Page 21 - AHATA
P. 21
Friday 21 december 2018
Hospitality Training And Development Program
Aruba Tourism Author-
ity CEO; Andy Osbourne,
Aruba Timeshare Associa-
tion interim president; and
Kolton. Dyane Vis-Escalo-
na, Aruba Tourism Author-
ity business manager, also
participated in the event,
highlighting the impor-
tance of continued training
for tourism professionals.
The CHTAEF was estab-
lished in 1986 as a non-prof-
it, tax-exempt organization
through which scholarships
and special assistance are
made available for the ed-
ucation of Caribbean ho-
tel industry personnel and
students pursuing careers
in tourism. As part of its
mission, it provides people
MIAMI — Interval Interna- cation workshops in Aruba. ten in part by a $20,000 do- support the new training throughout the region with
tional, a prominent world- The seminars, which were nation made to the Foun- initiatives,” said Neil Kolton, an awareness of the indus-
wide provider of vacation designed to provide train- dation by Interval and par- Interval’s director of busi- try’s varied career opportu-
services, and the Carib- ing and development for ticipating member resorts ness development for the nities, as well as technical
bean Hotel & Tourism As- the nearly 70 hospitality in- earlier this year. Caribbean and Southeast and professional develop-
sociation Education Foun- dustry employees from 14 U.S. and CHTAEF board ment. Since 2000, Interval
dation (CHTAEF) recently Aruba-based resorts who “Interval is proud to join member. “The Caribbean and its resort partners have
hosted three days of edu- attended, were underwrit- with its resort affiliates to is a leading destination for donated approximately
vacation owners, so our in- $450,000 to the CHTAEF for
vestment in the profession- the education of Caribbe-
al development of its hospi- an nationals.
tality associates is critically
important.” About Interval International
“For nearly 20 years, Inter- Interval International op-
val and its member resorts erates membership pro-
have provided funds for grams for vacationers and
college scholarships for provides value-added ser-
hundreds of Caribbean vices to its developer cli-
students,” said Karolin Trou- ents worldwide. Based in
betzkoy, CHTAEF chairman. Miami, Florida, the compa-
“Their ongoing support now ny has been a pioneer and
enables us to launch this innovator in serving the va-
new certification program cation ownership market
that will train hospitality since 1976. Today, Interval’s
staff members in core skill exchange network com-
sets and elevate the qual- prises nearly 3,200 resorts
ity of operations across the in over 80 nations. Through
region.” offices in 15 countries, Inter-
Tracy Bell, CHTAEF admin- val offers high-quality prod-
istrator, presented certifi- ucts and benefits to resort
cates to workshop partici- clients and approximately
pants at the graduation 2 million families who are
ceremony. She was joined enrolled in various mem-
by Ronella Tin Asjoe-Croes, bership programs. q