P. 25

BUSINESS                 Tuesday 18 June 2019

            Liz Weston: Make your money last in retirement

            By LIZ WESTON                                                                          spouse dies.                 ple who retire early or who
            NerdWallet                                                                             CONSIDER  BUYING  GUAR-      want to be more conserva-
            Associated Press                                                                       ANTEED INCOME                tive might start at 3% rather
            Many  people  worry  about                                                             Many  retirement  experts  than  4%,  or  skip  inflation
            running  out  of  money  in                                                            say  it’s  a  good  idea  to  adjustments  in  years  when
            retirement.  That’s  under-                                                            have  enough  guaranteed  markets are bad.
            standable,  since  we  don’t                                                           income  to  cover  your  ba-  GET GOOD TAX ADVICE
            know  how  long  we’ll  live,                                                          sic,  must-have  expenses.  Your  tax  situation  can  be-
            what  your  future  costs                                                              If  those  expenses  exceed  come  more  complicated
            might be and what kind of                                                              what  you  expect  to  get  in  retirement,  especially  if
            returns  we  can  expect  on                                                           from  Social  Security  and  you  were  a  good  saver.
            our savings.                                                                           traditional  pensions,  con-  You  could  be  thrown  into
            There  are  several  ways,                                                             sider   buying   additional  a  higher  tax  bracket  by
            however, to boost the odds                                                             guaranteed  income  by  required  minimum  distribu-
            that your money will last as                                                           purchasing  an  immediate  tions from retirement funds
            long as you need it. Among                                                             annuity.  Unlike  other  types  that  typically  must  start  at
            them:                                                                                  of  annuities  that  can  be  age  70  1/2.  The  higher  in-
            REDUCE YOUR ‘MUST HAVE’                                                                complicated  and  expen-     come also can cause more
            EXPENSES                                                                               sive,  an  immediate  annu-  of  your  Social  Security  to
            Lowering  your  fixed  ex-   This  April  2017,  file  photo  provided  by  NerdWallet  shows  Liz   ity can provide a stream of  be  taxable  and  raise  your
            penses  —  shelter,  food,   Weston, a columnist  for personal finance website  NerdWallet.  income for life in exchange  Medicare premiums. Some-
            transportation,  insurance,   com.                                                     for a single lump-sum pay-   times it can make sense to
            utilities  and  minimum  loan                                         Associated Press  ment upfront.               start  distributions  earlier  or
            payments — can help you  tirement funds to pay off a  the  “break-even  point,”  CHOOSE  A  SUSTAINABLE  to  do  Roth  conversions  to
            withdraw  less  from  your  mortgage. Such withdraw-      where  the  larger  checks  WITHDRAWAL RATE               reduce  future  taxes.  The
            savings,  which  in  turn  can  als  can  trigger  a  big  tax  they get from delaying the  Big  withdrawals  or  bad  math  involved  can  get  in-
            help  your  money  last  lon-  bill  and  leave  you  without  start of their Social Security  markets at the start of your  tense,  so  consult  an  expe-
            ger.  One  powerful  way  enough cash for the future.     benefit will total more than  retirement  can  dramati-   rienced tax pro.
            to  reduce  expenses  is  KEEP EARNING                    the smaller checks they by-  cally increase the risk you’ll  PROTECT YOUR HEALTH
            to  downsize  to  a  smaller  A  study  for  the  National  pass in the meantime. More  run out of money. Financial  Many  chronic  health  con-
            home if you can reduce or  Bureau  of  Economic  Re-      importantly,  though,  big-  planners  typically  recom-  ditions are associated with
            eliminate  your  mortgage  search  found  that  delay-    ger  Social  Security  checks  mend that people take no  higher medical costs in re-
            payment  and  shrink  other  ing  the  start  of  retirement  serve  as  a  kind  of  longev-  more than 4% of their nest  tirement,  including  diabe-
            costs such as property tax-  from  age  62  to  age  66  ity  insurance.  The  longer  egg  in  the  first  year  of  re-  tes,  high  blood  pressure,
            es,  utilities  and  insurance.  could  raise  someone’s  an-  you  live,  the  greater  the  tirement,  increasing  the  high  cholesterol,  arthritis
            Getting  rid  of  a  car  could  nual,  sustainable  standard  chances you’ll run through  withdrawal by the inflation  and  heart  disease,  ac-
            save  you  nearly  $9,000  a  of living by 33%. Even if you  your  savings  and  depend  rate  in  subsequent  years.  cording to a study by Van-
            year, which is the average  can’t continue working full  on Social Security for most  That  means  a  retiree  with  guard  and  Mercer  Health
            cost  of  car  ownership  ac-  time,  income  from  a  part-  if  not  all  of  your  income.  $200,000  in  retirement  sav-  and  Benefits.  Some  health
            cording  to  AAA.    Eliminat-  time  job  or  side  business  It’s  particularly  important  ings could withdraw $8,000  risks  are  beyond  our  con-
            ing  debt  before  you  retire  could  help  you  withdraw  for  the  higher  earner  in  a  the  first  year.  If  inflation  is  trol, but regular screenings,
            is often a good way to re-   less from your savings.      couple to delay as long as  3%,  the  retiree  would  add  proper medical care and a
            duce expenses, but consult  MAXIMIZE YOUR SOCIAL SE-      possible  to  maximize  the  $240  (3%  of  $8,000)  and  healthy  lifestyle  may  help
            a  fee-only  financial  plan-  CURITY                     survivor benefit that one of  withdraw  $8,240  the  sec-  you reduce some of those
            ner before withdrawing re-   Most  people  will  live  past  them  will  get  after  the  first  ond year, and so on. Peo-  costs.q

