P. 7
U.S. NEWS Tuesday 13 augusT 2019
This August 2019 photo provided by the Dayton Police Department shows the firearm used by
Erie Bureau of Fire Inspector Mark Polanski helps investigate a Connor Betts in a mass shooting in a popular entertainment district on Aug. 4, 2019, in Dayton,
fatal fire at 1248 West 11th St. in Erie, Pa, on Sunday, Aug. 11, Ohio.
2019. Associated Press
Associated Press
Firefighter was dad Feds: Friend of Ohio gunman bought
to 3 of 5 kids killed body armor, ammo magazine
in day care blaze By JOHN SEEWER and MI- The accusations came that Mr. Betts committed
as prosecutors unsealed the massacre," attorney
charges against Kollie that Nick Gounaris said.
Associated Press
A longtime friend of the were unrelated to the Aug. Gounaris would not com-
ERIE, Pa. (AP) — Three of also the mother of another Dayton gunman bought 4 shooting. Early that day, ment on what Kollie
five kids killed in a fire at child killed, told WICU that the body armor, a Betts opened fire in a pop- thought his friend would do
a home child care center she had "lost a piece of 100-round magazine and ular entertainment district, with the equipment.
in Pennsylvania were the me that can never be re- a key part of the gun used killing his sister and eight Police have said there
children of a volunteer fire- placed." "I'm just so hurt my in the attack, but there's no others. Police killed Betts was nothing in Betts' back-
fighter who was respond- babies are gone," she said. indication the man knew within 30 seconds outside a ground to prevent him from
ing to another call, an of- "I love them dearly. I just his friend was planning a crowded bar, and authori- buying the gun.
ficial said Monday. hurt inside knowing that my massacre, federal agents ties have said hundreds The weapon was pur-
Luther Jones' two daugh- kids were fighting and hurt- said Monday. more people may have chased online from a deal-
ters and a son were ing in that fire. Every min- Ethan Kollie told investiga- died if Betts had gotten in- er in Texas and shipped to
trapped in a blaze in the ute, I feel the same pain." tors that he also helped side. another firearms dealer in
lakeside city of Erie while The fire, reported at about Connor Betts assemble the Prosecutors accused Kol- the Dayton area, police
he was responding to a call 1:15 a.m. Sunday, was fun- AR-15-style weapon about lie of lying about not using said.
for what turned out to be a neling out of every first-floor 10 weeks ago, according marijuana on federal fire- Betts and Kollie apparently
malfunctioning alarm, said window when firefighters to a court document. arms forms in the purchase had been friends for sev-
Lawrence Park Township arrived, Erie Chief Fire In- Kollie first spoke with inves- of a pistol that was not used eral years.
Volunteer Fire Chief Joe spector John Widomski told tigators just hours after the in the shooting. Kollie told agents that they
Crotty. the Erie Times-News. He assault and later said he Possessing a firearm as an smoked marijuana and
The children haven't been said the blaze appeared bought the body armor, unlawful user of a con- used acid several times a
formally identified, but the to have started in the living the magazine and the trolled substance is a fed- week beginning in 2014
Erie Fire Department says room area on the first floor. rifle's upper receiver and eral crime punishable by through 2015, said U.S. At-
the dead range in age The department's two fire kept the equipment at his up to 10 years in prison. torney Benjamin Glassman.
from 8 months to 7 years. inspectors and three Erie apartment so Betts' parents Making a false statement Betts was with Kollie in 2016
The owner was hospitalized police detectives trained in would not find it, the court regarding firearms carries when Betts was charged
after the fire Sunday. Erie fire investigations are work- filing said. a potential maximum sen- with driving under the influ-
fire officials say the children ing to determine the cause. Federal investigators em- tence of up to five years' ence, according to a po-
were staying overnight at The Erie Regional Chamber phasized that there was no imprisonment. lice report from Bellbrook,
a house that had been and Growth Partnership evidence that Kollie knew Kollie fully cooperated with where the gunman lived
turned into a day care cen- lists the Harris Family Day- how Betts would use the authorities before his arrest, with his parents.
ter. The mother of Jones' care as "a 24 hour, 7 days equipment or that Kollie in- his attorney said. Investigators have not re-
three children, Shevona a week childcare service tentionally took part in the "He was as shocked and leased a motive for the
Overton, who said she is including holidays."q planning. surprised as everyone else shooting.q