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A22     sports
                 Monday 18 February 2019

                                                                      Toronto Blue Jays pitcher Marcus Stroman (6) looks on during baseball spring training in Dunedin,
                                                                      Fla., Sunday, Feb. 17, 2019.
            Oklahoma City Thunder Hamidou Diallo leaps over former NBA                                                                      Associated Press
            player  Shaquille  O’Neal  during  the  NBA  All-Star  Slam  Dunk
            contest, Saturday, Feb. 16, 2019, in Charlotte, N.C. Diallo won   Blue Jays’ Stroman disheartened
            the contest.
                                                     Associated Press  by unsigned veteran players
            Canadian women

            beat U.S. 2-0 to win                                      By MARK DIDTLER              that others, including Melky  Morales.
                                                                       Associated Press
                                                                                                   Cabrera and Curtis Grand-
                                                                                                                                “We will to continue to bol-
            inaugural Rivalry Series                                  DUNEDIN, Fla. (AP) — Mar-    erson, have only been able  ster  our  roster  anyway  we
                                                                                                   to find minor league deals.
                                                                                                                                possibly can,” Atkins said.
                                                                      cus Stroman says it is “pret-
                                                                      ty  disheartening”  that  vet-  “The  young  wave  of  guys  Stroman  is  looking  to  re-
            By LARRY LAGE                                             eran  players  like  Adam  are  extremely  talented,  bound from last year when
             AP Hockey Writer                                         Jones  remain  unsigned  as  but they need to be men-     he went 4-9 with a 5.54 ERA
            DETROIT (AP) — The inaugural Rivalry Series was created   full-squad  spring  training  tored,” Stroman said. “So I  over 19 starts. He missed six
            to give Canada and the United States another opportu-     workouts are set to begin.   think it’s a premium that we  weeks  with  right  shoulder
            nity to put the world’s best female hockey teams on the   “I’m  someone  who  can  start getting some of these  fatigue and said the shoul-
            ice together.                                             speak on how much I have  guys that don’t have jobs,  der was not right all season.
            It went so well, there likely will be a sequel.           learned  from  these  indi-  they  need  to  have  jobs.  “I’m back to being where I
            Brianne Jenner and Blayre Turnbull scored, Shannon Sz-    viduals,  and  I  know  how  They should have jobs. They  was in 2017,” Stroman said.
            abados  made  38  saves,  and  the  Canadians  beat  the   important  they  are  to  the  should be in clubhouses. It’s  “I’m  back  to  being  ex-
            Americans  2-0  in  front  of  9,048  fans  Sunday  to  win  the   game of baseball,” the To-  ridiculous that they’re not.”  tremely  calm.  I’m  back  to
            three-game series.                                        ronto Blue Jays right-hand-  During  his  formative  ma-  not having to worry about
            “It  always  means  a  lot  when  you  play  these  guys  and   er said Sunday. “So to see  jor  league  years,  Stroman  my shoulder. I’m excited for
            there’s no love lost on the ice, so to get a win in their barn   these  guys  sitting  at  home  turned  to  players  like  Ca-  this year.”
            felt pretty good,” Jenner said.                           and  not  have  jobs,  that’s  brera, Bautista, Mark Bueh-  Stroman,  who  could  be-
            Gina Kingsbury, director of women’s national teams for    absolute crazy.”             rle and Josh Donaldson for  come  a  free  agent  after
            Hockey Canada, declared the event was a success in        Stroman,  27,  will  have  a  guidance.  When  asked  if  the 2020 season, posted a
            every way.                                                veteran role this season as  the  Blue  Jays  front  office  13-9 record in 2017.
            “We  would  love  to  see  this  repeat  itself  every  year  for   the  Blue  Jays  have  under-  has done everything it can  “I want to play here,” Stro-
            sure,” Kingsbury said. “It would help generate excitement   taken a youth movement.    to  put  the  best  team  on  man said. “I’ve been wait-
            about our game outside of Olympic years.”                 “I  think  it’s  a  little  weird  to  the  field,  Stroman  replied  ing  to  sign  a  long-term
            The Canadians beat their rivals nearly a year after the U.S.   come  into  the  clubhouse,  “we’re going to see.”   deal.”
            won Olympic gold in a shootout thriller and a few months   me  having  Jose  Bautista’s  “Are they doing what they  Stroman  added  that  he
            after it won the Four Nations Cup against them.           original  locker  when  he  need to do to put the best  has been “offered nothing”
            They will meet again in April at the world championship   used  to  be  the  veteran,”  product on the field, at the  when  it  comes  to  a  multi-
            in Finland.                                               Stroman said.                end of the day I only care  year extension.
            “That’s the hardest part,” Alex Rigsby said after making 15   Beyond  the  unsigned  star  about  what’s  going  on  in  “We’ve  had  lengthy  dis-
            saves for the Americans. “You come off a loss and now     duo  of  Manny  Machado  the clubhouse and I prom-        cussions  with  Marcus’  rep-
            we have to wait another six, seven weeks until we play    and  Bryce  Harper,  base-   ise you those 25 guys in the  resentation,”  Atkins  said.
            each other again.”                                        ball’s free-agency pool still  clubhouse,  I’ll  have  those  “Just  like  any  negotiation
            The top U.S. and Canadian teams have not played regu-     has  a  surprising  number  of  guys  ready  to  rock,”  Stro-  we  have  a  pretty  strong
            larly  outside  of  the  Olympics,  world  championship  and   big names in it: closer Craig  man said.             stance on that because of
            Four Nations Cup, but that will change if the Rivalry Series   Kimbrel,  left-hander  Dallas  Blue Jays general manager  the  impact  it  could  have
            becomes an annual event.                                  Keuchel,  outfielder  Carlos  Ross Atkins said the team is  on the potential of getting
            “It fits really well with our program,” USA Hockey execu-  Gomez  and  infielder  Josh  excited  about  its  veteran  something  done.  We  like
            tive director Pat Kelleher said. “And, it’s good for us to   Harrison included.        players  like  Justin  Smoak,  to  keep  that  completely
            have the NHL involved as well.”q                          Stroman  also  pointed  out  Kevin  Pillar  and  Kendrys  private.”q
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