P. 14

A4   U.S. NEWS
                 Monday 26 noveMber 2018

            Democrats shun idea of Pelosi floor fight in speaker’s race

            By LISA MASCARO, AP Con-     Rice,  D-N.Y.,  said  recently
            gressional Correspondent     that  the  lack  of  a  sure-fire
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Call  challenger  is  beside  the
            it the chaos theory for pick-  point.  The  goal  is  to  force
            ing the next House speaker.  the question.
            Those  Democrats  trying  to  “The whole concept of you
            stop California Rep. Nancy  can’t beat somebody with
            Pelosi  from  reclaiming  the  nobody  is  a  Nancy  Pelosi
            job say they don’t need a  talking point,” she said.
            rival candidate just yet. In-  At  the  moment,  there  are
            stead,  they  plan  to  show  at  least  15  Pelosi  oppo-
            that  Pelosi  lacks  the  votes  nents,  making  for  a  razor-
            to win the race. And then,  thin vote. House Democrats
            they  say,  new  challengers  won  a  233-seat  majority
            will emerge.                 in  the  435-member  House
            It’s  strategy  that  has  oth-  in  the  November  midterm
            er  Democrats  cringing  at  election,  with  a  few  races
            the  prospect  of  their  new  still  uncalled.  Pelosi  needs
            House  majority  in  disarray.  218  to  win  the  job,  if  all
            They say voters swept them  Republicans  oppose  her,
            to  office  in  this  month’s  which  is  likely.  The  margin
            elections  to  govern,  not  could  expand  slightly  with
            become  bogged  down  absences  or  if  lawmakers
            by  the  kind  of  Republican  simply vote “present.”     In this Nov. 6, 2018, file photo, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of California, smiles as
            infighting  that  sent  Ohio  “The  first  step  is  showing   she meets with reporters on Election Day at the Democratic National Committee headquarters in
            Rep.  John  Boehner  to  an  that  she  cannot  get  to   Washington.
            early  exit  as  speaker  and  218,”  Rice  told  reporters,                                                                   Associated Press.
            weakened  his  successor,  “and  then  I  believe  the
            Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan.    challengers  will  emerge
            The  last  thing  they  want  is  that can allow new mem-
            a floor fight over the lead-  bers  to  say,  Ok  here’s  an-
            ership post when Congress  other  possibility,  now  I  get
            opens work in January.       it.”
            “If the first Democratic val-  Moulton, a Marine veteran,
            ue they see is chaos, I don’t  said earlier he hopes it will
            think  that’s  very  good,”  be “a chaotic debate” for
            said Rep. Don Beyer, D-Va.,  new  leadership  because
            who recently wrote an op-    “that would be healthy for
            ed  with  colleagues  sup-   the party.”
            porting Pelosi. “I don’t think  But after the election deliv-
            it’s a good look at all.”    ered Democrats the House
            The  chaos  theory  will  be  majority,  it’s  an  approach
            put  to  a  test  this  coming  that may require a leap of
            week  when  House  Demo-     faith that other lawmakers
            crats meet in private for a  are unwilling to take, espe-
            vote  nominating  Pelosi  to  cially as Pelosi amasses an
            become  speaker  in  Janu-   outpouring of support from
            ary. She held that post from  advocacy  groups,  labor
            2007 to 2011, the first wom-  unions  and  even  former
            an to serve as speaker.      President  Barack  Obama
            After  one  potential  rival  in a display of raw power.
            stepped aside, Pelosi is ex-  Trying to head off that de-
            pected  to  easily  win  the  bate, Pelosi sent a letter to
            majority from her ranks. But  colleagues  thanking  “so
            opponents  have  hopes  of  many of you for the strong
            denying  her  the  broader  support  you  have  given
            support  she  needs  when  me” and asked that “we all
            the  new  Congress  holds  a  support”  the  party’s  nomi-
            vote in January.             nee  for  speaker  when  the
            One  of  those  organizing  full House votes. “Our unity
            against her, Rep. Kathleen  is our power,” she wrote.q
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