            Global shares mixed as investors look ahead to Fed rates

            By YURI KAGEYAMA             0.1%  to  finish  at  21,124.00.                                                       Market  watchers  are  also
            Associated Press             Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 lost                                                           closely watching the results
            TOKYO  (AP)  —  Global  0.4% to 6,530.90, while South                                                               of  the  G-20  summit  in  late
            shares were mixed Monday  Korea’s Kospi edged down                                                                  June,  where  U.S.  President
            amid  a  wait-and-see  atti-  0.2%  to  2,090.73.  Hong                                                             Donald Trump and Chinese
            tude about the direction of  Kong’s  Hang  Seng  gained                                                             President  Xi  Jinping  could
            interest rates and the trade  0.4% to 27,227.16, while the                                                          meet and try to negotiate
            dispute  between  the  U.S.  Shanghai  Composite  was                                                               a deal on trade.
            and China.                   up 0.2% at 2,887.62.                                                                   “Sentiments  around  the
            France’s  CAC  40  added  Earlier this month, U.S. Fed-                                                             ability  to  achieve  a  posi-
            nearly  0.2%  in  early  trad-  eral  Reserve  Chair  Jerome                                                        tive turn in U.S.-China trade
            ing to 5,376.03. Germany’s  Powell set off a market rally                                                           negotiations,  should  the
            DAX  fell  less  than  0.1%  to  after  he  signaled  that  the                                                     Trump-Xi  meeting  materi-
            12,089.45.                   central  bank  is  willing  to                                                         alize at the sidelines of the
            Britain’s FTSE 100 rose nearly  cut  interest  rates  to  help                                                      G-20,  remain  tentative,”
            0.2% to 7,356.56.            stabilize the economy if the   A  man  looks  at  an  electronic  stock  board  showing  Japan’s   said  Vishnu  Varathan  of
            U.S. shares were set to drift  trade  war  between  Wash-  Nikkei 225 index at a securities firm in Tokyo Monday, June 17,   Mizuho Bank in Singapore.
            higher with Dow futures up  ington and Beijing starts to   2019.                                                    “And the G-20 itself is mere-
            0.1% to 26,162. S&P 500 fu-  slow economic growth.                                                 Associated Press  ly  a  stage  to  kick  the  can
            tures were also up 0.1% at  The Fed holds its next meet-  Economists  expect  Fed  of-  to  cut  rates,  after  seeing  down the road and a long,
            2,898.50.                    ing  of  policyholders  this  ficials to wait until the sec-  the  next  government  re-  long  way  off  a  complete
            Japan’s  benchmark  Nik-     week,  but  no  action  on  ond  week  of  July  to  indi-  port  on  the  jobs  market  retraction  of  global  trade
            kei 225 inched up less than  rates is expected.           cate  whether  they  intend  and other economic data.     tensions.” q
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