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P. 14
LOCAL Thursday 11 July 2019
Our Newest Column is All about YOU giving Happiness
Playa Linda Beach Resort is IN! Beach Resort are always open to help lo-
ORANJESTAD — Today is the launching for our new- In the lobby of many hotels, you will soon cal community according to Kelly. “They
est column: Happy Community Initiative, published find a Happy Community donation kiosk feel home here and wish to be connected
bi-weekly, every Thursday in Aruba Today. We will with banner where you can make your with the locals. This Happy Community Ini-
inform you about this dynamic, new project from dif- donation. The procedure is very simple tiative makes that possible for them and
ferent angles to give you a complete feel so follow us and the amount you decide for yourself. best thing is that the procedure is so quick
and keep engaged! If you prefer, you can also donate via the and easy. The kiosk is a piece of cake
website: Ev- as you push three times, and swipe and
ery bit of help is welcome and provides a you are done.” You will find the kiosk in
little bit of happiness to our non-profits and the Member’s Lounge, but soon it will be
their youth participants. moved to the lobby.
Playa Linda Beach Resort’s Director of
Operations, Sulaika Kelly, explains that Some Facts
the resorts was the first one to launch the Millions of people around the world love
project. “We are member of Atsa, and Aruba, the ONE HAPPY ISLAND and the
each one of the members signed up for home away from home! Tourism in Aruba is
participation in this Happy Community performing well. However, in Aruba, about
Initiative. Aside of that to Playa Linda, it is 6 of 10 youngsters between the ages of 12
important to give back to the community and 18 are alone or without adult supervi-
and have a corporate responsibility to be sion after school time. In most cases, it is
able to invest in the educational part.” because their parents are working. In ad-
Playa Linda’s requirements to commit to dition to this, many of Aruba’s youngsters
a community project are, it carried out do not travel often and experience bore-
by a trustworthy and professional entity. dom from a lack of activities during school
“This is without doubt the case with CEDE, vacations. Furthermore, 4 out of 10 Aruban
they even hired a coordinator for this ini- youngsters do not finish secondary school.
tiative. Also, the marketing requirements This is a very big issue for Aruba’s future
they have grant confidence. It needs to economy and the tourism industry. A re-
be done well and with a constructive and cent study found; At least 60% of Aruba’s
long-term vision.” CEDE has made a selec- youth is asking for afterschool programs,
tion of foundations/organizations who will aiming at sports, cooking, art programs
be executing the youth programs. and a safe place to hang out with their
The Youth
“They are our future,” says Kelly. “We can How to Donate
see there is a gap for youth development Your donation will help us to start and sup-
on Aruba as in extra curriculum activities, port after school programs with a focus on
and providing these children with moti- time for homework and diverse, meaning-
vational programs. It is what is very much ful activities. Also, your donation will sup-
needed. We often lean to programs that port mentorship activities during school
show the immediate necessity but this pro- vacation, and support projects aiming at
gram is a key for everything in the future.” youth at risk. Last but not least, your dona-
Left Sulaika Kelly, Director of Operations and right Peter van Part of these youngsters will also be need- tion will support projects that reduce the
Grinsven, General Manager of Playa Linda Beach Resort ed in the hospitality industry in the future, amounts of school dropouts, create new
so in a way supporting them is a circle that opportunities for youngsters to integrate
comes back to the visitor. Programs with back in education, and to find a career.
The Happy Community Initiative is a visitor charity a dynamic mix of creativity, sports, music At this moment the following resorts have
program that you can help build Aruba’s community and building resilience help them to know a donation kiosk: Paradise Beach Villas;
strong by doing a donation to good causes. CEDE what they like, and empower their skills Costa Linda Beach Resort; La Cabana
Aruba, a dynamic community foundation, and the and talents. “It is just great that we have Beach Resort & Casino; and Playa Linda
Aruba Timeshare Association (Atsa) collaborates in this opportunity now to actually make a Beach Resort.
this platform for visitors who would like to make a do- difference in the lives of this generation,”
nation, but also volunteer in the future. The priority is Kelly says. You can also donate on the website:
set to support projects for Aruban youths. CEDE Aruba
will make sure that the donations reach meaningful Your Connection
projects of local non-profits, based upon quality and The members and guests of Playa Linda donate.q Copyright CEDE Aruba
transparent finances of the offered programs. In this
manner, you can be assured that your donation will Happy Community Initiative
reach its goal! With your donation, you support Aru- Beatrixstraat 8
ban children with after school programs, mentorship Oranjestad, Aruba
activities and social support. T: +297 582.7666