Page 22 - ARUBA BANK
P. 22
Diaranson 8 Februari 2017
The LORD is my shepherd; Psalm 23: Waar liefde woont, gebiedt de HEER den zegen:
I shall not want. With deep sorrow we announce the passing away Daar woont Hij Zelf, daar wordt Zijn heil ver-
He makes me lie down in green pastures. of our beloved aunt, cousin, godmother & friend: kregen,
He leads me beside still waters. En ‘t leven tot in eeuwigheid. Psalm 133 : 3
He restores my soul Psalm 23 vers. 1 & 2
Cu profundo tristesa na nos curason, pero agra-
With deep sorrow we announce the passing away decido pa tur locual el a hasi y significa pa nos, pa
of: Mary su imenso amor, conforme cu boluntad di Dios,
nos ta anuncia cu el a bay laga nos den brasa di
widow of Joseph Albert Logan Ana Josefa Wilson
Sunrise: 26 June 1915 Better known as Ms. Sefa
Sunset: 01 February 2017 * July 16, 1923 - † February 1, 2017
Left to mourn are her: Left to mourn are her:
Nieces: Georgina van Omme-Richardson &
Nieces and Nephews: fam. (Dominica) Sra. Dorine Alma
Stella Dupersoy Lavinia Mukendi-Wilson & fam. (Belgium)
Margariet Leonard Nephews: James (Boy) Wilson & fam.
Ivette Leonard Ramon Wilson & fam. Hoen-de Vries
Johan Leonard Carlos Wilson & fam. (The Netherlands). Mihor conoci como “Oma”
Carmen Velasquez Rosendo Wilson & fam. (The Netherlands). *06-05-1922 - †03-02-2017
Johnny de Haseth
Jorge Velazquez Cousins: Carti, Benjamin, Barry, Matheson, Na nomber di su:
Frankie Velasquez Richardson, Proctor & Ray. Yiunan: Claudette (Dettie) Hoen
The Balborda (Cur) Carmelita (Lily) Hoen y famia.
The Haddocks As daughter: Merle Solomons & fam. (U.S.A.) Myrna Hoen y famia
Great nieces and nephews: Rosemarie (Roke) Hoen y famia
Jeanina Dupersoy Godchildren: Too numerous to mention Leroy (Roy) Hoen y Charisse Hoen-
Margie Zoetrum Daly y famia
Tatiana Winklaar Caretaker: Lula Emerenciana & fam. Nieto(a)nan: Ingmar, Rufmyr, Nathalie, Jeamyr,
Lorraine Le Cloux Raisa, Raigel (Gio), Jeson
Marc Dupersoy Good neighbours: Families Rodgers, Padilla, Bisanieto(a)nan: Richmyra, Christabella, Juneila
Marco Dupersoy Dormoy, Lue, Koeiman, Raphaela, Labega, Heyl- Prima: Thelma Monsanto y famia (Florida)
Francel/Randy Semeleer liger , Romney, Tromp & Volcy. Iha: Rudie Maasdamme y famia (Curaçao)
Rhada Leonard Cuña: Nita de Vries y famia
Joan Frans Close friends: Debbie, Penny, Daphne, Marvis, Demas famia, amigonan y bisiñanan: Daly, De Vr-
Michel/Januaria Leonard Jacky, Betty, Modesto Quant, Stanley Illidge & ies, Maasdamme, Monsanto, Dongen, Reiziger,
Jose Hodge fam., Lucia Hazel & fam., Cora Woodley Muyden, Jon, Wijnaar, Winklaar, Rudge, Croes,
Closefriends: & fam., Agatha Richardson & fam., Agnes Liv- Bislick, Tjon-Nieleveld. Lie-hap-po, Brooks,
Mary and George Mc Crea ingstone & fam., Lali Brown & fam., Viola Rich- Bosnie, Bruce, Larmonie, y Laurence.
Tensie Rodgers ardson & fam., Gladys Dedier & fam., Family
Glen Schenker Altman, Kruythoff, Spanner, Ellis, Pompier, Demas famia na Surinam, Corsow, Hulanda, y
Carmen Alleyne Boasman, Holliger, Woods, Dupersoy, Hodge. USA.
Cora Woodley
Chichi Staff & personnel of Huize Maris Stella/Ixora Nos disculpa si den nos tristesa nos a lubida algun
Emily Illidge persona.
Sra. Louisa Banfield She was related to families: Wilson, Richardson,
Petronila Richarson Ras, Schaaper, Quant, Mukendi, Bernabela, Il- Acto di entiero ta tuma luga Diahuebs 09 Febru-
Leona Panthoflet lidge, Carti, Douglas, Hodge, Emerenciana, ari 2017 Por tuma despedida di nos mama/oma
Caretakers: Sharon Campbell Courtar, Nicholson, Solomons in the Nether- stima di 12 pa 2 or pm na Kerki Protestant na San
She was related to: Dupersoy, Leonard, Le Cloux, lands, Belgium, Dominica, USA, Curacao & St. Nicolas (pa zuid di scol di Arte San Nicolas). For
Velazquez, Haddocks, Violenus, Balborba, Viapree, Maarten. di 2 or pa 3 or tin un sirbishi y despues ta sali pa
Nadall, Rooi, Charles, Semeleer, Jack, Frans and Santana Protestant na Playa.
Duinkerk. We invite all neighbours & friends to attend the
Members of the Kibrahacha Club, Methodist funeral services on Wednesday, February 8, 2017 Adres pa condolencia: Ad Patres Funeral Home
church, neighbours and friend at 3 o’clock leaving the Christ Methodist Church Diaranson 08 Februari 2017 for di 7:00 pm pa
We apologize if during our grief we forgot to men- then to the cemetery in Sabana Basora. The body 9:00 pm
tion any name or family will be from 2 o’clock in the Christ Method-
The funeral service will take place on Thursday ist Church. There will be opportunity for con- Despues di entiero nos no ta ricibi bishita di con-
February 09, 2017 at the Christ Church Methodist dolences on Tuesday February 7, 2017 from 7-9 dolencia na cas.
Church at Amalia van Solmstraat in San Nicolas at o’clock at the Ad Patres Funeral Home. Nos ta tuma e oportunidad aki pa gradici for di
2:30 p.m. The viewing of our beloved Mary will profundo di nos curason Dominee Hazenoot cu
be from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Mary will be cre- After the funeral services, no condolences at den e ultimo simanan di e bida di nos mama, a
mated in Curacao. home. sostene nos mama y nos como famia tur dia.
Due to Mary being cremated in Curacao, instead Tambe danki na Wit gele Kruis, Zorg met Liefde,
of flowers of burial, please consider instead mak- Our apologies if in our moments of grief, we have y tur esnan cu a yuda nos mama/oma den su ul-
ing a donation for meals on wheels program of the forgotten some names. timo dianan.
Methodist Church. Staff y personal di Ad Patres funeral home ta ex-
Staff and Management of Ad Patres funeral home tende nos mas sincero condolencia na famia di e
extend their most sincere condolences to the fam- fayecida.
ily. Condolences can be sent through our e-mail Condolencia por wordo manda riba nos website:
address or website