Page 7 - DIMP
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E cifra aki na 2017 tabata Afl. 4323,==. CBS: The subsistence level for a household
consisting of two (2) adults and two (2) children (aged 0-14 years) in January 2017 is
Afl. 4,323, while for a single adult household it is Afl. 2,059.
Esey kiermen cu den apenas dos aña di gobernacion di Gabinete Wever Croes e gastonan
mensual pa un famia di 4 persona a subi Afl. 400,== pa luna. Esaki ta suma casi Afl.
5000,== pa aña.
Ora nos tende Evelyn Wever Croes bisa cu esaki ta mala suerte e ta haci e dolor mas
grandi ainda. Si tabata acepta responsabilidad y pidi disculpa p’e efectonan penoso di e
medidanan alomenos lo e por ta fout, pero sincero.
Pero ta laba man y haci manera cu su maneho no ta culpa di e desaroyo penoso aki pa
Eman ta bisa cu na momento cu a introduci BBO na 2007/2008 e impacto tabata mesun
devastador. No ta necesario pa bo ta un genio den economia pa calcula cu si introduccion
di BBO di 3% a crea un inflacion di 10% na 2008 cu e aumento di BBO cu 3% anno
2018 atrobe riba tres schakel ta bay tin un efecto similar.
Esaki sin tuma na consideracion e ampliacion di aplicacion di BBO riba mas producto y
servico y otro medidanan cu e biaha aki a bin aserca.
Eman ta cita locual Banco Central (CBA) a bisa di BBO na 2007: “However, at present
the government policy is strongly geared towards acquiring additional revenues through,
among others, more taxes, which can pose serious negative consequences for Aruba’s
competitive position, the business environment, the productivity of labor, etc.
Furthermore, the overtaxation of consumers and businesses, especially if this is done to
finance ever-increasing current expenditures, only stimulates further aversion towards
tax compliance”.
Den esencia CBA e tempo ey a pronistica corectamente e stagnacion di economia y
aumento severo di costo di bida. Riba dje Eman ta bisa cu CBA e biaha aki a adverti
atrobe p’e efectonan di inflacion y perdida di poder di compra.
Y e ta cita CBA: “The introduction of the crisis levy in July 2018 will likely affect real
GDP through reduced consumption both in 2018 and 2019”.