Page 19 - HOH
P. 19
Thursday 29 augusT 2019
Continued from Front is an experiment.
Mattis said the problem is "Tribalism must not be al-
made worse by this admin- lowed to destroy our exper-
istration's disregard for the iment," he wrote.
enduring value of allies, A longtime colleague,
which he alluded to in the Marine Gen. Joseph Dun-
resignation letter he gave ford, chairman of the Joint
Trump on Dec. 20. Chiefs of Staff, was asked
"Nations with allies thrive," at a Pentagon news con-
he wrote in the Journal es- ference whether he agrees
say, "and those without with Mattis that political
them wither. Alone, Amer- tribalism in the U.S. is threat-
ica cannot protect our ening democracy.
people and our economy. Dunford said he is careful
At this time, we can see to remain apolitical and
storm clouds gathering." would not make judgments
In an apparent reference about Trump. He said the
to Trump, Mattis added: "A military has managed to
polemicist's role is not suffi- avoid politicization, despite
cient for a leader. A leader a few lapses, during what
must display strategic acu- he called "a very politically
men that incorporates re- turbulent period of time"
spect for those nations that since Trump took office.
have stood with us when Regarding his reasons for
trouble loomed." leaving the Trump admin-
Mattis is breaking months istration, Mattis offered a
of public silence as he pro- slightly more pointed ex-
motes his new book, "Call planation than he outlined
Sign Chaos: Learning to in his resignation letter.
Lead," which is scheduled "When my concrete solu-
to be published Sept. 3. He tions and strategic advice, In this March 23, 2018 file photo, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, left, and Vice President Mike Pence,
is to discuss the book in an especially keeping faith right, listen to President Donald Trump, center, speaks in the Diplomatic Room of the White House
appearance next Tuesday with our allies, no longer in Washington.
at the Council on Foreign resonated, it was time to Associated Press
Relations in New York. resign, despite the limitless
Without citing Trump by joy I felt serving alongside from Syria. In Mattis' view his approach to Russia and He turned down Mattis' of-
name, Mattis suggested the our troops in defense of our this amounted to betray- China. Trump said after fer to stay at the Pentagon
administration and its stron- Constitution," he wrote. ing the Syrian Kurdish fight- Mattis left Dec. 31 that the until February to ensure a
gest critics are engaged in Mattis, who had never met ers who'd partnered with former Marine general had smooth transition, instead
destructive politics. He said or spoken to Trump before American troops to com- done a poor job manag- telling Mattis to leave right
he worries more about in- the Republican president- bat the Islamic State group. ing the war in Afghanistan. away.q
ternal divisions in American elect interviewed him for Trump later backed away
society than about external the Pentagon job in No- from his decision, allowing
threats. vember 2016, quickly be- a portion of the U.S. force
"We are dividing into hos- came known as a leading to remain in Syria in what
tile tribes cheering against voice of reason and stabil- the Pentagon sees as an
each other, fueled by emo- ity in an administration led effort to prevent a resur-
tion and a mutual disdain by an impulsive president gence of the Islamic State
that jeopardizes our future, unfamiliar with the tools of group.
instead of rediscovering statecraft and dismissive of In his resignation letter,
our common ground and allies' interests. Mattis emphasized the val-
finding solutions," he said. Mattis resigned shortly af- ue of allies and suggested
He said Americans must re- ter Trump announced he that Trump had been ir-
alize that their democracy was pulling all U.S. troops resolute and ambiguous in