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P. 12
Wednesday 17 april 2019
Spotter’s Day Expo by Jean-Pierre Maduro
participate. They posted
the event on social me-
dia. “In our concept, we
are one of the first in the
Caribbean region where a
photographer is allowed to
take photos of an airplane
in the airside area.”
It is not normal that people
can enter and take pic-
tures, therefore we created
the Spotter Day so spotters 10 photographers with a tion is aviation, since I was
can have the freedom. The team were allowed to enter a kid my mom took me to
event took place 11th of the airside. “After the Spot- travel around so flying and
By Kenna Hernandez position of his ten preferred August 2018. Different units ter Day each one of these photography is what I love
ORANJESTAD – Reina Bea- photos of airplanes on the worked together to make photographers needed to to do”, he explains.
trix International Airport or- wall where millions of trav- this event possible. More submit their 10 best photos
ganized an event ‘Spotter’s elers can admire and see than 40 applicants partici- and all of these were post- He considers himself a cre-
Day’ where 10 photogra- the local art. pated, but only ten were ed on social media in order ative person when it comes
phers were chosen to show selected for this expo com- for people to vote”, Croes to take pictures, trying to
their photos that were tak- Hendrik Croes, PR & Com- petition. explained. After count- bring photos that normally
en at the airside. Yesterday munications Officer of ing the votes, result for the people do not see about
the expo opened with the Aruba Airport Authority, Before they could enter the best spotter picture is Jean- airplanes ‘I want to bring
winning pictures. The win- explained about how the airside property, they had Pierre Maduro, rewarded that to Aruba’. Nowadays
ner is Jean-Pierre Maduro project started last year for to undergo a safety pro- with a prize of an exposi- he barely sees people do-
who won the prize, an ex- the people that wanted to gram. After this training the tion at the airport. Maduro ing aviation photography
was asked to choose his in the Caribbean and that
ten best pictures. is exactly one of the rea-
sons he chose this. He says
CEO James Fazio said that that he was so happy be-
when the airport team ing the whole day in the
pitched the idea he simply airport without any worries
loved it. “We have talent- to eat or anything. His goal
ed people that captured was to lay on the floor or
amazing pictures of the air- doing whatever needed
planes, I congratulate Mr. to be done ‘to capture the
Maduro for his excellent perfect shot because that is
job and all the people that what I love’. q
voted.” He adds that the
airport is constantly busy
and these pictures capture Spotter’s Day 2019 will
the energy at our airport. be held on August 10,
“We have millions of peo- 2019, and this time
ple that travel and they will around both local and
get to see these pictures on international plane
the wall, showing off our lo- spotters are invited
cal talent.” to sign up for this
unique opportunity.
Maduro said that his de- Follow Queen Beatrix
sire has always been to be International Airport on
displayed at the airport. facebook, twitter and
“When Hendrik organize Instagram to receive
this event, I realized it is more information and
something that I have been details on how to sign
waiting for a long time. The up for Spotter’s Day
day it happened, it was 2019.
special to me. My inspira-