                                             it  will  have  you  in  terrific
            way to start 2017                                                                                                   shape for more partying in
                                                                                                                                no time flat.
            The  time  is  twelve  noon,
            the  date  Sunday,  January                                                                                         The  Nieuwjaarsduik  forms
            1st,  the  location  is  MooM-                                                                                      part of a worldwide series,
            ba Beach: what’s going to                                                                                           but  the  one  on  Aruba  will
            happen  there?  Well,  lots                                                                                         make  everyone  at  home
            and  lots  of  happy  people                                                                                        sick  with  jealousy  when
            are  expected  to  take  the                                                                                        they see your lovely, toned,
            plunge  to  welcome  2017.                                                                                          bronzed body at MooMba
            Behatted and often still the                                                                                        Beach.
            worse  for  wear  drinkwise,                                                                                        At noon, 12 o’clock sharp,
            the young, the very young,                                                                                          the  signal  for  the  plunge
            the  mature  and  elderly                                                                                           is  given  and  swimmers  will
            athletes  are  expected  to                                                                                         be  racing  off  towards  the
            run  into  the  ocean  at  the                                                                                      ocean    seeking   eternal
            starting sign.                                                                                                      fame. Hats are doled out to
            The  party  music  starts  at                                                                                       participants, but expecting
            10am  with  radio  DJ  Rico                                                                                         a lot more people than last
            Rijk., wh is followed at 11am                                                                                       year,  come  early  before
            by  DJ  Diablo.  At  10:30  an                                                                                      they run out and you can-
            expert  zumba  master  will                                                                                         not  cover  your  throbbing
            warm up the muscles with     is  expected  to  happen  the fun and the many peo-       This annual MooMba Unox      or  clear  head.  Participa-
            a rousing zumba class. And   to  you  when  you  join  the  ple who are going to jump  Nieuwjaarsduik   has    an   tion  is  free  of  charge  and
            then  it’s  time,  time  for  the   Unox  Nieuwjaarsduik  (New  into  the  turquoise  water,  added  benefit:  not  only   everyone  is  welcome  to
            annual  Unox  Nieuwjaars-    Year’s plunge) on January  joining the thousands upon  do you get rid of the hang-     join in.
                                         1st.  On  Aruba  the  water  thousands  others  who  are  over  you  might  have  from   Come on down to MooM-
                                         temperature  is  lovely,  the  doing the same all over the  partying  till  early  morning
            Freezing  cold  water,  shiv-  sun  is  shining  and  guiding  world,  but  then  in  condi-  on the 31st, you get a bowl   ba  (located  between  the
            ering  bodies  and  shatter-  in the New Year with a dip  tions  one  would  not  enjoy  of hearty Unox Erwtensoep   Holiday Inn Resort and the
            ing  teeth  hurting  from  the   into the ocean is no hard-  at all!                   with sausage as well after-  Marriott  Surf  Club)  and
            cold: nothing of the above                                                                                          take that plunge!q
                                         ship at all. So why not join                              wards. This Dutch tradition-
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