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A4   U.S. NEWS
               Wednesday 23 January 2019

            Defying Pelosi, Trump proceeds with State of the Union plans

            By JILL COLVIN                                                                         and spoke on condition of  receiving  an  address  from
            Associated Press                                                                       anonymity.                   the president.
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —                                                             “Nancy  Pelosi  made  the  Officials have been consid-
            The  White  House  is  mov-                                                            invitation  to  the  president  ering  a  list  of  potential  al-
            ing  forward  with  plans  for                                                         on  the  State  of  the  Union.  ternative venues, including
            President  Donald  Trump                                                               He  accepted,”  said  White  a rally-style event, an Oval
            to  deliver  his  State  of  the                                                       House  spokeswoman  Sar-     office  address—  as  Pelosi
            Union  speech  next  week                                                              ah Huckabee Sanders. “At  previously  suggested  —  a
            in front of a joint session of                                                         this  point,  we’re  moving  speech before the Senate
            Congress  —  despite  a  let-                                                          forward.”                    chamber,  and  even  a  re-
            ter  from  House  Speaker                                                              The move is the latest in a  turn visit to the U.S.-Mexico
            Nancy Pelosi requesting he                                                             game  of  political  brinks-  border as Trump is expect-
            delay  it.The  White  House                                                            manship  between  Trump  ed to continue to hammer
            sent an email to the House                                                             and the House Speaker as  the need for a barrier, ac-
            sergeant-at-arms asking to                                                             they remain locked in an in-  cording to two others famil-
            schedule  a  walk-through                                                              creasingly  personal  stand-  iar with the discussions.
            in  anticipation  of  a  Jan.                                                          off  over  Trump’s  demand  Multiple  versions  are  also
            29  address,  according  to   House  Speaker  Nancy  Pelosi  of  Calif.,  center,  smiles  as  she   for border wall funding that  being drafted to suit the fi-
            a White House official who   helps give out food at World Central Kitchen, the not-for-profit   has  forced  a  partial  gov-  nal venue.
                                         organization  started  by  Chef  Jose  Andres,  Tuesday,  Jan.  22,
            was  not  authorized  to  dis-  2019, in Washington.                                   ernment  shutdown  that  is  The Constitution states only
            cuss the planning by name                                             Associated Press   now in its second month.   that  the  president  “shall
                                                                                                   The gamesmanship began  from  time  to  time  give  to
                                                                                                   last week when Pelosi sent  the  Congress  Information
                                                                                                   a  letter  to  Trump  suggest-  of the State of the Union,”
                                                                                                   ing  that  he  either  deliver  meaning the president can
                                                                                                   the  speech  in  writing  or  speak anywhere he choos-
                                                                                                   postpone  it  until  after  the  es  or  give  his  update  in
                                                                                                   partial  government  shut-   writing.  But  a  joint  address
                                                                                                   down  is  resolved,  citing  in  the  House  chamber,  in
                                                                                                   security  concerns.  But  the  front  of  lawmakers  from
                                                                                                   White House maintains Pe-    both  parties,  the  Supreme
                                                                                                   losi  never  formally  rescind-  Court  justices  and  invited
                                                                                                   ed her invitation, and is, in  guests,  provides  the  kind
                                                                                                   essence, calling her bluff.  of  grand  backdrop  that  is
                                                                                                   “She  has  not  canceled  it.  hard to mimic and that this
                                                                                                   She  asked  us  to  postpone  president,  especially,  en-
                                                                                                   it,”  White  House  spokes-  joys.
                                                                                                   man Hogan Gidley said in  Still, North Carolina’s House
                                                                                                   an  interview  Tuesday  with  Speaker Tim Moore wrote a
                                                                                                   Fox News Channel.            letter inviting Trump to de-
                                                                                                   “We  have  no  announce-     liver the speech in the North
                                                                                                   ment at this time,” he said,  Carolina   House   cham-
                                                                                                   “but  Nancy  Pelosi  does  ber.  And  Michigan  House
                                                                                                   not  dictate  to  the  presi-  Speaker  Lee  Chatfield  on
                                                                                                   dent when he will or will not  Friday  invited  Trump  to
                                                                                                   have  a  conversation  with  deliver  the  address  at  the
                                                                                                   the American people.”        state Capitol in Lansing in-
                                                                                                   At the same time, the White  stead.
                                                                                                   House is continuing to work  Trump  called  Moore  Mon-
                                                                                                   on  contingency  plans  to  day  evening,  according
                                                                                                   give  Trump  a  backup  in  to his office, and spoke by
                                                                                                   case the joint-session plans  phone with Chatfield Tues-
                                                                                                   fall  through.  The  president  day  morning,  Chatfield
                                                                                                   cannot  speak  in  front  of  tweeted.
                                                                                                   a  joint  session  of  Congress  “I  understand  you  have
                                                                                                   without  both  chambers’  other plans for #SOTU, but
                                                                                                   explicit  permission.  A  reso-  as  we  discussed,  I  look
                                                                                                   lution needs to be agreed  forward  to  hosting  you  in
                                                                                                   to by both chambers spec-    Michigan    again   soon,”
                                                                                                   ifying the date and time for  Chatfield wrote.q
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